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Fixed HTC storyline Pintel after main story


Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
HTC storyline: After completing the main story, I have some problems with the "Pintel"
character, if I wont him to join me on land, he will be there only in a split second, then
he will disappear in the thin air. Cant fire him too.
HTC storyline: After completing the main story, I have some problems with the "Pintel"
character, if I wont him to join me on land, he will be there only in a split second, then
he will disappear in the thin air. Cant fire him too.
But he was OK during the storyline itself? You have a save with him being confused?
Also, please make a new thread on the bug tracker because reports made here may get drowned by posts to come.
HTC storyline: After completing the main story, I have some problems with the "Pintel"
character, if I wont him to join me on land, he will be there only in a split second, then
he will disappear in the thin air. Cant fire him too.


  • -=Player=- Turks. Grand Turk August 20th, 1741.zip
    874.9 KB · Views: 72
Jack Sparrow quest error seems to result from this:
to_greenford_for_montanez_complete1 =
So I'm changing this:
    case "to_greenford_for_montanez_complete":
       DoQuestCheckDelay("to_greenford_for_montanez_complete1.5", 1.0);

     case "to_greenford_for_montanez_complete1.5":
       QDeck = GetCharacterShipQDeck(pchar);
       DoQuestReloadToLocation(QDeck, "rld", "startloc", "To_Do_or_Not_To_Do");
To this:
    case "to_greenford_for_montanez_complete":
       DoQuestCheckDelay("to_greenford_for_montanez_complete1_5", 1.0);

     case "to_greenford_for_montanez_complete1_5":
       QDeck = GetCharacterShipQDeck(pchar);
       DoQuestReloadToLocation(QDeck, "rld", "startloc", "To_Do_or_Not_To_Do");
I figure the "." there probably didn't help.
As for the original issue, that is confirmed. But Pintel should NEVER be in your Passengers list in the first place!
The idea is that Ragetti is an officer and if you have him with you ashore, Pintel will be there too automatically.
They're linked. However, something apparently went wrong with that one....

The two of them join your crew here:
    case "Find_Ragetti_and_Pintel3":
       LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Ragetti")); // Levis
       LAi_SetImmortal(characterFromID("Ragetti"), true); // Levis
       SetOfficersIndex(Pchar, 2, getCharacterIndex("Ragetti"));
     //   LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Pintel"));
     //   LAi_SetImmortal(characterFromID("Pintel"), true);
     //   SetOfficersIndex(Pchar, 3, getCharacterIndex("Pintel")); // Levis
Note that I have removed the lines adding Pintel as officer again as I think that is related to this issue.

Then Ragetti is removed as passenger here:
    case "before_first_marooning":
       Locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_lighthouse")].reload.l4.disable = false;
       Locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_lighthouse")].reload.l3.disable = false;
       SetNextWeather("Blue Sky");
       RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE);
       RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, GUN_ITEM_TYPE);
       EnableEquip(pchar, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE, false);
       EnableEquip(pchar, GUN_ITEM_TYPE, false);
       EquipCharacterByItem(pchar, "bladeX4");

       //--> CTM (Fix for Barbossa and Ragetti/Pintel turning up when landing on Isla with Interceptor)
       RemovePassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Barbossa"));

       if (GetAttribute(pchar,"Rag")=="1"){
         RemovePassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Ragetti"));
       // CTM <--
However, as Pintel was ALSO added, he remains.
But because he's linked to Ragetti, he never appears properly since he shouldn't really have been there in the first place.

So I think getting rid of those three lines should make the code behave itself again as originally intended.
This means that you DON'T have Pintel and Ragetti as officers at the end of the Jack Sparrow main quest.
Which makes sense, as they only joined with Sparrow and Co. somewhere in PotC 2/3 if I recall.

The real problem therefore wasn't that Pintel kept disappearing, but that he was there at all.

"Fixed" it is. :wp