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Need Help Hoist The Colours, escorting Cutler Beckett

Johnny Roger

Ahoy! guys,
I have problem when I`m supposed to escort his ship to Port Royale. Problem is in that that everybody is attacking his ship, including english forts. So I cant even leave Barbados xD
Dunno if I did something wrong. After he approached me at tavern, I was told too meet him at port. I got there, and he wasnt there. I went to his ship, capitan cabin and talked to him, joined EITC. After that I`m not able to leave Barbados. His ship is getting sunked by forts and by any other ships.

Hope you have solution, or I screwed something up. Wouldnt like to start game from begining >.<

Ahoy! guys,
I have problem when I`m supposed to escort his ship to Port Royale. Problem is in that that everybody is attacking his ship, including english forts. So I cant even leave Barbados xD
Dunno if I did something wrong. After he approached me at tavern, I was told too meet him at port. I got there, and he wasnt there. I went to his ship, capitan cabin and talked to him, joined EITC. After that I`m not able to leave Barbados. His ship is getting sunked by forts and by any other ships.

Hope you have solution, or I screwed something up. Wouldnt like to start game from begining >.<


Are the English hostile to you? - They should not be if you sailed into Speightstown ok - so the Fort should not fire at you

Any ships in the port that are Pirate ships will of course attack you - you can fight them and tell Becketts ship to attack them as well ( if it is with you - see below ) Or run away.

Also any ships of countries that are hostile to England will attack you. Attack them or run Away

Being attacked by other ships can sometimes cause Beckett not to appear on Port Royale jetty ( so you have to play the part again from a Save - see below )

There is a slight bug in the "escorting Cutler Beckett" part of the story.

After he talks to you in Speightstown Tavern and you agree to escort him to Port Royale - he does not appear with you -- ( sometimes even his ship does not sail with you :shrug ) --until you arrive at Port Royale jetty.

As long as when you arrive on Port Royale jetty Cutler Beckett is there and walks up and talks to you - the story will continue OK. So after talking to Beckett in Speightstown Tavern just sail to Port Royale. ( give Cutler Beckett a chance to leave the tavern first -- since if you leave before him it can cause Becket not to appear on Port Royale jetty)

If Cutler Beckett does not appear on the jetty at Port Royale and talk to you then the quest has broken and you should use a Save from before you sailed to Port Royale to try again.

Hope this helps

Okay I`m gonna have to start over again, dumb meh only used quick save.
I`ll try this to not get onto his ship. I`m gonna reply asap when I get to that part.
Thanks for help :D
