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Stuck in POTC


Hopefully this is the right place to ask a question like this ^^

I've been playing Pirates Ahoy Build 13 Update 3 for Pirates of the Caribbean for some time now, and find it extremly fun, and are impressed by how much this have improved the original game.

I've also experienced some bugs here and there, but all these I have come around, except one I got now. I seem to be stuck in a city gate. The weird thing is that I can't fast travel either. So there I stand between Oxbay jungle and Oxbay. The only thing possible is to open the gate, but on the other side I'm stuck aswell. I can't move, can't do actions (except opening gate), not can anyone attack me (I summoned a horde of French soldiers, but all they did was kill my officers who just stands there staring at me while I'm stuck. Served them right though..)

Would be grateful if anyone got a solution (Maybe save game file editing), or some fix for this.

Thank you

(Also, attached the save game file if anyone wants to try it out)


  • Save game POTC.rar
    418.1 KB · Views: 119
Try the tip in this post and see if it helps: -->

Try the tip in this post and see if it helps: -->


Thanks for reply

Tired this, but no luck. It only shows the info about npc, nothing else. What ponders me is that I'm stuck, but also unable to fast travel (but I can open doors).
I have tried that solution once, but it didn't help. There were no npc's close enough.

Have you tried fast travel? Can you go to the store or your ship? If that doesn't work, have you tried going back to your last save and starting over from there? :nerbz
I have tried that solution once, but it didn't help. There were no npc's close enough.

Have you tried fast travel? Can you go to the store or your ship? If that doesn't work, have you tried going back to your last save and starting over from there? :nerbz

Accualy wrote 2 times that fast travel didn't work, so no, it doesn't ^^

And I'd rather find a solution then just taking the easy way out, the last save game is hours of gameplay back.

Thanks anyway!
I've never experienced anything like that in any of the original islands, so it may well be a glitch just in your game.

One thing that I do on a regular basis is SAVE, sometimes as much as every 10min of real time game play. As even on Build 13 with any of the updates there is the possibility of a random CTD ( Crash To Desktop ), BSoD ( Black Screen of Death ) or a glitch that I can't get around.

My suggestion is to go back to an earlier save & try to do the same thing & see what happens, I'm curious if it happens then or not.



Go to your POTC folder & open the folder called Program Files, then double click the file called InternalSettings. At the bottom of that file there is ....

/// ======================================
// Testing toggles
// ======================================
#define DISARM_MODE 0

On the last line where it says #define VISIBLE_LOCATORS 0......... change the 0 to a 1 then click save.

Close all folders & start your saved game where you get stuck.

If you are entering Oxbay from the jungle you should see the following locator at the gate " reload reload3".

If you are leaving Oxbay & going into the jungle you should see the following locator at the gate " reload falaise_de_fleur_location_02_01 "

Try that & see if the locators are where they are suppose to be.

Sounds like something that might be part of a quest when a reload doesn't work now that did before.
One thing that I do on a regular basis is SAVE, sometimes as much as every 10min of real time game play. As even on Build 13 with any of the updates there is the possibility of a random CTD ( Crash To Desktop ), BSoD ( Black Screen of Death ) or a glitch that I can't get around.

Yes, I used to do that. But the weird thing is that after 50-60 hours of gameplay on Build 13 Update 3 I never had any ctd or bsod, nothing at all. The only error I've experienced is this (and some minor non theathening self fixing ones). So I got comfortable with saving once per hour or so. Ofcourse I can reload and play from there, but I'd rather try to find a fix (if there is), so that it might help in the future.

Go to your POTC folder & open the folder called Program Files, then double click the file called InternalSettings. At the bottom of that file there is ....

/// ======================================
// Testing toggles
// ======================================
#define DISARM_MODE 0

On the last line where it says #define VISIBLE_LOCATORS 0......... change the 0 to a 1 then click save.

Close all folders & start your saved game where you get stuck.

If you are entering Oxbay from the jungle you should see the following locator at the gate " reload reload3".

If you are leaving Oxbay & going into the jungle you should see the following locator at the gate " reload falaise_de_fleur_location_02_01 "

Try that & see if the locators are where they are suppose to be.


Hi Dave
Thanks for help by the way

Tried this now and the locatiors are where they are suppose to be.
Were you doing a quest at the time ?
As Pieter said " Sounds like something that might be part of a quest when a reload doesn't work now that did before. " .
Were you doing a quest at the time ?
As Pieter said " Sounds like something that might be part of a quest when a reload doesn't work now that did before. " .

Doing 'Reconnoiter captured city Oxbay', but that involves talking to tavernkeeper ect, not a escort quest.

Edit; And I was going OUT from the city aswell, so if mobs spawn when just entering a city, they would already been spawned.
Hmmm, the 'Reconnoiter captured city Oxbay' is part of the main quest & I've never had a problem with that particular quest. It could be just a glitch in your game so try reloading an earlier save & doing it again to see if it happens again.
Hmmm, the 'Reconnoiter captured city Oxbay' is part of the main quest & I've never had a problem with that particular quest. It could be just a glitch in your game so try reloading an earlier save & doing it again to see if it happens again.

Tried it again now from a load, and it didn't happend again. The thing I did different was not to take Oxbay by force first (waitied some time before starting on the story). Think this might have bugged it up some (I guess). Teaches me a lesson at least! ^^

Might aswell type another issue I got recently on another character of mine. Was hanging around Tortuga, stealing money purses from random citizen. This was going fine intill I think one of the angry citizen trigger got stuck. Cause now every pirate citizen I meet attacks me. Not just in Tortuga, but Grand Turk, Pirate Fort (basicly all pirate towns).
Known issue or just a random glitch? Just want to get the most painfull issues I've experienced out there ^^
Was hanging around Tortuga, stealing money purses from random citizen. This was going fine intill I think one of the angry citizen trigger got stuck. Cause now every pirate citizen I meet attacks me. Not just in Tortuga, but Grand Turk, Pirate Fort (basicly all pirate towns).
Known issue or just a random glitch? Just want to get the most painfull issues I've experienced out there ^^
Sounds like you've made a bad reputation for yourself! :d:
Stealing things decreases your rep, so if you've been doing it for a while, perhaps you've become so bad that every pirate wants your head!
If you're a 'Horror of High Seas', you may want to think about some good deeds to fix that. Like helping someone with their purse, as opposed to stealing it... xD:
However, I'm not 100% sure that's what's causing it; that's just my best guess.
Was hanging around Tortuga, stealing money purses from random citizen. This was going fine intill I think one of the angry citizen trigger got stuck. Cause now every pirate citizen I meet attacks me. Not just in Tortuga, but Grand Turk, Pirate Fort (basicly all pirate towns).
Known issue or just a random glitch? Just want to get the most painfull issues I've experienced out there ^^
Sounds like you've made a bad reputation for yourself! :d:
Stealing things decreases your rep, so if you've been doing it for a while, perhaps you've become so bad that every pirate wants your head!
If you're a 'Horror of High Seas', you may want to think about some good deeds to fix that. Like helping someone with their purse, as opposed to stealing it... xD:
However, I'm not 100% sure that's what's causing it; that's just my best guess.

Tried to do good deeds (was Bloody Terror, now I'm bloke), but this seems to only be an issue with pirates though. I can disguise my ship and make port in nations ports. There people act normal (not attacking me). But at once I meet pirate city citizens they automaticly attack me. And because of that I can't really do good deeds for pirate citizens. So I guess I'm doomed to a life hated by fellow pirates (Kinda like Jack Sparrow).
Tried to do good deeds (was Bloody Terror, now I'm bloke), but this seems to only be an issue with pirates though.
So it probably isn't related to your rep, then. It could be a bug after all, but I'm still unsure.
Can someone with more gameplay experience shed some light, here?
It's been too long since I last played through a storyline with no testing intentions... xD:
I recently had that experience while playing the JS quest. When I went to Turks all of the citizens fought me but the merchants were fine. I didn't pick pockets or anything. It started as soon as I walked off the pier and never stopped. It was like that for every visit too. Eventually got tired of all the fighting and just ran around taking care of quest business while ignoring the citizens. :yoho

Others have reported this happening at Nevis also.
In all the builds that happens from time to time in the ports that have pirates mainly, but it isn't restricted to them either. There is coding that you can change to either lessen the chances of it happening or raising the chances of it happening.

Your rep has nothing to do with it, but with that being said, in Tortuga you do the wrong thing like steal or whatever & everyone will attack you without warning & when you leave in your ship the fort will open fire on you. You go to any port & you will get the same thing. It is a risk you take when you steal...lol.
In all the builds that happens from time to time in the ports that have pirates mainly, but it isn't restricted to them either. There is coding that you can change to either lessen the chances of it happening or raising the chances of it happening.

Your rep has nothing to do with it, but with that being said, in Tortuga you do the wrong thing like steal or whatever & everyone will attack you without warning & when you leave in your ship the fort will open fire on you. You go to any port & you will get the same thing. It is a risk you take when you steal...lol.

Funny thing is that the fort doesn't fire, the people just attack. But I guess I had it coming for being a pirate which steals from pirates. ^^