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Classic Jolly Roger

Jack Rackham

ex train dispatcher
Quest Writer
Storm Modder
Checking all the pirate flags in POTC I see nowhere the classic Jolly Roger.
Almost all periods have got a clean black flag though.

Anyone getting upset if I change them to the skull & bones flag?
I think I see what you mean. Only periods 3-6 have Jack Rackham's Skull-and-CrossSWORDS available, but an actual CrossBONES one isn't really there...

The main question is: If you add that flag, which one would you remove? Some are required for storyline purposes and such.
All periods except nr 4 have a black flag: I suggest to exchange that one to an ordinary "skull&bones".
Nr 4: maybe the the one with the little red bird?
The one with the little red bird is Jack Sparrow's pirate flag; we definitely need that one for storyline purposes.

Shouldn't we keep a regular fully-black-flag? That's THE regular pirate flag. Right?
Shouldn't we keep a regular fully-black-flag? That's THE regular pirate flag. Right?
I don't know if that's so but I still think it's strange with a pirate game WITHOUT the standard skull&bones flag.
Is it realistic to ADD one more flag instead, an 8:th?
The game's code doesn't support just adding stuff; we've got the maximum number of flags in use as it is, so replacement is the only option at the moment.

If I can get Pirate_KK's latest code to work, we can add as many pirate flags at the same time as we want though.
But that's going to be REAL difficult indeed and any help would be most welcome.
That sound's promising. I also want to use the swedish flag for a rotten colony.
But that flag exists only in perflg5 and I'm in period 3.

Can you send me pirate_KK:s files and give me some briefing about it?
I've downlodaded 3 packs. It's thousands of files!!!
Can you be a little more specific? Which pack, which files?
I think they should all be installed in chronological order on top of a copy of Build 14 Beta 1, if I recall.
Which files affect the flags code, I am not 100% sure. But it's a LOT of files that are affected!