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Buccaneer dialog error

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
Trying out the new Buccaneers' Camp, I started up a game of "Bartolomeu", made my way there, and tried talking to the various people. Then I found I had an "error.log" file - attached. The line numbers are wrong because I thought I'd found a problem in "PROGRAM\Dialog_func.c", specifically function 'LinkRandPhrase', which contains lines like this:
return /*"First phrase selected" + */ Var1;
I tried removing the bit between the "/*" and "*/", and keeping a copy of the whole line commented out in case anyone wanted to put the "First phrase selected" bit back. It didn't fix the problem.

The problem is that, according to the Book of Dialog Functions (alias "Dialog_func.c"), the number of arguments supplied to 'string LinkRandPhrase (string Var1, string Var2, string Var3)' shall be three. Three shall be the number of arguments, and the number shall be three. Two shalt thou not supply, except that thou then suppliest a third. Four is right out. And that means, in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\dialogs\Buccaneers_dialog.c":
           dialog.text = LinkRandPhrase(DLG_TEXT[0], DLG_TEXT[1], DLG_TEXT[2], DLG_TEXT[3]);
           link.l1 = LinkRandPhrase(DLG_TEXT[4], DLG_TEXT[5]);


  • error.log
    870 bytes · Views: 307
I always did wonder about that (but mostly for those random ship names).
Thanks for figuring it out! :woot