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Solved Inventory Error



(UPDATE: yeah, this was caused by editing game preferences during the game. NEVER do that. Set preferences for how you like them before starting a new game, AND LEAVE IT THAT WAY)

I'm not sure what caused this, maybe it was keeping quest items in your inventory for too long, or MORE LIKELY I might have accidently broke my inventory when I used the ship chest to rearrange a few items so that I don't have to keep skipping to the dead end of my item list whenever I find a better weapon.

Anyway, if there's a fix to this, I'll be grateful to hear. This is kinda game breaking, because now I somehow can't use healing items during combat. The HUD just acts like I have no healing items at all. I could just use the God mode cheat so I don't restart over and over when I die too qiuckly, but to any future players, BE VIGILANT for this bug.
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Can you please upload "compile.log", "error.log" and "system.log"?

Maybe there is something useful in there, also try hitting F11; it re-initiates various stuff, maybe it could help.
Post the log files "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists.

Keeping quest items in the inventory should not be a problem - indeed, you can't get rid of them unless the quest actively removes them! Rearranging the inventory using a chest also should not break the inventory, I do it quite often myself.

There is a limit to how many different items you have in the inventory, but that won't cause those "error" lines. If you have the maximum number of item types, you won't be able to pick up another, different type.
Never heard of this one before! :shock

Try doing a DumpAttributes(pchar) using console.
That'll give us some more information.
How do I do that?

Can you please upload "compile.log", "error.log" and "system.log"?

Maybe there is something useful in there, also try hitting F11; it re-initiates various stuff, maybe it could help.
Where are they located exactly? I looked over my Program Files folder for this game, can't find it. Also, nope, F11 didn't seem to work.

Post the log files "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists.

Keeping quest items in the inventory should not be a problem - indeed, you can't get rid of them unless the quest actively removes them! Rearranging the inventory using a chest also should not break the inventory, I do it quite often myself.

There is a limit to how many different items you have in the inventory, but that won't cause those "error" lines. If you have the maximum number of item types, you won't be able to pick up another, different type.
Same question, where should I find those 'logs'?
And the only other thing I can think of that might have been the cause, was when I skipped from one end of the inventory to the other. I didn't click on the arrow, I clicked on the next image, and at one point I visited the crypt, had a BUNCH of treasure, and I mashed it. Maybe that was the cause, because a few times, the square that lands on the middle item went ahead of all the items left and landed on literally on the empty space after the last item.
Where are they located exactly? I looked over my Program Files folder for this game, can't find it. Also, nope, F11 didn't seem to work.
On your main Pirates of the Caribbean folder.

And the only other thing I can think of that might have been the cause, was when I skipped from one end of the inventory to the other. I didn't click on the arrow, I clicked on the next image, and at one point I visited the crypt, had a BUNCH of treasure, and I mashed it. Maybe that was the cause, because a few times, the square that lands on the middle item went ahead of all the items left and landed on literally on the empty space after the last item.
I don't think this is the problem, I also do this and I don't remember having problems.

Also can you upload a save file?
This could also help.
Just zip the file so it can be attached here.

How do I do that?
Open "PROGRAM\console.c" and paste "DumpAttributes(pchar)" after "ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();".

5. DumpAttributes allows you to to see all the data for any "reference" in the game, which could be a character or a location or a ship or anything else.
Easiest is to run this through console (see above). The results are put into compile.log; delete that file prior to running this line to get a "clean" one containing only the data you want.

Check this out for how to use the console in general.
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks
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How do I do that?
Put the attached file into the "PROGRAM" folder of your game installation. If you paste it into the correct place, Windows should ask if you want to overwrite a file because there's already "PROGRAM\console.c".

Run the game. Next time you see the "error" messages in the inventory, close the inventory and interface screen, get back to the main view, then press F12. And then post "compile.log" here.

Which leads neatly onto...

Where are they located exactly? I looked over my Program Files folder for this game, can't find it. Also, nope, F11 didn't seem to work.
Nothing should be in "Program Files". If you installed the game into "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)", or any sub-folder of either of those, you're going to run into various problems, though I don't think the inventory is one of them. My own installation is in "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean".

In any case, wherever you installed the game, that is where you should find the log files. There should be "PROGRAM" and "RESOURCE" folders, as well as some files. The log files are among those files, not in the "PROGRAM" or "RESOURCE" folders.

And the only other thing I can think of that might have been the cause, was when I skipped from one end of the inventory to the other. I didn't click on the arrow, I clicked on the next image, and at one point I visited the crypt, had a BUNCH of treasure, and I mashed it. Maybe that was the cause, because a few times, the square that lands on the middle item went ahead of all the items left and landed on literally on the empty space after the last item.
Like @The Nameless Pirate, I do this as well because it scrolls through the inventory more quickly than clicking on the arrows. The square can indeed land one position past the last real item.

If you have been changing options such as "Weapon Qualities" or "Ammunition and Powder" during a game, that may do silly things to the inventory.


  • console.c
    35.4 KB · Views: 193
If you installed the game into "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)", or any sub-folder of either of those, you're going to run into various problems, though I don't think the inventory is one of them.
It's Program Files.
Nothing would surprise me there.

Indeed it's really best avoided. :onya
It's Program Files.
Nothing would surprise me there.

Indeed it's really best avoided. :onya
Apperently that's true. Because I did exactly as Grey Roger said, but the "compile.log" file doesn't show up anywhere and neither are the other two. Either it's because of me installing the game in Program Files, or some other problem with my laptop. It's an old one.

And yes, the problem probably started with me switching game preferences during a game. It was the "weapon quality" one. Lesson learned, I guess.
And seriously, sorry that I'm so lousy with all these instructions. I'm pretty shitty at computers.
Apperently that's true. Because I did exactly as Grey Roger said, but the "compile.log" file doesn't show up anywhere and neither are the other two. Either it's because of me installing the game in Program Files, or some other problem with my laptop. It's an old one.

Have a look at this:
New Horizons FAQ | PiratesAhoy!
Perhaps your log files are also to be found in "C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\"
Have a look at this:
New Horizons FAQ | PiratesAhoy!
Perhaps your log files are also to be found in "C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\"
No. Nothing either. Though that's more likely the problem with my laptop. Again, I'm using a REALLY old one that I just recently factory-restarted. Kinda long story.
Look, it's okay, I'll just god-mode through it. This whole bug just prevents healing items from being used. As far as I know, it doesn't break anything else

You think that was the cause of the bug though? Me changing "weapons quality" game preferences in the middle of this game?
You think that was the cause of the bug though? Me changing "weapons quality" game preferences in the middle of this game?
That does sound very plausible.

You might have a lot of items in your inventory that no longer exist.

Without the Weapons Quality mod, there is for example only a "blade1" item.
But with that mod, there is a "blade1-2", "blade1-1","blade1", "blade1+1", "blade1+2" and "blade1+3" item.
It's Program Files.
Nothing would surprise me there.

Indeed it's really best avoided. :onya
Also known as the Problem folder.

And seriously, sorry that I'm so lousy with all these instructions. I'm pretty shitty at computers.
No problem, everyone starts from somewhere. ;)

You think that was the cause of the bug though? Me changing "weapons quality" game preferences in the middle of this game?
Could be, do you have a save before the bug?
Maybe you could try to recreate it to be sure.
Could be, do you have a save before the bug?
Maybe you could try to recreate it to be sure.
Yeah, I think that was it. I compared two seperate saves between the point in which I'm pretty sure I made that specific change. They're pretty far apart, but I'm positive that it was AFTER one of them that I first struggled to find the gunsmith to unlock a certain skill perk, and THAT'S when I made the change.

So again, to avoid further bugs like these, never change game preferences during the game. And to make sure I don't, let's go over it again. Keep brotherls on, keep weapon conditions on, and keep gunpowder and personal ammunition on.

Although, is changing "gain experience" gonna break anything? I switch it on and off just so I can specifically train my officers.
Yeah, I think that was it. I compared two seperate saves between the point in which I'm pretty sure I made that specific change. They're pretty far apart, but I'm positive that it was AFTER one of them that I first struggled to find the gunsmith to unlock a certain skill perk, and THAT'S when I made the change.
Then it does indeed seem to be the culprit. :onya

So again, to avoid further bugs like these, never change game preferences during the game. And to make sure I don't, let's go over it again. Keep brotherls on, keep weapon conditions on, and keep gunpowder and personal ammunition on.
Seems like a good mindset to not get stuck once more.

Although, is changing "gain experience" gonna break anything? I switch it on and off just so I can specifically train my officers.
Not sure, have you seen anything out of the ordinary while playing?
Not sure, have you seen anything out of the ordinary while playing?
Not really.

Seems like a good mindset to not get stuck once more.
And also maybe keep Sweden on, just in case. AND let all Anchoring and Ransom to happen on deck. I THINK there was a point in the main story where you can take Governor Silehard prison, or was feeding him to sharks the only option? I can't remember.

And, also just in case, I'll make all ships and items avaliable regardless of level.
Although, is changing "gain experience" gonna break anything? I switch it on and off just so I can specifically train my officers.
Auto Skill System?
I don't remember anyone trying to switch it in mid-game.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Skill system is complex...

I THINK there was a point in the main story where you can take Governor Silehard prison, or was feeding him to sharks the only option? I can't remember.
You can take him prisoner these days.
So again, to avoid further bugs like these, never change game preferences during the game. And to make sure I don't, let's go over it again. Keep brotherls on, keep weapon conditions on, and keep gunpowder and personal ammunition on.

Although, is changing "gain experience" gonna break anything? I switch it on and off just so I can specifically train my officers.
Brothels are off by default. You need to switch them on before starting a game with a storyline that needs them.

You can change settings to suit yourself, provided you do so before you start a game. You probably don't want to change them in the middle of a game. For example, if you disable weapon quality, all the variants of weapons with different qualities will not exist. That's fine if you do it before starting a game - those items do not exist and will not appear. What messed up your game is that you started with weapon quality on, then switched it off during the game. So all the weapon variants existed, you probably had some of them, then you effectively told the game that they don't exist and it got confused with things in your inventory that should not have been there.

And also maybe keep Sweden on, just in case. AND let all Anchoring and Ransom to happen on deck. I THINK there was a point in the main story where you can take Governor Silehard prison, or was feeding him to sharks the only option? I can't remember.

And, also just in case, I'll make all ships and items avaliable regardless of level.
Sweden is off by default. It is not needed for any storyline. Again, if you want to change it, do so before starting a game, in case things need to be set up for Sweden at the start of a game which can not be set up later.

You could always take Silehard prisoner if you were lucky - he might surrender when you board his ship near the end of the story. The problem was that due to the way the game handles prisoners, it did not know that he was a prisoner when you talked to the replacement governor. This has now been fixed. If Silehard surrenders and is still your prisoner when you return to Port Royale, you can hand him over for a big reward.