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Solved Boarding Surrendered Ships

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
Ok, on another note 3 out of 4 boardings require F12 after dealing with the surrendered Captain.
Wha? Really??? That isn't even funny; those reload problems were supposed to be FIXED now!
I'm pretty sure I successfully did several of those. :modding :modding :modding

Just to be sure, are those ships that surrendered BEFORE the boarding? Or during the boarding?
In that case I'm going to have to ask you for a savegame again. And I'll try to fix it. AGAIN. :modding
The reload prob when boarding from hylie will be on the next update then..
Yeah, I haven't started on fixing that one yet. Can't do everything at once. And I could use a savegame to test from.

My previous fix to the same problem IS still in there, so that's not it.
Perhaps it is related to the fact that the boarding sound wouldn't stop on surrendered ships with the new boarding system either.
I had to do a fair bit of figuring out to set that right again.
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More saves? Here are two. The first one should be leaving Cartagena where I joined a battle. The second one is some time during said battle when I am capturing ships to upset the English so that I will not keep getting trade missions to Antigua.


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  • -=Player=- Open Sea February 16th, 1554.7z
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More saves? Here are two. The first one should be leaving Cartagena where I joined a battle. The second one is some time during said battle when I am capturing ships to upset the English so that I will not keep getting trade missions to Antigua.
Just to be sure, when you deal with the surrendered captain, what dialog options do you usually take?
Myself, I tend to lock them in my cargo hold. But perhaps what you choose to do makes a difference.
Well, I just ran into a positively bizarre problem for sure: The surrendered captain DISAPPEARS right when I start the dialog with him.
That doesn't help, now, does it?

Can anyone tell me if that is a common problem? This is the first time I've ever seen that crazy one. :modding
Nope, that disappearing captain was because he happened to be my mutinous companion,
whom the game was "helpfully" clearing away so his slot could be used again.
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Well, I did find that LAi_group_SetCheckEvent function no longer works with the new boarding system.
Since that was used in various of the Cabinfight dialog cases, you'd get stuck if you pick those specific options.

These are ONLY the options where you have to kill the other captain, though.
So can anyone confirm that is when you get stuck? Or also when using any of the other options?
If so, which ones?

I changed that to use a working piece of code instead and now I can proceed just fine.
And while I was at it, I rewrote a related function that is used in various quest cases that wouldn't have worked with the new system either.
So that should help. Hopefully that is all the problems with it. But we'll find out soon enough when I post the next update, I suppose.
If memory serves, I had to kill them and then got stuck. If we talked I always try to hire them.

The ransom bit does not work. I have one in the hold now that I can do nothing with. I can't hire him or ransom him. He gives me money and then just stands there. So I had him give me money 4 times. Maybe he will jump ship soon. That's how I usually get rid of prisoners.
If memory serves, I had to kill them and then got stuck. If we talked I always try to hire them.
Ah! Thanks for confirming. I think the fix I did should sort it out then.

The ransom bit does not work. I have one in the hold now that I can do nothing with. I can't hire him or ransom him. He gives me money and then just stands there. So I had him give me money 4 times. Maybe he will jump ship soon. That's how I usually get rid of prisoners.
Wha? It worked perfectly fine when I tested it. I'll give it a try; see what happens.
Is that the guy you've got in your cargo hold in the savegames you posted?

Edit: Tested, confirmed and fixed. There was just an LAi_SetActorType line missing there.
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