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20,000 Leagues Above the Clouds


Pining for the Fjords!
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Pirate Legend
This is normally not a type of game genre I look at, but this game looks so good I had to share it! I just ran across this by a new Indie game company called That Brain from Stockholm, Sweden. I like to show off Indie developers as much as possible. The game is called 20,000 Leagues Above the Clouds, it's a Steampunk pirate airship game and they are in the early stages of development. They have released a couple of videos on Youtube. I think you will agree, this game has a lot of potential and I will certainly be keeping an eye on their development!

They will have a Beta test program available at some point, and you can read their FAQ, see a whole bunch of screen shots and concept art over at their web page HERE!


  • 20000_Leagues_logo.png
    8.6 KB · Views: 31
Interesting but low rez. It looks like a takeoff of the Unengine Heaven stress test.