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Have you forgotten to make Sabine Matton a paid officer?


I've noticed, that Sabine Matton as the only one of the officers, I've hired during quests, doesn't receive a salary. I've made her a navigator, and she's already quite on a level i the 70's. But even though I've changed her role as an officer and had her be an active officer, she's still set to have a salary of zero.

Did you simply forget about her, when you changed all the other brothers/sisters in arms to paid officers?
Well, that's awesome. What storyline is this and where can I find this Sabine Matton?
Well, that's awesome. What storyline is this and where can I find this Sabine Matton?
All storylines, except for Gold-Bug of course and probably Woodes Rogers and Hornblower. She's in the Martinique store. I don't know the sidequest that well, it's one of those that have multiple ways and orders you can do things in and that were really bugged and only half-completed in the stock game, but talk to either Arnaud Matton at the store or Baldewyn Coffier at the tavern and take it from there.
Not "forgotten" as such

I had neglected to add in a change to give her officer dialogue if you renege on ransom so that is added here. It's still rough and ready because there is no dialogue/quest entry etc (potentially WIP for after beta 4) to explain the change so you would have to stumble across the fact that she is now "removable" as a passenger and can be given a role but at least it means you can fire her to get rid of her - or use her as battle fodder, or nurture her
a good deal since she works for nothing having left the no salary increase attribute!
as your mood takes.

It can be changed of course.
DavyJack, you first have to ask either Arnaud Matton for work or talk to Baldewin Coffier in the Saint Pierre tavern. Once their story has been solved, Sabine will appear in Arnaud's store. I played a female character and just talked to her. When she disappeared and Arnaud asked me about her whereabouts, I told him, she got lessons to become an officer aboard my ship. That way I got to keep her and still be able to trade with Arnaud.
Not "forgotten" as such
So it's intentional, not a bug or an oversight. I'd say leave it as it is, then - and I love the way the whole quest has been improved and given various twists and options! :onya

When she disappeared and Arnaud asked me about her whereabouts, I told him, she got lessons to become an officer aboard my ship. That way I got to keep her and still be able to trade with Arnaud.
The other way to continue trading with Arnaud is to bring a big warship and loot the town. Like any sensible store owner faced with a pistol pointing at his head and a cannon pointing at the town, he lets you take whatever you want. After that, he's terrified of you and relieved if you'll give him money for goods and items instead of threatening him and taking the whole lot for free again.

The whole business with swindling Baldewyn Coffier out of his store and then possibly hiring you as an enforcer to extract money from him, plus Sylvie Bondies' comment that Sabine may be better off with you, all paint Arnaud Matton as a rather nasty person. So there's a certain satisfaction in kicking the door in, seeing him quaking in his boots, helping yourself to whatever you can carry - and having Sabine there to enjoy the fun. :rpirate
For any that thinks it smacks of exploitation I have looked at a dialogue tweak to put you in control of whether she works for nothing, gets irregular increases when you choose or joins the regular salary scheme (no pension of course). Just adds a bit more individuality to her presence.. It has reminded me of a lot of good intentions previously mentioned in the earlier thread that have not (as yet) seen the light of day.


  • Enc_Officer_dialog.c
    56.1 KB · Views: 50
  • Enc_Officer_dialog.h
    12.6 KB · Views: 53
pedrewyth, thank you. I actually felt it seemed sexistic not to pay Sabine.
Should I use re-initialize to use those files?

Grey Roger, oh, I plan to conquer Martiniqe at some point. Right now, Puerto Rico and Martinique are the only Spanish and French places, I haven't taken. But it won't be personal - just ambitions.
You shouldn't need to re-initialise. The new choices should be available next time you talk to Sabine and choose "About you..." You may need to scroll down some way during the next bit.

The bit about raiding Martinique was for male characters who can't just recruit Sabine by talking in the store; they have to take her to Sylvie Bondies, refuse to hand her over, return to Martinique and demand ransom. Pretending to fall for Arnaud's ruse costs a bit of reputation; demanding payment on the beach, then double-crossing him and keeping Sabine anyway costs more; and either way, he'll then refuse to trade with you. At least, he does until you level the fort and then threaten to level Arnaud as well.
Should I use re-initialize to use those files?
No just rename your existing two files to keep them safe (in case I have made any errors that break the new ones) then place the two replacements in the correct directories. Dialogue files are just called up/loaded when you speak to the individual concerned so they will be in play straight away.

EDIT @Grey Roger got there firstxD

pedrewyth, thank you. I actually felt it seemed sexistic not to pay Sabine.
For me the fact she starts as a shop merchant (and was originally intended by me to have no skills except commerce) meant she did not start as a "proper" officer. In fact I took some trouble that when she was a passenger (a scenario your playthrough avoided) she was NOT an officer. Now if you accept her as an officer (trainee) you can control when she has a value to you (and how much).
Thank you, I will promote Sabine right away. Perhaps I will make her rule Martiniqe, when I conquer the island. xD