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COAS combined mod Bugs

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#1, I've seen this happen a few days ago, I'll look into it.

#2, Is he always supposed to join you? four out of five times he wouldn't join me and would say something like going back to Holland or something.
Is he always supposed to join you? I realy do not know i read in the walkthourgh
he dose. Well in my first game unmod they both did. In my second game moded not
with Jscomb. mod they both join. With V.2 mod install only Pitt join.

I started new (clean install) game and then installed the mod (for excellent cuirass reason)
And now i think that the mod items are unavailable.
I'm on level 15 now and i cant even seen an excellent map. (zillion time reloads in street merchants etc.)
Have you check that?

I dont no if there are other new items except excellent cuirass in the combined mod. Maybe those come also unavailable.

I started new (clean install) game and then installed the mod (for excellent cuirass reason)
And now i think that the mod items are unavailable.
I'm on level 15 now and i cant even seen an excellent map. (zillion time reloads in street merchants etc.)
Have you check that?

I dont no if there are other new items except excellent cuirass in the combined mod. Maybe those come also unavailable.

Is he always supposed to join you? I realy do not know i read in the walkthourgh
he dose. Well in my first game unmod they both did. In my second game moded not
with Jscomb. mod they both join. With V.2 mod install only Pitt join.

I don't know either, for testing reasons I played the begining of the Blood quest at least six times, in all but one did he join me. Every other time he said no.
I don't know either, for testing reasons I played the begining of the Blood quest at least six times, in all but one did he join me. Every other time he said no.

Oh that odd because he do join you. Anyway it's working right now i don't know how but i play the quest 2 time
and but time he join.

excellent map if you mean the map by sordid with all the flag and name on it you can get it in the CoAS Mini MODS.
You can download it there.
I have noticed three things not going too well in this mod:

1. the engine is crashing much more, crashed in 4 hours of game, with the vanilla version it was maybe once every 3/4 days

2. The AI for some reason seem dumber, the most shocking thing is that ships tend to miss a lot of opportunities to fire when facing you (they just dont fire at all sometimes). I thought at first that it was because they have a small calibre cannon, but when I boarded a xebec having this behavior he had 20 pound guns

3. The waterline is too high for some ships, for example for one of the new Xebec you have water in the ship all the time.
Mates, Inquisiteur brings up a good point on the ship AI "dumbness". We put in Nixarass's more accurate rates of fire, but without thoughts to how it would impact AI. Before, they reloaded so unrealistically fast that no one noticed this. I have indeed made the same observation. I'm certain the code has no if/then argument that governs optimum engagement criteria. I believe if the AI ship is ready to fire, as soon as the enemy is in range, and no matter the angle or distance they open fire, possibly passing up an opportunity to wait another 45 seconds later when they would pass closer to a much juicier target with a full broadside to bare at close range. I'd be curious to see the current logic. I would bet its simply closest target and then if it has to decide between two or three at the same distance it goes for the biggest or smallest hit point enemy. Anyone looked at that? Now that we have source we should really be able to add some meaningful strings to make this happen correctly.

SWS is talking about enhancing ship handling realism. We need to look at something similar for the AI with a simple set of criteria in place on choosing optimum/most desireable engagement decisions.

I will look at all the Xebecs again - today! I thought I had them all perfect, but maybe I missed one. If so, my apologies. Luke ported a bunch of em and I could've missed one. Which Xebec is it?

Thanks for following this up moderknight. Attached the Xebec pic.

I just wanted to add one last thing: Cannons as goods are not well balanced, I just looted Bermuda sloop with 45 4 pounds cannons, which amounts to dozens thousands of gold pieces, sometimes its even much more.

When it comes to cannons as goods, I suggest that the amounts in cargo are always divided by 10. Otherwise you will loot flutes with 120 canons of 12 pounds, which is immensely more lucrative than looting a treasure fleet.

Its happens often to me and thats money too easily earned, brakes the gameplay a bit.


  • xebec.JPG
    116.4 KB · Views: 135
Game crashes I can't really explain atm, I don't know why that would be happening to you.

Ships and guns aren't my area of expertise so I'm sure Luke will stop by sometime and give his opinion. Though I can say is that the waterline issue has been addressed and will be in the patch.
MK the ship_init file isn't currently in COAS CM, its ready now to be added in the patch which i hope to release later tonight before Xmas day so those who want to spend a few hours sinking ships can with the more improved RTBL and new ship_init file. A few other things have been added too, this will be a patch for now but thats only because it isn't worth uploading everything just for a few little changes and a few improvements.

I don't think i've come across this problem but i haven't had time to play the game just been busy testing. i will try to find something that effects goods on board ships, see if there trade value can be lowered some what to make it less profitable than as you say the treasure fleet. Hopefully the problem can be located and fixed before the patch is released. :onya
@ Luke159

I'll upload some of the fixes I have to my Filefront later today and I'll PM you the link so you can put it the patch.
OK got it Luke, My apologies on not getting the files to you sooner, cause if I had they would've made it in. Sorry :modding I've been way busier than expected. A lot of work related issues came up last minute regarding having things ready for January. When you're the guy in charge, rest is often hard to come by. Won't be doing this job much longer though! :drunk

I apologize for not helping you guys out more, but I just didn't think there would be work issues. The cannon cargo numbers issue that Inquisituer is talking about will be fixed with my gunrunner mod. I've already adjusted the numbers. I was looking more at realistic amounts being shipped per burthen of ship and what would realisitcally be shipped on a manifest for a colonial delivery, rather than worth of guns. I thought the cost of gun values Luke came up with looked pretty good/accurate already. I just don't have the mod stable yet and haven't had the time needed to get it right. I'm encouraged I will get it done, it's just not as easy as I thought it would be. I will shoot for the January patch.

BTW, I second Luke's motion that Officerpuppy be the Chief modder for COAS. I don't know whatever became of JA or Vorius, but it sure seems like we three have been doing the majority of the moderating/discussing/answering on the COAS mod board for the last few months.

@ OP, Did you get the link up on ModDB, or do you need me to do it still?

You guys have done absolutely outstanding, fantastic work BTW!!! :onya

@ Luke159

I'll upload some of the fixes I have to my Filefront later today and I'll PM you the link so you can put it the patch.
That will be cool, thanks. :onya

OK got it Luke, My apologies on not getting the files to you sooner, cause if I had they would've made it in. Sorry :modding I've been way busier than expected. A lot of work related issues came up last minute regarding having things ready for January. When you're the guy in charge, rest is often hard to come by. Won't be doing this job much longer though! :drunk

I apologize for not helping you guys out more, but I just didn't think there would be work issues. The cannon cargo numbers issue that Inquisituer is talking about will be fixed with my gunrunner mod. I've already adjusted the numbers. I was looking more at realistic amounts being shipped per burthen of ship and what would realisitcally be shipped on a manifest for a colonial delivery, rather than worth of guns. I thought the cost of gun values Luke came up with looked pretty good/accurate already. I just don't have the mod stable yet and haven't had the time needed to get it right. I'm encouraged I will get it done, it's just not as easy as I thought it would be. I will shoot for the January patch.

BTW, I second Luke's motion that Officerpuppy be the Chief modder for COAS. I don't know whatever became of JA or Vorius, but it sure seems like we three have been doing the majority of the moderating/discussing/answering on the COAS mod board for the last few months.

@ OP, Did you get the link up on ModDB, or do you need me to do it still?

You guys have done absolutely outstanding, fantastic work BTW!!! :onya

Don't worry MK its this time of year where people start looking at next year and every years some people start to make preperations for next year earlier and earlier. Shops by us are already starting to prepare for next year by having mega sales to get rid of unwanted Xmas stock, there own faults for having so much of it had they not increased there prices by such a large amount they wouldn't have so much remaining still lol. ;)
The ships ride waaaay too low in the water. So far the biggest ship I've seen water come into is the corvette, a ship which normally would only have water clipping onto the deck when sailing over a large wave. It does it all the time now. And really small ships like the sloop and packet brig may as well have olympic regulation lane ropes on the lower deck.
Have you downloaded the latest patch that came out yesterday?


The corrected waterline values are in there that account for cargo. Heavy laden will ride low (but not too low) and lightly laden will ride higher. I can assure you I tested every single ship and they all looked good. I will be very surprised if you find any after you load the patch. You will have to start a new game.

Have you downloaded the latest patch that came out yesterday?


The corrected waterline values are in there that account for cargo. Heavy laden will ride low (but not too low) and lightly laden will ride higher. I can assure you I tested every single ship and they all looked good. I will be very surprised if you find any after you load the patch. You will have to start a new game.


Better. Definitely better. The only ship I've tested so far is the heavy lugger, and it doesn't have a jacuzzi on the lower deck now. But even at 100something of 800something hold space, water still comes in a little bit on all but the calmest conditions. I'm not trying to be picky, it's just that having water or even the wake animation coming into my ship is really annoying. It is alot better than it was though. Also, I noticed on the heavy lugger that it has a real working compass. Kudos on that. :)

And I haven't seen this reported yet, so... How do I choose pirate allegiance when I start a new game? I see the jolly roger there hangong off to the side of the other nation choices in the character select screen, but I can't select it.

Another thing is that the arabella frigate seems to be unable to display the new textures I have for it (the red one that looks so nice) I shouldn't have to start a new game to see these textures, but I did anyway to make sure, and still the original textures are showing. I then replaced the hull1, hull2 and hull3 textures with the new one, since I noticed they were still the old white and green, and it still won't get off the old textures. How is this even possible? The laws of science and nature prohibit it! How can the old textures possibly show up when they have been completely replaced?
The pirate nation was going to be included in version two but it was not working properly so I disabled the button. If I or someone else figures out the problem it will be included in a future patch or version.
Another thing is that the arabella frigate seems to be unable to display the new textures I have for it (the red one that looks so nice) I shouldn't have to start a new game to see these textures, but I did anyway to make sure, and still the original textures are showing. I then replaced the hull1, hull2 and hull3 textures with the new one, since I noticed they were still the old white and green, and it still won't get off the old textures. How is this even possible? The laws of science and nature prohibit it! How can the old textures possibly show up when they have been completely replaced?

Ah the Arabella, i knew i forgot to add something in the patch. Anyway it sounds like you missed something and you are right it would not require a new game.

I have uploaded it for you and it will be included in a later patch but for now here you go the Arabella and i have tested it and it works without a new game been started,. :onya


If that doesn't work you can download it from the FTP http://www.pyratesahoy.com/coas/Luke159/

I did not make this texture and do not in tend to take it as my own, i have uploaded it under my own name for quick install for other's and because it was to be added to the COAS mod, once it has been added to the COAS combined mod i will delet it from my FTP account. ;)
SP, On some of the smaller ships you are still going to get a little water on the deck - I think that's just realistic anyway. ;) Done any sailing on real ships that size? I have. :yes Did you look at her from the side? If I raised her any higher she would just not look right. It's very easy to modify the numbers yourself, if you disagree with my artistic/historic judgement. I can give you a tutorial if you'd like. Every time you make changes to the ships_init file, it requires a restart for the changes to apply if you decide you want to do this.

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