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reputation went down after capturing munitions ship??


Hi all,

I seem to be kinda stuck early on in the campaign. The Governor gave me the mission to intercept the munitions ship. I went to Falais de Fleur spoke to and killed the captain of the escort ship. I then bullied and threatened the innkeeper rather than paying him off. I spoke to the harbourmaster then the captain of the munitions ship, then we pushed off.

I fought and captured the munitions ship then returned to Redmond, I thought mission accomplished. I spoke to the governor and was given the next mission to land troups off Greenford. However, now when I go to sell my cargo or make repairs I get turned away from the merchants, and I see my rep is now "swindler".

So basically I am stuck with 3 damaged ships (I had 2 already when I captured the munitions ship) and no way to fix them. The ships barely have enough crew to sail them and are running out of food. When I try to return to Greenford without supplies for the next mission I start losing crew to starvation.

I am not sure how my rep on British soil went down while completeing missions for them. I never did take a loan so I know its not that. I thought maybe it was killing ther escort ship's captain as opposed to bribing him, but he was an enemy of the crown so I don't see why the Brits would object. In any event I checked my rep on my save prior to leaving the docks and I was fine.

So why do I return from a successful mission to lower reputation? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Your reputation suffered because you killed the other captain when you could have bribed him and also because you were friendly with France when you attacked that ship that would also cause some rep problems.

I suggest that you go into the jungles and try to save some damsels in distress from the rapers and that'll boost your reputation. You can go back and forth between different jungle areas and these encounters will respawn.