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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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How is it progressing?

Probably the simplest solution would be to create 2 new unique characters ( say Claires_Pirate_01 and Claires_smuggler_01 ) using the same models etc for Claires crew, -- might have to copy some dialog files etc -- this would then remove the conflicts between the side quest and the main story.

You could probably get away with solely copying their character init files, changing their ID and using the different ID in the sidequest.
I reckon there's no dialog file adjustments needed. Might be a pretty simple fix in that case.

So apart from changing the entries in Claire Larrouse quest in the quests_reaction.c file could you tell me which files I need to change to create the new characters - - and I will give it a try and see what happens.

quest_pirate_01 is initialized in PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init\TempQuest.c
quest_smuggler_01 is initialized in PROGRAM\Characters\init\CommonQuest.c
Copy their init file entries and put the new claire_smuggler_01 in PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init\TempQuest.c together with the other Claire quest characters.
That should hopefully work...
Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\PROGRAM\DIALOGS' -- this is where the original dialog files are ( also used for default files if nothing in storyline folder )

From Build 14 each story also has its own folder in PROGRAM \ Storyline where there is a dialog folder for that story -- so if you are playing the Standard ( Nathaniel Hawk ) story a lot of the dialog files will be in PROGRAM \ Storyline \ Standard \ DIALOGS.

Ah yes, thanks! I found the offending trader/tavern dialogs in the 'Storyline' folder, along with Malcom Hatcher's tutorial dialogues. So i've started to edit the ones with errors in them and will test them all out first.

Early in the game, you get a deliberate "excessive" amount of XP for anything you do, but this stops after level 5 or so.
The reason is so that you can specialize quickly in something or other. So if you sail around a lot early in the game, that's what your main skill will be for most of the rest of the game until you slowly develop some more.
That was the general idea anyway...

Ah ok, yes i can see the advantage of that. One thing. Does the ammount of XP you get scale to the difficulty? So the lower the difficulty the higher the XP awarded? And do you know where the values for this XP is stored in the files, i might play around with these values to see if i can slow down the level gain a bit? I figure by the time i get to Jamaica to meet the governor, being level 2 would be about right; if going there pretty much direct. Level 4 or 5 and i feel a little too boosted too early. Even if the difficulty of the encounters will be harder to deal with, i'd like to stay lower level a little longer. It enables me to get cheaper(lower level) officers too :)

What is the maximum char level btw? And when do you plan on doing the next beta patch? Then i have an idea of when to get these dialogue files to you to look over before then! :sail:
The skill speed increase code is in PROGRAM\MAXIMUS_Functions.c in the AddCharacterExpNSChar function.

I want to release Patch 6 as soon as Armada has some updates for the ship pack for me to include. Maybe next week? That's what I'm hoping for...
Then Beta 2 will come shortly after, I'm thinking.

Captain Maggee! Long time no see! :bow

Black Bart: Methinks the max level is 60. Never got even close to that tho. Keep up the good work with the dialogs. :2up
level 60 or no max level......ouch. So when i set in advanced options to have encounters not related to my chars level i'm seriously opening myself up for a lot of pain? Still my running experience so far has been not too bad, at the low levels i'm on during the intro dialog and merchant dialog testing around game start, i don't engage in ship-ship battles, but even the land-land combat has not 'seemed' too overly deadly(even if i have died quite a few times). Still how often am i likely to meet a level +60 mugger as i travel about?

Oh and Pieter, whats the best way/place to get the new dialogues to you? I can't see a 'PM' function so shall i just post the files as i did before? And which thread would fit best for this, over in the modding section? or shall i make a new one here? or put them on this thread? I have a few files now(all dialogues) plus a new 'standard.c' with improved 'new horizon' mission overview(more or less the same, but english cleaned up etc).
Doesn't matter where you post the files. As long as they're somewhere on the PotC forums, I'll find them.

The encounter setting is for at sea only. Isn't that already independent from the player? At least the ship sizes definitely appear to be.
Even though I think there's no limit for the player level, that doesn't mean you'll encounter level 200 characters randomly. :no
Ah, more characters. :bow

Black Bart: It is pretty random out there. You might encounter an English fleet of 11 ships vs one pirate ship or the opposite. :d: The npc's start out at level 1 just like you do and progress over time. (Hint for land battles: Grenades.) Then there is the occasional monster that WILL kill you. :ixi Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. :8q
how would you know when to run? i can imagine trying to find out what level he is by checking how much damage he does to you when he stabs you in the face, but that seems sorta counter-productive. the factor of the sheer amount of enemies decides wether to run or not for me.

also, regarding seabattles, don't forget that they still need to be somewhat logical. i always thought the huge masses of large ships were kinda odd, though it's not so bad that it's really a bother. the random sea encounter level kinda works, i guess. i know i prefer it turned on.
Lol! When to run? Yeah, numbers count. When you are outnumbered 7 to 1 it's a good idea to beat feet. I normally carry grenades instead of a gun. If I grenade a guy and he still has over 400hp left, I know I'm in trouble. :shock
The last time I got killed was after a sea battle. All ships were sunk or surrendered and I was taking possession of one when the Captain wanted to fight. He kept regenerating and backed me into a corner. I'd hack him down and back up he came. Then I let my guard slip and he killed me with one stroke of his Flamigera. I had a sword with good defense and golden armor and I went from 100% to dead with one stroke! :j3

Most sea battles are pretty even and I hardly ever see more than 10 ships total. I usually have 3 meself. :j2
i thought grenades were modded to occasionally blow up when you use them, like the blunderbuss does now? guess it was never implemented.

personally, i'm expecting tougher seabattles at higher difficulty, not just harder fights with captains. that's just fake difficulty for seabattles to me, since you had as little trouble as always to get on their ship, and then just get killed. waste of time. i keep the difficulty pretty low, especially since i keep having to restart the game with all the gamebreakers wallowing around. i still die on occasion, but only when i just do something stupid, or i'm walking around town at low level and it suddenly decides to go tortuga on my ass.
Oh, the grenades do umm grenade me now and then. :boom Sometimes they don't go off at all, but they usually work.

The sea battles do get tougher. Your opponents get better over time. They go faster, shoot straighter, and turn faster.

Yes, the game dies very regularly. I only made it to level 18 in my last game. Didn't even get any reward ships. :j1 I was only at level 8 in that battle I described earlier and just hung around the edge of the battle and let the Spanish Navy do the work, then moved in for the capture. :j2 If it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all. :rumgone
quest_pirate_01 is initialized in PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init\TempQuest.c
quest_smuggler_01 is initialized in PROGRAM\Characters\init\CommonQuest.c
Copy their init file entries and put the new claire_smuggler_01 in PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init\TempQuest.c together with the other Claire quest characters.
That should hopefully work...

Here are the files for the Claire Larrouse fix

I have played it through a couple of times and it seems to work ok



  • Larrouse_Fix.7z
    82.5 KB · Views: 83