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New characters

Thomas the Terror

Mad Pirate
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
I made this topic to prevent especially myself from making too much different topics, and try to place them here. I would appreciate it if everyone else who makes a new character tries to do the same.

Here is my new character:
<img src="http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l68/Thomas_the_Terror/AOPFrenchMusketeer.jpg" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />

It is a french musketeer. I had 3 purposes for him in mind:
- make more of them, so that people can use them as french soldiers instead of the stock/my white royal marines
- make it a special character for a quest.
- make it a main character

I was also thinking to make english soldiers that have the same model
(then they look more like soldiers from 1675)

What do you think?
Wicked Thomas!

It's really too bad that in the character viewer you can't put a light source or something - it would help a lot in both previews, and in actually viewing your model with the texture on it.
Thanks, it is based on a model from the russian add-on Return of the legend. The models name is Morgan, it has to represent Henry Morgan. PS, how is your texturing going Heretik? I am skinning for a russian mod now, really good one. I also have made translations of it. So that it is playable for english players.
That Russian Mod sounds really cool! Do you speak Russian? How did you get involved with something like that? To be completely honest, I haven't really been doing any texturing for a while. I made the mistake of trying a 10 day trial of Star Wars Galaxies, and it had me completely hooked for a while. That said, at school we have started with modelling. Our Next project is making a face, but after that my plan is to make an entire AOP character model, and texture from scratch, and then figure out how to attach it to the skeleton of the characters in the game. Until that point, I'm just going to keep practicing painting - and hopefully I'll be able to nail the textures better when the time comes.

keep up the awesome work thomas!
@Heretik, no I don`t speak russian BUT there is something really practical called: Babelfish, with that you can translate it in big lines, with that I have made correct english sentences with that. And the most work of the interfaces was cut from the english files and paste in de russian. The newly added things where translated thanks to oracle babelfish, and converted to correct english.

How I did get involved: One day I was asked in a PM here on PA! if I could make armour skins for them. I agreed. So I made them. They also asked if they could use my mods, and I said AYE! to that, because the mod sounded cool and the supermod had died a silence death. Now I make skins for them. There is a thread here in AOP modding called: Secrets of the Far Sea. on the FIRST page you can find all downloads, together with my translations.

Back to topic:
I made again a new skin (again with the morgan model, I love that model) And added also armour to it!
Here it is WITHOUT armour:
<img src="http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l68/Thomas_the_Terror/SpanishDon1.jpg" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />

And here WITH armour:
<img src="http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l68/Thomas_the_Terror/SpanishDonArmour3.jpg" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />