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Solved Animists Quest:- Quest name not found


Storm Modder
Have just started the Strange Goings on in the Caribbean sidequest.

Talked to Kralendijk, governor - then talked to merchant in tavern.

Went to Buccaneer Camp.

On arriving at Buccaneer Camp I got the log message:-

ERROR - Quest name to_pirates_quest_ANIMISTS_complete NOT found in ANY function.

I tried going to the Buccaneer Camp through the jungle & by sea to Palm Beach. It made no difference - still got the same Error.

I was still able to talk to the Pirate Leader in the Buccaneer Camp and the quest appears to be continuing OK. :shrug



  • system_jungleWalk.log
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  • compile_jungleWalk.log
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  • system_sea.log
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  • compile_sea.log
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Yup, that case seems to be called by Gheraed Drabbe_dialog.c but simply does not exist.
For Jack Sparrow, it is also in Tai Huang_dialog.c but is commented out there.
If I understand correctly, it simply isn't needed and the reference can be removed. Right?
Yup, just remove the three related lines from Gheraed Drabbe_dialog.c . Will be done in the next modpack update too.