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Promotion awards

Kara Korsan

Is there a list of swords awarded as you rise through the ranks somewhere in the wiki? Or maybe a forum thread? My Ardent is a Spanish Hidalgo at the moment and I'd like to check if it's normal for him to have gotten no new swords so far.

Or did I accidentally sell them? *Gasp!*

You should normally get a free sword at rank 3. For Spain that is "Alférez de Navío" and you should have received a Moorish Sabre. If you don't have it then you may very well have sold it...

There's another free sword at rank 8, "Baronet", which will be your next promotion. You should then get a Spanish Nobility Longsword.

Have a look at "PROGRAM\NK.c", specifically function "GiveSwordAndPerks".
Aha! I got that one when the governor tried to foist his daughter on me. Thought it was a quest reward. Thanks; this clears that up.

Boy, that governor sure wants to marry his daughter off. No matter whom. Can hardly blame him, though; the girl is prone to running away with pirates and spending her days on a ship full of sailors who haven't seen a lady without garters since God knows when.
Possibly that was coincidence.

The governor is not that careless with his daughter! If he's offering to let you marry her, it's because you've earned it by saving Santiago from French invasion, and because you've been looking after her during and after the raid on Downing's convoy. If you then got a sword as a wedding present, look after it - it's much nicer than anything you'll get for routine promotions, and you won't be able to buy a replacement if you sell it.

(In another thread, you're disposing of a spy whom you took to San Juan, which means you should have disposed of another villain. If so, you got his sword, another unique one which you won't find anywhere else, so don't sell that one either.)
I like holding on to unique swords. Lucia has been wielding the Moorish saber since when I received it, dropping French soldiers like flies at boardings. Keeping the other one you mentioned, too, though I have a second copy which I don't remember where I got from.

Well, the Governor and I may have started off on the wrong foot, what with my kidnapping his daughter and ransoming her back and all, but in the end it all seems to have turned out nicely. Ardent may well be the one person the Governor has to thank for the most.

And, yeah, er...my Ardent actually married her.