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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Looking for a new pirate game lika PotC

For alt tabbing, switch the game to windowed mode. If works fine that way.
thank you!
since i like watcing documentaries and tv shows while playing its a bit bothersome not to be able to alt tab,

though i just realized somewhat of a "bug" perhaps, that gives you a tremendous Leg up if you can afford the sailors, rum and wheat, i got Thomas the terror to accompany me to the first island he has a kresyer klass 4 frigate you are told to go in the captain jack sparrow story, and to my great suprise you can actually trade ships with himxD, so thats a good start if i can figure out how to afford maintaining it or perhaps selling it:p i stole it from him like a real gentleman^^ by pushing a button;)
Glad to hear that you got it working mate! As for your Xbox controller, there is a handy little program over on Sourceforge called Xpadder that might help you out quite a bit!
We should probably lock the guy like the escort quest ships.

Glad to hear that you got it working mate! As for your Xbox controller, there is a handy little program over on Sourceforge called Xpadder that might help you out quite a bit!

thanks for the tip on xpadder!,

im still debating if i should keep his frigate or not since im just freeroaming atm, but im leaning against it since i want to earn my way up and not simply be given itxD