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Portuguese Caravela Redonda


Storm Modder
Storm Modeller
My next ship is the Caravela Redonda. I think she is a good replacement for the not very historical Coas-Caravel. :rolleyes:

In the first half of the 16th century, the Portuguese created a specialized fighting ship also called caravela redonda to act as an escort in Brazil and in the East Indies route. It had a foremast with square sails and three other masts with a lateen each, for a total of 4 masts. The hull was galleon-shaped, and some experts consider this vessel a forerunner of the fighting galleon.

Have fun: :dance


That is a very interesting early ship. It looks more like the Carrack than the current Caravel. Keep up the good work. :onya
You have improved the game allot Pg!
That's a really nice distinctly Portuguese-looking ship there, mate! :woot
I think I'm right in saying that this will be the FIRST EVER custom Portuguese ship model! :woot
Looking great, pgargon, keep it up!
Great ship :onya
Edit: By the way, if someone thinks to make a medium Spanish ship ( 17th Century and around 40 - 50 cannons) I would be interested in using it in the Cartagena quest)
By the way, if someone thinks to make a medium Spanish ship ( 17th Century and around 40 - 50 cannons) I would be interested in using it in the Cartagena quest
Is the 'SP_Battlegalleon_Weathered' not a suitable match? That ship has been improved for the new ship pack... :shrug
Quickly completed and highly detailed. You never cease to impress. :doff
And probably just in time to join the 'Easter Naval Supplies' pack!
By the way, if someone thinks to make a medium Spanish ship ( 17th Century and around 40 - 50 cannons) I would be interested in using it in the Cartagena quest
Is the 'SP_Battlegalleon_Weathered' not a suitable match? That ship has been improved for the new ship pack... :shrug
I'll check if it's the right ship for my quest.
I saw the SP_Battlegalleon_Weathered but it's not what I'm looking for. However, I think I found a solution :yes
Another extremely beautiful ship Pgargon!!! I love it! Sehr hubsch :onya

You know what would be neat? If you made another version of this ship, but rigged "Caravela da Armada" or a Galleon rigged Caravel: which means she still carries four masts, but the main mast is also square rigged just as the foremast, carrying a slightly larger main sail and main topsail.

Magellan's ships (including the famous Victoria) were Caravela da Armada/Galleon rigged. Historically it would be really nice to have a ship that looks like Victoria, and your ship is much nicer than the old COAS caravel.

Just as you did the two versions of the Dutch Pinnace and the Fregatte, it would be GREAT if you had this Caravelle rigged both Redonda AND da Armada.

Think about it mate. It would be really cool. :will

I've finally got round to porting this ship to PotC: :dance


I'm also porting a few others, namely the Derfflinger and Dutch Pinnace variants, which will be done soon.

MK, I was thinking about the 'Caravela da Armada' rigging you were on about, and I might be able to do it.
However, I think the mainmast would need changing to accommodate the square sails, which pgargon would need to do. :facepalm
That would be awesome mate!!!! I will PM Pgargon.

I have looked into the terminology a little more and it is very confusing. According to some sources "da Armada" simply means fitted out for war... anotherwords pierced for more guns but still rigged with triple lateens. However other sources state that "da Armada" is fitted out for war with a square rigged main mast.

Regardless of my correct use/misuse of "da Armada" I would love to see a version of this ship with a square rigged main mast, but retaining all four masts.

yeah, my book on ships calls what you call 'da armada' a caravela redonda instead. it's a bit wierd, but i think the naming scheme in this topic should be the one used.
modernknight1 I can't help much with portuguese sources as I never interested my self about portuguese ship building, but "da armada" usualy means "of the fleet", meaning the permanent war fleet, so perhaps more guns would be logical and a heavier square rigged main mast.

In the case of this ship and with that big forecastle her hull isn't very caravela like (pure caravelas didn't have forecastles at all and the majority were rigged with 3 masts) and more close to a carrack or light galleon, this one rigged as she is would be just a fast escort, of course over a century, from the early 16th up to the early 17th centuries, rigging and hull works changed a lot, in the portuguese case more escorting was needed and heavier cargo capabilities.

Another small note, we never really had a full war fleet, much like the early days of Holland, the majority of our shiping was cargo.

pgargon mate she looks beautiful :onya
modernknight1 I can't help much with portuguese sources as I never interested my self about portuguese ship building, but "da armada" usualy means "of the fleet", meaning the permanent war fleet, so perhaps more guns would be logical and a heavier square rigged main mast.

In the case of this ship and with that big forecastle her hull isn't very caravela like (pure caravelas didn't have forecastles at all and the majority were rigged with 3 masts) and more close to a carrack or light galleon, this one rigged as she is would be just a fast escort, of course over a century, from the early 16th up to the early 17th centuries, rigging and hull works changed a lot, in the portuguese case more escorting was needed and heavier cargo capabilities.

Another small note, we never really had a full war fleet, much like the early days of Holland, the majority of our shiping was cargo.

pgargon mate she looks beautiful :onya

When I'm done with the small unrated ships and 6th rate photo set I'm working on now, I'm going to do one on Naos, urcas, caravels and carracks.

There do seem to be more three masted versions in my comprehensive sources. However, four masted caravels were actually very common. The caravel borrowed many aspects of her design from Moorish ship builders including her lateen rig. However her hull was more heavily influenced by Iberian, Catalan and Basque fisherman to be easily handled and stable in heavy weather. She was a medieval ship coming into her own in the mid 1400s, but as she evolved into the heavier Nao and Carrack, she underwent her own transitions as well. Earlier she had begun with only 2 lateen rigged masts and that variant is known as the Caravella Lateena. Then three masts. The four masted versions were the highest level of her evolution in the mid 1500s when she slowly came to the end of her usefulness as a commonly used/built vessel giving way to the four masted Galleon that came soon after. I would bet you would still have seen them occassionally well into the 17th century. Looking through a google image search you will see there are several good four masted variant examples. http://www.google.com/search?q=caravel+pictures&hl=en&biw=1360&bih=587&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=5Y0gTp3AD8y40AHg9PWiBA&sqi=2&ved=0CBkQsAQ

I have attached a couple examples from my own collection by Joseph Wheatley and Roger Morris, one being with the main mast square rigged. Pgargon's ship could be done in several differing variants and I would enjoy seeing them all in game.



  • Caravela da Armada (Iberian naval variant) 001.jpg
    Caravela da Armada (Iberian naval variant) 001.jpg
    1.8 MB · Views: 3,411
  • caravel 001.jpg
    caravel 001.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 2,924