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Lagg, terrible Lagg


Sailor Apprentice
Hi as the title says i have lagg with the latest buildmod 14 beta 4 and i installed the WIP18Cct2015 update/fix.
I have installed a fresh version of POTC and installed build 14 beta 4, i played it at first evertything went fine no lagg after a while i stopped playing, later that evening i started it again still no problems after a while suddenly my game crashed no big deal, i thought lets remove the .options file maybe it was corrupted en needed to be removed as most people do, (right?).
So i started the game but there was lagg terrible lagg like 3/4 frames or so, i noticed at the beginning of the intro where all the cannonballs where flying around i skipped it and loaded my last save game which was at sea with a British brig sloop, tier 5 if i recall even there was lagg i exited the game restarted windows and started the game again still lagg nothing changed.
I know my pc isnt a NASA supercomputer or so but he i expect my laptop wont have trouble running a game that is atleast 10 years old, and as stated above at first i hadnt the lagg.
Sorry for my bad English iam Dutch, Ik weet zeker dat ik niet de enigste Nederlander ben :)
(I'm sure I'm not the only Dutchman)
My specs a Nvidia 610m and core i3 2350M.
Windows 7, and i run the game with the Nvidia graphics not the shitty Intel, iam sure of it i have changed the settings in the Nvidia controlpanel.
Note there is no CTD so i cant send any crash reports, do i need to send any files? if so let me know :napoleon
Ouch. Compile, error, and system logs might help.

Does it lag on land or only at sea? Do you have the latest video card drivers?
Latest drivers no i have the second latest but i will try the latest but the latest driver was released special for Star Wars Battlefront 3 Beta so o bet it wont make anydifferent, i will send the error files (if there are any) later.
where i have lagg? Everywhere, i mean everywhere, the sea, land, menu, intro when i start the game.

UPDATE: I just restarted my pc, and there is no lagg, strange.. but i bet that this isnt the last time i will see lagg.
Please provide the .log files from your main game folder. Also, did the lag occur in specific locations?
@Hylie Pistof caught an error a few days ago that can cause tremendous lag; that one still has to be fixed....

Ik weet zeker dat ik niet de enigste Nederlander ben :)
Inderdaad niet. We hebben er minimaal twee meer hier. ;)
Well i have these files but no error if my game CTD's i will send one.
No like i said the lagg was all the time every where.
In the beginning of the game you know i mean the into where a ship fires a cannon ball at a Fluyt/Galleon en the camera follows the cannonball en then boom a explosion but i mostly skip that part, but the lagg was every where even at the character menu the main menu, at sea, at land in stores and in.. just everywhere but i restarted my pc for the second the and the lagg is gone,
but iam sure this will not be the last time i will see lagg.

Note: It also comes to my attention that when i encounter a french merchant fleet, be it one merchant with heavy escort or a group merchants my game crashes.
I will upload the error.log when it happens again.


  • system.log
    2.3 KB · Views: 75
  • compile.log
    7.1 KB · Views: 82
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All I can think of right now is that maybe somehow the lag I found at that one location hit @niels computer everywhere. I know that sometimes after it hit mine I had to quit the game and restart to make it go away.
If it were the same problem as @Hylie Pistof had, then there should be a huge error.log file to go with it.
So whatever it is, it must be something different. :facepalm
try opening the PROGRAM/BUILDINGS/Collider.c file in a text editor and at the top you will find a #define.
After it there is a 1 change that to a 0. This will disable the collission detection which still seems to have a small bug in it which pops up sometimes. This should fix your problems. altough you might need to leave the location where the lagg is present. and enter it again (i sugest just using fast travel to your ship).
The lagg seems fixed when i restarted my pc for the second time, though the first time didnt help.
Like I said before iam sure this wont be the last time i will see lagg when it happens i will try your solution @Levis
Thx for the good support al always, and btw off topic when do you expect a final version of the build mod?
And iam really looking forward for Hearts Of Oak! Getting a new game pc soon r9 390 8Gb wont be i problem running it i guess.
Thx for the good support al always, and btw off topic when do you expect a final version of the build mod?
For now we're aiming for a "public release version" of Build 14 Beta 4.
We've been wanting to release that for the past two months now, but there are still more issues cropping up that need sorting out.
So that will be done when it's done. Hopefully within the next month though; it's been taking long enough!

Then once Beta 4 is released, we've got a whole bunch of new things lines up to tackle.
That can take easily another half a year or so. But if we're lucky, maybe there will be another update by Christmas?

Of course PotC and HoO development are being done side-by-side by different people.
The nice thing of doing it like that is that for HoO the developers can focus on making a base game and we can experiment with all sorts of more advanced features in PotC.
Then by the time they need those features for HoO, we've already done most of the preliminary work and it is just a matter of figuring out how to make the same systems work in the other engine.
But at least we'll know in advance how to balance the gameplay and sort out lots of issues that occur during the tests in PotC.
I have run into more problems unfortunately.. it seems that i cant sell my ship, swap my ship with a captured ship in both the harboring menu, en the menu after you taken the ship is this a bug or a game feature like realism? i have it on arcade as always.
I have run into more problems unfortunately.. it seems that i cant sell my ship, swap my ship with a captured ship in both the harboring menu, en the menu after you taken the ship is this a bug or a game feature like realism? i have it on arcade as always.
If you started the game as a Naval Officer, then that is very much intentional. ;)

You are in the service of the navy and it isn't up to you to decide what ship you command.
The Admiralty gives you a ship to command and when you are promoted, you'll get another ship again.
You get some more freedom once you get up to Commodore rank.
Refer to the "Build Info.txt" file in your main game folder for further details.

This is always the same both on the Realistic and Arcade game modes as it is related a play style and not so much realism.
If you prefer doing more of your own thing, you may want to see about leaving the navy or starting a new game as a non-navy officer.
It all depends on how you like to play. :doff