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"About Build" Interface Update

Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
This is what I've been working on for the past two days:

It's not finished, but I'd welcome people to have a look at it and tell me if I'm on the right track here.
Even more appreciated would be people providing some input on what else to write in there or maybe even write some blurbs themselves.
Anything I don't have to do would be most welcome. :wp
Your improvements already look more organised than before; I like where it's going! :onya

Something that's always bugged me about that interface is how the text colours look a bit out of place, IMO.
The green text on the left looks too conflicting with the brown background, whereas the text about the web links just uses too many colours.
How does this look instead:


Would there be any way of including images (like screenshots) in the interface?
It might be nice to demonstrate a couple of key points visually, such as new models and textures, but it doesn't matter if we can't.
Those colours do look better. Did you change that in code yet or is it just a sample image?
I do agree the original colours look rather conflicting. :yes

Adding images to the interface? No clue how; can't be easy, that's for sure. Wasn't made for it...
I have actually changed the code, yes. You can probably figure out what I did from the screenie.

Don't worry about adding images, I was just curious to see if it was possible.
Please upload your changed file then; saves me the trouble.

The request still stands for anyone else to write the other parts. I don't have that much time and not much enthusiasm either. :facepalm
OK, here's the updated file:
View attachment about_build.c

I would consider writing articles for some of the sections, but I'm short on spare time in between my current projects and college work.
I know we have some good writers here, so hopefully some of them can contribute in some way. We just need volunteers! :whipa
once i'm up and running again i can have a look. So we just need stuff for the topic in the left hand menu? I imagine that could be a fairly easy copy/paste job from other parts of the game?
That's the idea, yes; just a bit of a write-up on those subjects.
You'd also be welcome to suggest different subjects to replace some of the ones I put in there now.
ok well i got Armada's file he posted above and will see what i can add to this, it might be all i can really do if i'm still having an issue with my build mod installation! :modding

But i've been here before and usually it is something obvious that is the issue, so this will keep me occupied until then :)


hmm ok i got the file 'aboutbuild.c' and well....it's all greek to me, this seems to point to 'text' files rather than being the text we need? So i'm guessing we need that text for each 'subject' in that menu AND the code built to point to it in the 'aboutbuild.c' file? This may be beyond my coding skills sadly, but point me in the direction of the files/folder where the text is read from and i can build those entries while we await the 'code' part.
I figured it would be nice to have all new Tabs in the interface filled up properly for Beta 2, so have been happily typing away. See attached for the result.
Now my request: please read through it and let me know what can be done to improve this further. Is there anything very important, for example, that I failed to mention?
Feel free to suggest any and all changes that might come to mind. :doff


  • about_build.txt
    14.8 KB · Views: 105
That sounds excellent! I'll check it out in a minute. :keith

Do you want to mention the incomplete storylines as well ( Tales of a Chevalier - Master & Commander and the 2 Devlin storys ) just so people know they are not finished, or are being used for freeplay.

Hmm... not sure; for a start, I figured I'd mention what DOES work, but we can mention that the other ones are not at least if you think that's a good idea.

I do wonder how many people will actually look at it, but I figure since the interface IS there, we might as well put something sensible there.
At least I put the notes on Realistic vs. Arcade there, which is always a good thing to keep at hand, no?
Possibly some more could be added about the new Black Pearl, Flying Dutchman, and QAR. Many new players will be interested in them specifically.

I never have the free time anymore, but I used to play the Devlin storyline as free play just for the fun of it.
I do want to keep the unfinished storylines for now; we need at least one storyline for each time period.

Possibly some more could be added about the new Black Pearl, Flying Dutchman, and QAR. Many new players will be interested in them specifically.
True, that. I did put this in, but that's not exactly all-inclusive:
Various ships, mainly the ones from the Pirates of the Caribbean films, have got special abilities.
This includes the Flying Dutchman being able to submerge and call upon the Kraken and the Queen Anne's Revenge having bow chasers that can set enemy ships ablaze with Greek Fire.
Of course "Build Info.txt" will contain a full list of the abilities. But who's going to read through all THAT? :facepalm
I've just been through your file and made a few minor changes. It was mostly small grammar mistakes, but I also improved a couple of the descriptions.
I can't think of much else you could add to it, especially since not all players will bother to read through it. :rolleyes:


  • about_build.txt
    14.9 KB · Views: 90
I figured it would be nice to have all new Tabs in the interface filled up properly for Beta 2, so have been happily typing away. See attached for the result.
Now my request: please read through it and let me know what can be done to improve this further. Is there anything very important, for example, that I failed to mention?
Feel free to suggest any and all changes that might come to mind. :doff

Should be five not four full storylines?
I've just been through your file and made a few minor changes. It was mostly small grammar mistakes, but I also improved a couple of the descriptions.
I can't think of much else you could add to it, especially since not all players will bother to read through it. :rolleyes:
Thanks a lot; it's better still! :woot

Should be five not four full storylines?
Very good point. I did remember to extend the text to add your storyline as well, but forgot that I mentioned a number above as well. :facepalm
Maybe we should just remove that number reference in case another storyline gets finished. Can't mess up what isn't there...! :wp