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Cannot Confirm Ship Stuck on Mutiny


A bit of a problem here...
No matter what playstyle or Storyline, even Free mode, I choose I simply cannot add a third ship to my fleet. At the first chance it gets *no matter who captains it, what flag we fly, their morale etc* they will be hostile, while still flying the exact same flag as the rest of my ships. It's also taken off my shiplist. If I seize a ship it remains friendly until we first leave port after it. If I buy a brand new ship it's hostile as soon as we put to sea. Basically it starts off firing at me as soon as we enter 3D sailing.

Kinda' bugs me a bit. Useless to have 4 ship slots if I can only use 2 plus escort, instead of 3 plus escort.

I'm using the WIP 4.1Beta builds14 mod, ofc...
Sounds like the captain you are putting in command is committing Mutiny.
Are you always selecting the same Captain?
What is your reputation and what is the companion captain's reputation?
A bit of a problem here...
No matter what playstyle or Storyline, even Free mode, I choose I simply cannot add a third ship to my fleet. At the first chance it gets *no matter who captains it, what flag we fly, their morale etc* they will be hostile, while still flying the exact same flag as the rest of my ships. It's also taken off my shiplist. If I seize a ship it remains friendly until we first leave port after it. If I buy a brand new ship it's hostile as soon as we put to sea. Basically it starts off firing at me as soon as we enter 3D sailing.
Could you post a savegame after you've bought or captured a third ship and before it turns hostile? Either you've bought the third ship and have yet to leave port, or you've captured the third ship and have arrived in port. Also, after the ship turns hostile, immediately quit the game and then post "compile.log", "error.log" and "system.log", which you'll find at the top level of the folder in which the game is installed.

Certainly this should not happen so consistently. It is true that if the captain has a different reputation to yours so that you're good and he's evil, or vice versa (e.g. you're "Matey" and he's "Swindler") then he will cause morale to drop and eventually trigger a mutiny, though it shouldn't be that sudden unless your reputations are extremely different (you're "Hero" and he's "Horror of the High Seas"). You could try swapping captains between the second and third ships, then see which one mutinies; if it's still the third ship, with the captain who caused no trouble when he was in the second ship, then we can rule out the captain (unless both captains have very different reputation to yours, but in that case I'd expect both ships to mutiny).

How much money do you have? If you have a lot of money then the crew become envious and want a share of it, so you should switch to paying by division of plunder. If you suddenly acquired a lot of money, e.g. by selling a ship which was loaded with gold or by giving yourself a few million using the cheat system, the crews could get very jealous very quickly. Again, though, I'd expect the problems to not just happen with the third ship.
Certainly this should not happen so consistently.
It is possible for the actual mutiny to occur while you're ashore. If that is the case, the captain is marked as mutineer and will turn hostile immediately when setting sail.
If you then remove that captain from command before setting sail, that captain probably remains marked as mutineer and then the next time you do assign that particular captain, it is instant mutiny.

Because @Baalzie says "It's also taken off my shiplist", it should really be a Companion Mutiny.
That is directly related to the Morale on the companion ship (if it is Treacherous, you can expect treachery) and indirectly related to the relative differences between the player and captain reputation.
If the player is Hero and the captain is Terror of the Seven Seas, then morale on that companion's ship will drop REALLY fast and mutiny can be near instantaneous.
It is possible for the actual mutiny to occur while you're ashore. If that is the case, the captain is marked as mutineer and will turn hostile immediately when setting sail.
If you then remove that captain from command before setting sail, that captain probably remains marked as mutineer and then the next time you do assign that particular captain, it is instant mutiny.
Presumably it's instant mutiny to whichever the mutinous captain is now assigned, not always the same ship from which he was removed? That is, if you remove the dodgy captain from ship 3 and put him into ship 2, then it should be ship 2 which mutinies next time you leave port? This is why I suggested swapping captains between the second and third ship - if ship 2 then mutinies then it's definitely the officer, whereas if ship 3 still mutinies with the captain who didn't mutiny on ship 2, then something else is going on.

Because @Baalzie says "It's also taken off my shiplist", it should really be a Companion Mutiny.
That is directly related to the Morale on the companion ship (if it is Treacherous, you can expect treachery) and indirectly related to the relative differences between the player and captain reputation.
If the player is Hero and the captain is Terror of the Seven Seas, then morale on that companion's ship will drop REALLY fast and mutiny can be near instantaneous.
Except that @Baalzie also says "*no matter who captains it, what flag we fly, their morale etc*".

But that does raise another possible cause. @Baalzie: what is the crew morale on the third ship before you leave port? It can sometimes be very low right after you acquire the ship, especially if you captured it in battle. There's a button in the "Ship" interface to raise crew morale on a ship, though using it costs you money and only works if you have enough money. If it's not the captain who is responsible then perhaps it's just the crew who need to be pacified.
Presumably it's instant mutiny to whichever the mutinous captain is now assigned, not always the same ship from which he was removed?
A lot of character attributes are swapped when you swap captains. It is very well possible that the mutineer attribute is too.
Could happen in this scenario:
1. Captain mutinies ashore, so gets the mutineer attribute set
2. Captain is swapped out, so now the NEW captain gets this attribute instead

Come to think of it, something like that may be exactly what has happened here.
@Grey Roger: Since I have no access to my game files right now and will be gone for 2+ weeks afterwards, could you do me a favour?
Please upload the normal console.c file and find in the SEA_AI folder a function that is named something like "SetMutineer".
I think if I have those two things, I can write a small console script that should reset all ship slots.

This isn't a proper fix, but should work as temporary solution.
I would need to look into it properly at a later time.
I can find calls to "SetMutineer" in "AIShip.c", but the definition is probably what you want, and that's in "PROGRAM\Characters\CharacterUtilite.c". So that's what I've uploaded, along with "console.c", both extracted from the 28th July update.


  • CharacterUtilite.c
    146 KB · Views: 124
  • console.c
    35.3 KB · Views: 132
Thanks! Then I think this console code should do the trick:
for (i = 0; i < COMPANION_MAX; i++) {
 limit = GetCompanionIndex(PChar, i);
 if (limit < 0) continue;
 ch = GetCharacter(limit);
  SetMutineer(ch, false);
Wow... Not only did I get a quick reply, I got an academic dissection of the problem served... :bow
Almost a bit baffled to the point of wondering what to reply to and what to do now... :monkeydance

Let's see.... @Grey Roger : Yes I can probably produce a few batches of said files. I can probably rather easily recreate the problem by simply capturing or buying a ship, ANY captain I put on it, with morale on crew bought up to as "Excellent" will turn hostile as we leave port.
*Had a weird bug where it whipped up a companion mutiny post (like the ship ahoy ones), threw me into battle without waiting for acknowledgement by me, threw me back out on Open Sea, popped another mutiny box, threw me back into 3D sailing mode, but without said ship anywhere, then after 10 seconds threw me back out to Open Sea, no mutineers existing in the world but they despawned WITH my ship... *
That was a pirate brig I captured, careened and refit and recrewed, bought morale to Excellent and set out to sea. Captain on said ship was a "Damsel" rep Female 1st Mate with high leadership and sailing... My rep is almost always so far "Hero" or on the way there... I'm such a kisa...
(Why I kept her around to use as 3:d ship capturer . I almost always made it into nearest friendly port to auction off prize ships , apart from the odd event just mentioned)

And yes, as I stated it doesn't matter what reputation the officer I put there has. Morale is always on "Excellent" (It's fairly cheap to buy up, trade is so lucrative) when I leave ports. I tried to fix it a lot. First time I thought it was a reaction to my flag, since the game changed it on it's own volition after leaving Martinique for the main quest in there. On this occasion I'm playing Nathaniel Hawke in "tales of a Sea Hawk", Since my Free Play bugged out totally on Silver Train, and I cba to replay 6 hrs of playtime which would be lost to recover a save where I didn't have the quest.

I Have changed my reality and game preference settings a tad, since I'm a filthy casual... Arcade Mode and a lot of old PotC vanilla settings (no food, ammo etc)... :wp
But I tend not to meddle with the occult... (Console) Since in this game that is way to scripty for me...

So, @Pieter Boelen : What am I now supposed to do? Do you guys want/need my saves and logs? Or should I do anything with that code? I'm a total nubbie to the "console" here... I looked at how to enable the console and... Instantly closed the page and had a big coffee, promptly forgetting everything I saw, whatever it was... :facepalm
Felt way over my head att...
Or even simpler:
1. Save attached file to your PROGRAM folder
2. Load your savegame
3. Press F12 and confirm that you saw the "Executed console" text on your screen
4. Upload your compile.log immediately after

I expect that to solve the problem.

@Grey Roger:
If I'm not around to check that compile.log, if it ran properly, then it must contain at the very least these entries:
"Trying to reset mutineers"
"Resetting mutineers DONE"

My suspicion would be confirmed by a "... was a mutineer" statement inbetween those two.


  • console.c
    35.6 KB · Views: 136
Well... Did what you said... Got a HEFT drop in fps from the normal 120 (limited by Bandycam) to 60'ish... Apart from that... Well... No mutiny yet. Andf I've hopped in and out of town a few times, even went to World Map and siled around barbados... Back into town and out to 3d twice... Nothing... ^^ Huh... This is done with a First Mate Captain with 10 Ldr and whatnot and "Neutral" reputation... I'm Hero as usual... Both mine and his morale are falling kinda' wuick though, might be my crews' 1.7 million piasters?
Can't think of anything else... Also upgraded to a r4 ship instead of r5 as my own ship resently... So more folks onboard.

Anyhow as for NOW at least It seems I can actually HAVE a third ship.... Yey... *Just more costly but wth worth it... Maybe find a "hero" cap'n aswell and all will be peachy... :onya

File is attached as ordered^^

Edit: Doh! The drop in fps was Bandycam... F12 is the shortcut for videocapturing... :rofl


  • compile.log
    22.7 KB · Views: 107
Last edited:
Sounds like it did reset it then, so you can continue like normal. :onya

There is probably a note in your Quest Book about carrying so much money.
Get a Merchant License or switch to Divide the Plunder Mode.
You don't need the captain to be "Hero", or even "Bloke". You just need him to not be "Rascal" or worse. "Neutral" is fine for everyone. "Rascal" or lower are basically evil while "Bloke" or higher are good, and the problems will start if you're good and he's evil, or vice versa.

And, as @Pieter Boelen said, having over 1 million spare cash makes the crew envious, and is probably why you're having morale problems. The Merchant Licence can, I believe, be bought in Port Royale or in Willemstad, Curacao. Or you can go to the "Crew" section of the "Ship" screen and change payment method to division of plunder, also known as signing articles. Once you've done that, you need to find a loanshark every so often and actually divide the loot, otherwise the crew will start becoming unhappy again. After about 90 days they're looking forward to their money, and after about 180 days they get really upset if you haven't paid them. Not all towns have loansharks, so don't leave it until the last minute unless you're certain you're near a town which does have one!

@Pieter Boelen:
The last two lines of that "compile.log" are:
Trying to reset mutineers
Resetting mutineers DONE
No mention of "<insert name here> was a mutineer".
Suspicion not confirmed then? In that case, I have absolutely no clue what is wrong here.
That was the only potential cause that I could think of.

Or did you do all this after the mutinous ship already left your fleet?
If so, you'd have lost the ship, but the problem should be solved as well.
Well, before I did this, no matter what captain or what ship I tried as third ship, *poof mutiny*... I tried during an in game year, switching ships so all new ships a few times over... Still the bug persisted.
Only thing I thing I remember being different this time and the entirety of the rest of my career, was that ALL my ships were listed as "prize" rather than "owned" now that I tried it.... I think... All were captured and refitted in any case. Unless my memory is totally shot.
And no mutinous ship had left the fleet. But I never tried to get a mutinied ship after I reloaded after that insane bug... That insane bug leaped me back a few months since I had forgotten to save for a while. Maybe my invoking the powers of Calypso if the game didn't behave had effect?

I'm just a happy layman who won't tempt fate now that I can have an actual fleet... Tried to recreate it but my old saves were all corrupted by a (now thrashed and replaced) mutinous Harddrive and ceased to work. I stored my old saves on an external drive every time the save folder got full.... Had quite the collection... So cannot do any comparisons sadly.

Will definitely jump at it if it ever ears its' ugly head again though...
So at the moment we know absolutely nothing?
No affected savegame and my suspicion yielded no results either?
Then I might as well mark this as Cannot Confirm.