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Need Help Runtime Error

Armando Salazar

Powder Monkey
Ahoy everyone :ahoy

It seems that after installing the new update my game no longer launches, I get a runtime error when I try to start it up. Here are my error and system logs.
Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
User Rised Exception
fail to create program
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c; line: 75
missed ')'
That error.log means there is definitely something wrong with the installation.

How exactly did you install the game and mod?
And where did you install it?
Which version of the mod do you use (if any)?
Do you have a compile.log that you can post as well?
Hello Pieter, helping out as always.

It was a while ago since I installed the game and mod I used the normal installer for the mod and then pasted the new fixes ontop of the install.
I've installed the game in D:\PotC which has never caused any problems and I've installed the mod just ontop of it.
I don't know which version it is since I can't start it but I tried to install the latest one.
Also I don't seem to have a compile.log, sorry.
Could you upload your version of "PROGRAM\LandEncounters\LandEnc_init.c", please?
Hello Pieter, helping out as always.

It was a while ago since I installed the game and mod I used the normal installer for the mod and then pasted the new fixes ontop of the install.
I've installed the game in D:\PotC which has never caused any problems and I've installed the mod just ontop of it.
I don't know which version it is since I can't start it but I tried to install the latest one.
Also I don't seem to have a compile.log, sorry.
Cheers! :cheers

One theory: perhaps you missed an EXE update and only installed the latest ZIP?
If so, get both the latest files from the link in my signature and install them both in order (1: EXE, 2: ZIP).

Also I don't seem to have a compile.log, sorry.
That is actually REALLY weird, because there should be.
Can you upload also PROGRAM\globals.c? That should contain the version number.
One theory: perhaps you missed an EXE update and only installed the latest ZIP?
If so, get both the latest files from the link in my signature and install them both in order (1: EXE, 2: ZIP).
I have not done a "exe" update and I couldn't find much of a clear instruction. I'm going to download the Build 14 part 1 exe if that's the one you mean but that is used for installing the normal mod, not new updates, correct?

That is actually REALLY weird, because there should be.
Can you upload also PROGRAM\globals.c? That should contain the version number.
I couldn't find a compile.log, atleast not in the main folder. Here's my globals.c. Thanks guys!


  • globals.c
    13.6 KB · Views: 367
One theory: perhaps you missed an EXE update and only installed the latest ZIP?
If so, get both the latest files from the link in my signature and install them both in order (1: EXE, 2: ZIP).
Alright so after downloading Beta 14 part 1 installation exe and installing only update and not the main files it works!
Thanks for trying to help, guess I just wasn't paying attention enough when updating, also I did not know you could use the part 1 exe to update the game files.
Cheers Pieter and Grey :cheers
I did not know you could use the part 1 exe to update the game files.
Ah, that explains a lot!

Indeed we designed the two-part installer so that you can both install the full mod, or just update to a new version.
The idea is that you install the full mod once, but when @Mad Jack Wolfe creates a new EXE, you run it again to add all the latest content too.

The ZIP comes as third step, simply because it's too much work to update the EXE every week or so.
@Grey Roger updates those ZIPs quite regularly. ;)
@Armando Salazar: the version of "LandEnc_init.c" which caused the problem was a short-lived version with a condition to disable one of the jungle encounter types if a certain variable was set in "InternalSettings.h". The encounter type in question has been improved, the condition in "LandEnc_init.c" has been removed, and the variable is no longer defined in "InternalSettings.h". So, if you had the obsolete version of "LandEnc_init.c" and the current version of "InternalSettings.h", it ran into trouble trying to use a variable which doesn't exist.

Running the installation wizard to get everything up to date fixed that by replacing "LandEnc_init.c" and "InternalSettings.h" with versions from the same release, so the error shouldn't happen. And, apparently, doesn't. :)

Personally, if I'm installing a new version, I go for a complete clean install. That makes sure that anything which was left over from the old install that shouldn't be there any more is not carried over into the new install.
Personally, if I'm installing a new version, I go for a complete clean install. That makes sure that anything which was left over from the old install that shouldn't be there any more is not carried over into the new install.
That's indeed always the safest way to do it, but in theory it shouldn't be necessary if the EXE Updates are OK.

Whenever I'd make a new EXE myself back in the days, I'd manually do a "clean install" AND an "update from the previous version".
Then I'd compare them all using WinMerge and tweak the installer until both paths yield the same (correct) results.
I think @Mad Jack Wolfe does something similar.
Apart from general safety, there are two reasons why I need to do a clean install. One is to make sure the new one is clear of any development work or experimental stuff I had in the previous version which isn't meant to be in the new one. The other is to have, at least for a while, a version which is exactly what everyone else should have if they've run the newest installer.

And then I do a WinMerge check with the previous version. The only differences should be the development and experimental stuff. If there's anything else different, the next update archive is rather sooner than expected. xD
Apart from general safety, there are two reasons why I need to do a clean install. One is to make sure the new one is clear of any development work or experimental stuff I had in the previous version which isn't meant to be in the new one. The other is to have, at least for a while, a version which is exactly what everyone else should have if they've run the newest installer.

And then I do a WinMerge check with the previous version. The only differences should be the development and experimental stuff. If there's anything else different, the next update archive is rather sooner than expected. xD
Sounds familiar. I used to do that too; still have a whole external HD full of a whole bunch of different "official mod releases", including ones that cannot be found anymore.
That's indeed always the safest way to do it, but in theory it shouldn't be necessary if the EXE Updates are OK.

Whenever I'd make a new EXE myself back in the days, I'd manually do a "clean install" AND an "update from the previous version".
Then I'd compare them all using WinMerge and tweak the installer until both paths yield the same (correct) results.
I think @Mad Jack Wolfe does something similar.
I keep a clean base and a "current state" snapshot as archives precisely for the testing scenarios you describe, @Pieter. Then I run a set of scripted reports using "Beyond Compare" to ensure the results are what we're looking for. As a safeguard, I manually doublecheck the results using WinMerge.
I keep a clean base and a "current state" snapshot as archives precisely for the testing scenarios you describe, @Pieter. Then I run a set of scripted reports using "Beyond Compare" to ensure the results are what we're looking for. As a safeguard, I manually doublecheck the results using WinMerge.
Wow, that sounds even more thorough than what I did. I salute you! :doff
Thanks! It's just an adaptation of procedures I use professionally. :type1
Great! I'm sure it helps when you learn it professionally and can then reuse it.
I did it the other way around; learned by myself right here and then got caught up in doing this stuff professionally afterwards. :rofl