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Fixed Selling Ships for Negative Money

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
I just captured a light pinnace and when I tried to sell it in a shipyard they wanted me to pay them $6,000! I repaired it for $12,000 and its value rose to $5,000. What is going on?
Do you got a savegame from Before you sold it? I tought i fixed this....
It is fixed for me Levis? Though - if that could make a difference - I tweaked the sell-multiplicators in the internalsettings.h
I searched my saves and still have it. I went to the store and sold everything in the light pinnace and then went to the shipyard to sell it.


  • -=Player=- Hispaniola. Santo Domingo port. November 28th, 1690.7z
    543.2 KB · Views: 81
Do you have the most up to date version? Beta 3.4 plus the zip file update, both available from here.

A good quartermaster will also help but he must be one of your active companions for full effect. I know the "Trustworthy" perk doesn't work unless he's actively with you (*), and "Basic Commerce" and "Advanced Commerce" probably don't work either. Since I've got into the habit of keeping a quartermaster on my active team, I haven't had a negative price for a ship, though one ship which I sold was only worth a few hundred. It was in pretty bad shape, though.

Worst case scenario: berth the ship, then scrap it. You won't get any money for it but it won't cost you either.

(*) If he's not with me, I can't sell contraband goods at the store. If he is with me, I can. It makes sense - he's the one the storekeeper trusts, not you. And he has to be there in person to do all the haggling, so it's reasonable if "Basic Commerce" and "Advanced Commerce" only work when he's there in the shop.
A good quartermaster will also help but he must be one of your active companions for full effect. I know the "Trustworthy" perk doesn't work unless he's actively with you (*), and "Basic Commerce" and "Advanced Commerce" probably don't work either. [...]

(*) If he's not with me, I can't sell contraband goods at the store. If he is with me, I can. It makes sense - he's the one the storekeeper trusts, not you. And he has to be there in person to do all the haggling, so it's reasonable if "Basic Commerce" and "Advanced Commerce" only work when he's there in the shop.
@Levis, is any of that intentional?
As far as I always understood, your three "active" officers should make absolutely no difference on skills and abilities. :shock
well, i see i didnt have the fix file. but the quartermaster part i find it difficult. maybe just my luck, but i rarely find officers in taverns, so to find specific one is a hard task :) and if i make them active, they fight in battles, and i loose them often even when against weaker ships. lost gibs, which i wanted to keep, but i dont like loading games. i put loads of stuff in weapon locker, and my losses are smal, for regular sailors. but with officers a different story. they go up infront, leaving me behind and there is not much i can do to help in the fight
the fix doesnt change the ship prices. i'll try to find quartermaster later. but in any case, thats just a very smal issue.
well, i see i didnt have the fix file. but the quartermaster part i find it difficult. maybe just my luck, but i rarely find officers in taverns, so to find specific one is a hard task :) and if i make them active, they fight in battles, and i loose them often even when against weaker ships. lost gibs, which i wanted to keep, but i dont like loading games. i put loads of stuff in weapon locker, and my losses are smal, for regular sailors. but with officers a different story. they go up infront, leaving me behind and there is not much i can do to help in the fight
To equip an officer, stand in front of him and press "Enter". You should get a row of icons, one of which is two interlinked arrows; this lets you exchange items with the officer. If you give the officer a better sword or gun than those which he is already carrying, he will use them. You can also give him armour and medical supplies.

None of which will help him if he has poor Melee skill or is lacking the fencing-related perks. So keep him out of trouble. Stand in front of him and press Space, then you should be able to talk to him via a list of basic things to say. Click "About you", then "Why don't you sit out the next boarding". He's still at risk if you run into trouble on land but he won't follow you into boarding actions or dungeons.

Some officers have good Melee skill and perks to start with - First Mates, for a start. If you equip them properly, they are a lot of help in boarding actions. Also, as you fight, your Melee skill gradually builds up, and, even more gradually, so does that of your active officers - your training rubs off on them. They also gain experience points, both from their own fights and more slowly from yours, and when they gain a level they gain points to put in perks, just as you do. When you think an officer whom you told to sit out the next boarding is ready for combat, you can talk to him again, click "About you", then "Next time we board, you're coming with me". After sitting around for a long time, my own quartermaster finally gained enough Melee skill and a few of the combat perks, and has now participated in a few boardings and lived to tell the tale!
@Levis, is any of that intentional?
As far as I always understood, your three "active" officers should make absolutely no difference on skills and abilities. :shock
The officers you have with you contribute theire perks to you and contribute theire skills depending on theire role.
Tough it shouldn't be possible to ships to sell for negative prices so I still need to look into that more...
The officers you have with you contribute theire perks to you and contribute theire skills depending on theire role.
ONLY the officers in your shore party? If so, we would have gone backwards in functionality as in Beta 3.2 ALL officers in your passengers list were checked.
That is also what I would prefer so that you can use your shore party purely for assistance in fights and do not need to either send your carpenter into battle or keep swapping officers in and out of your shore party. :confused:
ONLY the officers in your shore party? If so, we would have gone backwards in functionality as in Beta 3.2 ALL officers in your passengers list were checked.
That is also what I would prefer so that you can use your shore party purely for assistance in fights and do not need to either send your carpenter into battle or keep swapping officers in and out of your shore party. :confused:

Uhm...wait I mean all passengers. Except the ones on another ship and the ones captaining an other ship
Some officers contribute their perks even when inactive, e.g. if an inactive gunner has the "Preload" perk then I can use it during a sea battle.

And some officers only contribute perks when they're actively, e.g. the quartermaster as described above. If he's not there then I get fleeced. If he's there then I do the fleecing. :)

I don't know in full which officers contribute even when inactive, but whereas most officers perform their duties on board ship, the quartermaster does his stuff in the store and shipyard. It makes sense for him to be effective only if he's there in person. It's not as though you carry a mobile phone and concealed earpiece so he can sit back on the ship and tell you what to say. xD
To equip an officer, stand in front of him and press "Enter". You should get a row of icons, one of which is two interlinked arrows; this lets you exchange items with the officer. If you give the officer a better sword or gun than those which he is already carrying, he will use them. You can also give him armour and medical supplies.

None of which will help him if he has poor Melee skill or is lacking the fencing-related perks. So keep him out of trouble. Stand in front of him and press Space, then you should be able to talk to him via a list of basic things to say. Click "About you", then "Why don't you sit out the next boarding". He's still at risk if you run into trouble on land but he won't follow you into boarding actions or dungeons.

Some officers have good Melee skill and perks to start with - First Mates, for a start. If you equip them properly, they are a lot of help in boarding actions. Also, as you fight, your Melee skill gradually builds up, and, even more gradually, so does that of your active officers - your training rubs off on them. They also gain experience points, both from their own fights and more slowly from yours, and when they gain a level they gain points to put in perks, just as you do. When you think an officer whom you told to sit out the next boarding is ready for combat, you can talk to him again, click "About you", then "Next time we board, you're coming with me". After sitting around for a long time, my own quartermaster finally gained enough Melee skill and a few of the combat perks, and has now participated in a few boardings and lived to tell the tale!

thanks for this, i really needed it. now i'll be able to keep my officers for longer periods :D
Uhm...wait I mean all passengers. Except the ones on another ship and the ones captaining an other ship
Ah, that sounds better. Doesn't explain @Grey Roger's observation though that some perks only take effect for officers in your shore party and others do not.
While that may seem right from a gameplay point of view, I do not think that was ever intentional from the coding side. :confused:
Ah, that sounds better. Doesn't explain @Grey Roger's observation though that some perks only take effect for officers in your shore party and others do not.
While that may seem right from a gameplay point of view, I do not think that was ever intentional from the coding side. :confused:
Those aren't his observations. He is just explaining how things would be really. What he says has nothing to do with the game ....
btw found out why sometimes the ship price is below 0 and its actually not really a bug. when a ship is pirated the price drops for the ship. you get way less for it then when you bought it etc. it is possible the repair costs are higher then the actual price the ship is still worth now.
I will check it a bit more but this seems to be the case and if so its actually intended altough I will add a line to have a min amount the shipyard will always pay for a ship (say 500 or so), so you will still get something for it.
Do you have to pay for the ship repair when you sell it?

Those aren't his observations. He is just explaining how things would be really. What he says has nothing to do with the game ....
He did say he observed that effect in the game:
A good quartermaster will also help but he must be one of your active companions for full effect. I know the "Trustworthy" perk doesn't work unless he's actively with you (*), and "Basic Commerce" and "Advanced Commerce" probably don't work either.
(*) If he's not with me, I can't sell contraband goods at the store. If he is with me, I can.
He is also saying that he doesn't mind, since it makes sense to him.
And I suppose it does. Except I do not think that behaviour is intentional.
the behavior isn't coded anywhere. trust me I went trough almost all of the code concerning perks by now so I know if it would be there. I have rewritten the whole part which determines if a perk is contributed or not and this is nowhere in the code.
That's what I figured: Whatever Grey Roger is noticing, it isn't intentional on the part of the people who coded it all.
But since he's fine with it, I guess we can be fine with it too. :razz