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Fixed Girl Won in a Card Game - Amnesty not given


Storm Modder
In discussion with the French Governor on Martinique in the Standard storyline - The Governor is supposed to give you amnesty if you talk nice to him regarding the Girl not being a prisoner etc. IN B3.2 current edition the Governor gives you some money but your relations with France don't change . I was at war on -65 before the talk and -65 after the discussion.

There is no error on this showing in the error log and it does not stop the quest - you just don't get the benefit of the quest after taking a number of French ships and it costs around 61,000 to get amnesty far better than the small amount that the Governor gives you for being a nice pirate.
Must be something going wrong here in PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.c:
     case "forgive_3":
       dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[62];
       link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[63];
       link.l1.go = "exit";
       pchar.quest.gambling_with_girl = "done";
       AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 4000);
       if(GetRMRelation(PChar, iNation) < REL_AMNESTY) SetRMRelation(PChar, iNation, REL_AMNESTY); // RM - SetNationRelation2MainCharacter(iNation,RELATION_NEUTRAL);
       if (ENABLE_FLAGS == 1) if(GetActualRMRelation(iNation) < REL_AMNESTY) SetActualRMRelation(iNation, REL_AMNESTY); // KK
Specifically those last two lines.
Do you have a savegame just prior that point? That would be needed to check and fix this properly.

Beats me when anyone might have time to look into this though. :facepalm
Save Game just before going into the tavern. This should help when it can get looked at - I don't know much about the coding - it may be that I have LOM from England.
I tried yer save and yes, even after the talk the relationship doesn't change. seadogs2_0004.jpg seadogs2_0003.jpg


  • compile.log
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  • system.log
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Changed the " iNation" to "FRANCE" and "REL_AMNESTY" to "RELATION_NEUTRAL" in the following two lines in the JackSparrow HTC quest and it worked fine.

if(GetRMRelation(PChar, iNation) < REL_AMNESTY) SetRMRelation(PChar, iNation, REL_AMNESTY); // RM - SetNationRelation2MainCharacter(iNation,RELATION_NEUTRAL);
if (ENABLE_FLAGS == 1) if(GetActualRMRelation(iNation) < REL_AMNESTY) SetActualRMRelation(iNation, REL_AMNESTY); // KK
Won't that set your relation to France to complete neutrality, now? - instantly?
Changed the " iNation" to "FRANCE" and "REL_AMNESTY" to "RELATION_NEUTRAL" in the following two lines in the JackSparrow HTC quest and it worked fine.
Interesting! I suspect something wrong with the nation of the Martinique governor, resulting in iNation not being set correctly.
That would also explain why his nation doesn't update properly after Capture Colony.

Have you tried setting only "iNation" to "FRANCE"? Does that work? I think that should be enough to make France no longer hostile.
Can someone post recent a Beta 3.3 WIP savegame just prior to completing this quest?
Repeating once again. Need a Savegame somewhere during this side quest. Ideally just before the end.
Try adding in this line in the case.
iNation = sti(NPChar.nation);

at the start of the file the nation is set here:
// PG -->if(GetMusicScheme() == "PGMUS") { // KKiNation = sti(NPChar.nation);sNation = iNation;if(musicName != "music_govreward"){
// KK -->
if (ENABLE_FLAGS == 0) {if(GetRMRelation(PChar,iNation) >= REL_AMNESTY) SetMusicNoPause("music_govfriend");else SetMusicNoPause("music_govenemy");
} else {
if(GetActualRMRelation(iNation) >= REL_AMNESTY) SetMusicNoPause("music_govfriend");
else SetMusicNoPause("music_govenemy");
// <-- KK
// PG <--

And I suspect something is going wrong there.
That code you quote seems to only be related to the music packs.

Is there really no iNation definition? That could indeed mess things up. :facepalm
it has an ination declaration (bit sloopy copy had to do it from dropbox).
but the declaration is in the if statement, and maybe it passes that.
A lot of the cases have the ination also declared in them so just try adding that and see if it works.
Indeed that code looks confused. Lots of definitions for the same thing, instead of just doing it once.
Perhaps attached is better? To be extracted to PROGRAM\DIALOGS .


  • Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.zip
    3.6 KB · Views: 74