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Solved AoP2: GoF gameplay problem?

Johnny Roger

Hey peoples.
So I just recently started playing these pirate games, and I love them.
Started with vanilla POTC, and yesterday accidentally found that theres nearly same game like it AoP 2.
So here`s the problem.
Got AoP2, havent tried vanilla, downloaded GoF at start. Created acc with Peter Blood as Corsair and nearly finished those intro quests on Barbados.
Now problem it that I have put everything of those Mod option to AoP2 default, cause those realistic settings are too slow. And now I`m on that mission where I take over that Spainard vessel, and when I start sailing those 2 small English ships attack me. Dunno if vanilla game has it that was but first settings sails is so slow, unlike POTC, reaload of cannons take like 3-4 minutes, my hair is getting grey while cannons are ready for next shot. And thats toally confusing for me and ruins my gameplay. I dont wanna spend 2 hours on battle with two small ships.

Any solution for this?

Thanks in advance.
Oh nevermind meh nubsta should check walkthrough first before ywaning around.
I`m sorry cuz I wasted space on servers HDD :D

Gonna try to run away from those English ships :D