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Fixed Terry Snider "Father Bernard" reference missing

I started a new game in that install and will see how it goes. There is no telling what might happen.
The problem is with re-initialising using F11. It wipes all the character names defined by 'Preprocessor_Save' commands in "Periods.c" but doesn't wipe town and island names defined by the same type of commands elsewhere.

In fact, that's not quite true. F11 calls "Reinit.c", which in turn calls 'Preprocessor_Init()', which is defined in "utils.c". That wipes all the definitions, then puts the town and island names (and a couple of ship names for the "Jack Sparrow" storyline) back. I copied all the 'Preprocessor_Save' commands from "Periods.c" into "utils.c", then ran a free-play as Francis Drake and blitzed the "Help the Church" and "Strange Things Going On" side quests. Several F11's later, here's what Terry Snider said to me:

Attached is the updated "utils.c" file. Copy that into your "PROGRAM" folder, then the priests' names should survive re-initialisation.


  • utils.c
    64.6 KB · Views: 122
I think this needs adding to prevent error log entries on game start:
  if (GetCharacterIndex("Father Bernard") >= 0) // PB: Not initialized yet the first time this function is called
     Preprocessor_Save("FatherBernard",   GetMySimpleName(CharacterFromID("Father Bernard")));  // GR: For "Church Help"
     Preprocessor_Save("FatherJerald",   GetMySimpleName(CharacterFromID("Father Jerald")));  // and "Animists"
     Preprocessor_Save("FatherGareth",   GetMySimpleName(CharacterFromID("Father Gareth")));  // side quests.