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Included in Build A new buccaneer camp?

Bartolomeu o Portugues

Staff member
Storm Modder
Storm Modeller
As you know, the buccaneer camp is mainly used for the Bartolomeu storyline (and a bit for the Ardent storyline and the Missing man quest).
I was thinking we could use for the outside location, the smuggler lair from CoaS.
I could add locators to this new location using the same locator's names that the current location so that it would be useless to change anything in the quest_reactions.c and other files.
I could do that for the Easter holydays after finishing first something in the last quest of the Bartolomeu Storyline I do with @Jack Rackham.
If the locator names are kept the same, it should be fine. I'll probably need to rewrite a bit of dialog for the tavern keeper where he tells you how to find the forger's house, but I can only do that when the new location is ready and I can visit it to see the new layout. (The forger's house can feature in both "Ardent" and the "Kapitein of Kralendijk" sidequest, depending on what you've been doing before you need a forger in either quest.)
I'm not the only one with territorial claims on the camp. :D At the moment "reload2", which leads to my forger's house, is in front of a large house in a fairly prominent location. I'm half inclined to swap it with "reload5" (smaller house across from the tavern at "reload4") or "reload7" (smaller house between current "reload2" and the store at "reload6"). But then that leaves the nice building unused.

So if anyone else has a better use for this place:
... then I'll be happy to move to somewhere smaller. Otherwise Pablo Escriva can stay there just so that house is used for something.
Here's how it looks in the game, by day and by night:
bc_day1.jpg bc_night1.jpg
The store, tavern, and forger's house:
bc_store.jpg bc_tavern.jpg bc_forger_house.jpg
And an outdoor smithy:

Now a warning to anyone else who wants to use this. "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Hispaniola.c" is based on an obsolete version and does not include either my researcher's house or @Jack Rackham's new loanshark in Santo Domingo. Anyone who is using the update archive may want to use the version of "Hispaniola.c" attached here.

I've disabled the auto-reload on the exit. The original Buccaneers' Camp has an auto-reload because the exit goes through an open arch to the path to the jungle; in fact, the scene includes part of the jungle outside the palisade. The new one does not. The exit is this gate:
The scene is basically the same as the Smugglers' Lair on La Grenade, but with different buildings. Smugglers' Lair also does not have auto-reload on the exit gate. Incidentally, it might be an idea to replace "Hispaniola_Jungle_03" with a duplicate of "Conceicao_Jungle_01" so that the approach to the camp also shows the palisade and gate from the other side. Or perhaps @Bartolomeu o Portugues can supply the CoAS jungle scene outside the camp? The location needs to have three exits, as "Hispaniola_Jungle_03" does: one to the camp, one to jungle leading to Boca de Hubon, and one to jungle leading towards Port au Prince. "Conceicao_Jungle_01" does indeed have three exits; from Smugglers' Lair, they go to the lair, to Leviathan Rock, and to jungle leading to Sao Jorge.


  • Hispaniola.c
    183.9 KB · Views: 267
I need to check if the CoaS exit location for this location has 3 exits. If not, it would be better indeed to use the Conceicao exit smuggler camp.
Another point, tomorrow, I think I will release some fixes for the Bartolomeu storyline.
I checked right now and the CoaS exit location has 3 exits. So, I'll do the changes.
Another point, if possible, I want to use a CoaS location for the village Church near Santo Domingo.
Just need to confirm if there is in CoaS, a location with a church and a few houses surrounded by jungles...
One problem with the new location is illustrated in the first of my screenshots, the street view by day. The entire outdoor population of Buccaneers' Camp is two guards. This isn't too bad in the original, smaller version of Buccaneers' Camp, but the new larger one could do with some random walkers to fill it up a bit more. How are they enabled in other places, e.g. La Grenade Smugglers' Lair?
These last days, I Played my Storyline and visited many times the Buccaneer camp. I can confirm many times many random people appeared there
Another point, if possible, I want to use a CoaS location for the village Church near Santo Domingo.
Just need to confirm if there is in CoaS, a location with a church and a few houses surrounded by jungles...
I didn't find a location like that in CoaS. Maybe, when I have time, I could work on the character path so that at least npcs don't walk through the buildings.
At least for a long time and except for the quest locations, I won't substitute or add any new locations. For instance, for the buccaneer camp exit I've had to create a lot of locators for the enemy npcs :-( That's painful.
These last days, I Played my Storyline and visited many times the Buccaneer camp. I can confirm many times many random people appeared there
Those aren't random. The "Bartolomeu" storyline puts several characters into Buccaneers' Camp who aren't there in FreePlay - or at least, not at the start.

In "PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\characters\init\Story.c", the following character is defined:
   ch.old.name = "Pirate";
   ch.old.lastname = "";
   ch.name = TranslateString("","Pirate");
   ch.lastname = "";
   ch.id       = "buccaneer_01";
   ch.model   = "pirat1";
   ch.sex = "man";
   ch.sound_type = "pirate";
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade10");
   ch.equip.blade = "blade10";
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol1a");
   ch.equip.gun = "pistol1a";
   //JRH ammo mod -->
   TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
   TakenItems(ch, "pistolbullets", 6);
   //JRH ammo mod <--
   ch.location   = "Buccaneers_Camp";
   ch.location.group = "goto";
   ch.location.locator = "goto42";
   ch.Dialog.Filename = "Buccaneers_dialog.c";
Having two characters with the same ID doesn't seem to cause problems, which is just as well, because in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c":
   ch.old.name = "Pirate";
   ch.old.lastname = "";
   ch.name = TranslateString("","Pirate");
   ch.lastname = "";
   ch.id       = "buccaneer_03";
   ch.model   = "pirat3";
   ch.sex = "man";
   ch.sound_type = "pirate";
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade7");
   ch.equip.blade = "blade7";
   if (GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY)
       GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol1");
       ch.equip.gun = "pistol1";
       GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol1a");
       ch.equip.gun = "pistol1a";
   //JRH ammo mod -->
   TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
   TakenItems(ch, "pistolbullets", 6);
   //JRH ammo mod <--
   ch.location   = "none";
   ch.location.group = "";
   ch.location.locator = "";
   ch.Dialog.Filename = "Buccaneers_dialog.c";
There are also "buccaneer_02" and "buccaneer_03" in both. The main difference is that the ones in "Bartolomeu" are defined as being in location "Buccaneers_Camp" right from the start, whereas the ones in "SideQuest.c" aren't given locations and are moved into "Buccaneers_Camp" during the "Angelique Moulin" sidequest. It might be worth changing "SideQuest.c" to put those three characters into place right at the start, then remove them from "Story.c" to avoid confusion. This would also have the effect of significantly increasing the permanent population of "Buccaneers_Camp" in storylines other than "Bartolomeu".
Last edited:
Here's the Buccaneers camp exit:
An important point, I've made a new locator file version for the Buccaneer Lair. I've added two new locators for the people walking in the town + better position for the reload1 officers + removed a locator at the entrance of this camp seeing there is now no autoreload.
Thanks! I've tried this out and it appears to work correctly. It also appears to be a modified version of the location outside La Grenade Smugglers' Lair, not surprisingly. The rooftops (and presumably the buildings under them) are consistent with those in the new Buccaneers' Camp, and the surrounding land has a different texture, but the general layout is the same.

Does CoAS have a decent Indian village? PoTC doesn't - the one on Aruba is pretty much a copy of the Pirate Fort on Bonaire.
An indian village in CoaS, I don't think so. But, I can check that again to be sure.
About the other point, of course, add more characters in the Buccaneer camp if you want to.