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Included in Build Regarding Town Guard/Soldier Strength

How strong is strong? Out of curiosity while I was at level 10 I used the poisoned throwing knife on two gate guards. One had over 500 HP and the other had over 700 HP, and there I was with 120 or so HP. Plus they had better weapons than I did. Plus they had reinforcements if I had messed up and alerted them. That sounds like a lose/lose situation to me.
I'll post done reduced strength files soon.
They should be a challenge, but ideally not instant death.
What about I make some slight code changes to create the "best case scenario"?
This would be:
- NO strong town guards
- "Soldier Reinforcements" would be skipped and only the "location lock" would remain
- Only five Merchant Guild soldiers when they show up
Extract attached CCCFunctions.zip to your PROGRAM folder
and characters_init.zip to PROGRAM\Characters to try this.

New game required for the "Reduced Strength Town Guards" to take effect.

This basically makes it as easy as it is ever going to be to kill town guards and kill/steal from item traders.

What I would need to know is if this is still somewhat challenging.
In other words: Are you still able to "lose" with these changes at all?


  • CCCFunctions.zip
    7.3 KB · Views: 303
  • characters_init.zip
    10.4 KB · Views: 291
This is quite easy to fight the guards now, I had two fighters with me, one died.
But I cant see why I should kill the Traders, they have nothing to loot, 10 coins
and a bad blade, thats all. At Port Royal I killed about 12 officers and soldiers,
but I could only loot one of them. The good trader, who is walking around in
Speigtown harbor, also only have 10 coins and a bad blade to loot. So no goods
for your work.
But I cant see why I should kill the Traders, they have nothing to loot, 10 coins
and a bad blade, thats all.
Talk to them first so they get given the whole "item tree". Otherwise indeed it is a bit pointless.
Time to gain some! It can be quite profitable.
Though the balancing of the consequences may require some further tweaking.
Feedback would be good on that. :cheeky
So @ANSEL: Fighting against the town guards is very easy now, despite the location lock?
In that case, some reinforcements may need to return. Maybe only 1 for each guard killed, instead of two?
I'll try that next.
In the beginning of this game I kill the old grumpy trader in Speightstown harbor( I think his
more worthy to have the honor of caring Hylie Pistoffs name than the barman) now I went
back to see if some one have taking his place as the best trader in the game, but no one have.
This time I go into the city from the jungle, no one stop me and I went to the port to look after
his replacement, talking with people to find a trader. Well I talk to a guy whos say:" You should
have killed all witness" and he goes on me with his sword and now there is trouble in the harbor.
I escape to the city, now the guards kill all the citizens, they dont attack me because I dont take
weapons in my hand. Next section of the town, it all was the same, the soldiers killed all people
arround,but dont touch me. Finally I go out the gate to the jungle and have to fight the guards
and the reinforcement( two man at all). I really are missing that guy and wish some one will
take his place, I dont kill him no more. That was just a little story from me.
The dialog you mention got triggered because you're a pirate.

Some characters have "rebirth" enabled and some don't.
Sounds like Gregor Samsa doesn't then.

Have you got any idea of a town guards accidentally hit one of the citizens?
That happens sometimes and causes all sorts of zaniness.
In the beginning of this game I kill the old grumpy trader in Speightstown harbor( I think his
more worthy to have the honor of caring Hylie Pistoffs name than the barman) .

Just for information :-

Gregor Samsa - is the main character in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

From Wikipedia :-

The Metamorphosis
:) Die Verwandlung, also sometimes translated as The Transformation) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. It has been called one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world.

"The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. The cause of Gregor's transformation is never revealed, and Kafka himself never gave an explanation. The rest of Kafka's novella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals ........"

Really? I never knew that!
Our mod is SO full of fun Easter Eggs that even I don't know them all! :woot
I read that story when I was young, but I never connected the name in the game with the book.
Funny find:shock