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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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2 problems i am having.


the first one is sometimes when i "sail to" a port my fps literally drops to like 1 and it is a slideshow.
even the music messes up.
This NEVER happened on patch 5.
Sometimes it continues onto land until i fast travel to store.
The second is i finally activated ships gunpowder mod and made a new game but after dumping gunpowder to make room for ebony,
the next 3 ports i checked were not even selling any gunpowder.
So i could not shoot any ships i encountered between the three islands.
The first one is a huge problem.
The second, i can live without the gunpowder mod but i thought it would be fun.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Check out this thread(FAQ) on performance related things(like are you using a laptop with integrated gpu OR did you install swiftshader by mistake etc):


What are the specs of your PC etc

As for problem 2, well you made the choice to play the game that requires you have gunpowder to use your cannons(as a real pirate should btw :dance ).

I think at Port Royale you can talk to the Store merchant in town about resupplying your ships gunpowder, although i think it may not work, the dialogue is there for you to try. I guess if you want to keep the ships gunpowder mod, next time don't dump it!

If you don't like that, just unselect that mod and start a new game matey :sail
No it's not a laptop.
And all I installed is patch 6 lite.
My specs are
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+ 2.50 GHz processor
ATI Radeon X1300 Pro video card.
Like I said, I never saw anything like this when i played patch 5 for
a good many days.
The first day I play patch 6 it happens twice.
And the gunpowder, well I just expected to be able to, you know, buy more at a store.
Do you have to actually ask in dialogue for gunpowder?
Because like I said the 3 different islands I visited had no gunpowder item for sale
in their stores.
You are playing in arcade mode so "sail to" works. But then something "hangs" so your puter is working really hard. This is new. Maybe a coder could say what is making fast travel hang like that. When I use time compression at 30X it often gets down to single digits, but it goes up as soon as I return to normal time.

Some stores don't have gunpowder? True. Some have lots, and some have very little. When I acquire a very large ship that needs lots of gunpowder it often takes visits to 5 or 6 islands to get it fully stocked. Havana, Port Au Prince, and St. Pierre are usually well stocked.
i dont know what the problem is but i just checked Havana and they had none at all.
It is supposed to be right after chainshot in the store right? 4 stores I've checked now on 4 islands and I've seen 0 gunpowder.

also I just got the 1 fps immediately upon exiting world map after getting land ho message.
Well it does sound odd that with patch 5 you were fine, you say you used patch 6 lite? Maybe try with patch 6 full and see if that helps. It will require a reinstall of the game i think(so keep your saves somewhere safe, as long as you use F11 they should work ok with the new patch 6 full). At the momment there is no easy way to unistall just certain patches, so i tend to unistall the whole PotC game first(making sure to back up saves/modded files i want to keep etc), then go into the left over folder and manually delete all the Build Mod stuff. Then i reinstall the game, and usually just use the 'full' install files.

That is all a bit messy really, but this is a Beta, so hopefully once we are out of beta it will be a bit more neat and tidy :)

One thing i have noticed is that even on my Nvidia 9600GT i get a bit of graphical slow down in busy parts on land, but not had any slow down issues at sea yet. Hmmm do you play the game with other things running in the background? like your antivirus etc? I make sure i'm not connected to the net, then switch off all that kind of stuff before running the game.
Good Luck! and don't forget to follow the instructions in this thread exactly :mm


And there is some general stuff in this thread:


And i think the files are all here:


Also i'd add make sure you clean out any old Build Mod files that will leave themselves behind, you have to manually delete those :yes

Good sailing :sail
okay I am a bit confused.
I did a fresh install of potc and then the build 14 and then patch 6 full.
And it looks worse than build 14 patch 6 light did...
The resolution is lower so everything is bigger.
Why does my old incremental version look better??

The rainy picture is Patch 6 Full that looks bad.
Also note the bad pixely text in the store screeny is from patch 6 full.
The good looking text is from my light install. I don't get it.
I thought it may be that i needed ENB graphic mod but that just made the main menu blurry
and glowy.


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Have you adjusted your screen resolution in engine.ini? Also, you do not want to touch config.exe. That is sooo obsolete it's not funny.
Okay i changed resolution and downloaded a fix for weird looking water.
Anyone else only ever see Improved Xebecs for pirate ships?
Discussion about ship encounter chances split off to its own topic here.
So I'm getting the slideshow fps on my new install of patch 6 full....
i'm gonna play on patch 5 and see if it happens.
..amd make sure you haven't installed either of the two graphics 'optimizations'(for laptops etc) on the install option(make sure nothing is ticked iirc - it's all in the FAQ).
I just ran across this, and I also wanted to add that if you're running this on vista or 7, you should set the engine to run in compatibility mode for XP :keith, that alone solved a couple of my problems, and has made my engine last much longer before crashing :dance. Hope this helps :cheeky.
I'm on XP. i didn't install swiftshader or the other thing. And my computer ran this game fine until patch 6.
I played for days on Build 13 final and on Build 14 patch 5 and never saw any lag except when i installed
ship interface screen shots mod. Which I have disabled.
I just tried this.

When running through the jungle I could tell no difference. When scrolling through the weapons menu it was jerky.

I then went to the ships, told the 2 others to heave to, and then had a demolition derby.
Two each way, XP compatible and normal.

XP compatible has worse fps and was jerky but had no GA at all. :8q

Normal Win7 mode had better fps and was smooth, but had heavy GA once the masts started falling. :shock

More testing is required, but this is very interesting. :nerbz
I play on XP on my desktop gaming rig, and i've never had any slow down except in a few big towns when lots of people are around/fighting(although the scroll items menu can get a bit 'sticky' sometimes,in which case i fast-scroll(click far left/right on the items, don't use the arrows). That sounds weird about the GA being OS dependant! Whats your base OS?(must be Windows7 right?)
Maybe this means that for the build mods you guys should make more code that will work with the newer operating systems then :yes, just a thought.:cheeky