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Not a Bug Appearance bug on 3rd rate Class Battleships

Spicy Sailor

Powder Monkey
Using: Build 14 (24th March 2020)
Hello, this is a minor visual glitch that i found on the latest version that didn't happen on the previous i was using (21st may 2018)

America class used to be white-black colored. Now as you can see in the picture America class is painted with cream and black like the british one (also has its flag). Also both current America class and Prins Willem give the same visual result. Only Temeraire works correctly. Also, shouldn't there be the Bellona class as English design?


  • engine.ini
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  • compile.log
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That's a weird one. I wouldn't expect that to have changed in any way.
Certainly not with @Grey Roger overseeing it. :shock

Ok, i have found where is the bellona class, along with centaur and independence. It is a different ship. But still America class with Prins Willem shouldn't look the same. Or have the English look
Those interface pictures are defined in RESOURCE\INI\INTERFACES\pictures.ini .
string = NL_Superbe,"Prins Willem de Eerste class 3rd Rate"
And in pictures.ini:
sTextureName       = shipsTM.tga
wTextureWidth       = 2048
wTextureHeight       = 2048

;ship pictures list
;row 1
picture   = Battleship4,           0,0,256,256
picture   = FR_Battleship4,       257,0,512,256
picture = SP_Battleship4,       513,0,768,256
picture   = Pirate_SteamFrigate,       769,0,1024,256
picture   = HMS_Indefatigable,       1025,0,1280,256
picture   = RN_Indefatigable,       1025,0,1280,256   // Shared with HMS_Indefatigable
picture   = FR_Indefatigable,       1281,0,1536,256
picture = SP_Indefatigable,       1537,0,1792,256
picture   = SP_Natividad,           1793,0,2048,256
;row 2
picture = GEN_Indefatigable,       0,257,256,512       
picture   = NL_Superbe,           257,257,512,512
picture   = BrigantineOld,       513,257,768,512
picture = FastGalleon5,           769,257,1024,512
picture = Sat_Essex,           1025,257,1280,512
picture   = PiratFrigateSat,       1281,257,1536,512
picture   = Frigate_Ex_Sat,       1537,257,1792,512
picture   =                1793,257,2048,512
Those coordinates look unique.
Could the texture file (RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\shipsTM.tga.tx) itself be wrong?
American ships in general are white and black. But the America class is not American, it's British. I'm not sure off-hand which type it is, but it's not "Bellona". Possibly "Superbe". France and Holland do indeed have their versions of this type.
American ships in general are white and black. But the America class is not American, it's British. I'm not sure off-hand which type it is, but it's not "Bellona". Possibly "Superbe". France and Holland do indeed have their versions of this type.
But why are America class and Prins willem class the same? one says cream other says brown and they are both brown
The America class should be cream. Select it in the shipyard, then go to the port and see what your ship looks like.
When you installed the game, did you choose the option for "Original British Navy"? That would certainly have the effects you describe.

Originally, British late period ships in the game had that dark yellow paint scheme. So did the real HMS Victory in Portsmouth. Some years ago, that ship's keepers did some research, concluded that the paint used in Nelson's time was a lot paler, and repainted the ship accordingly. @Armada then created new textures for the game's HMS Victory and I did other ships. It was felt that some players might prefer the dark yellow scheme (which appears in some paintings and in films such as "Captain Horatio Hornblower RN"), so the old files were kept as an option during installation.
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When you installed the game, did you choose the option for "Original British Navy"? That would certainly have the effects you describe.

Originally, British late period ships in the game had that dark yellow paint scheme. So did the real HMS Victory in Portsmouth. Some years ago, that ship's keepers did some research, concluded that the paint used in Nelson's time was a lot paler, and repainted the ship accordingly. @Armada then created new textures for the game's HMS Victory and I did other ships. It was felt that some players might prefer the dark yellow scheme (which appears in some paintings and in films such as "Captain Horatio Hornblower RN"), so the old files were kept as an option during installation.
Aaah yes, i did select original british navy.
So, i can't undo such thing from the game options, can i? Need to reinstall to see the effects?
Aaah yes, i did select original british navy.
So, i can't undo such thing from the game options, can i? Need to reinstall to see the effects?
If you made no changes to the mod files, you can reinstall the mod (without that option selected) on top of your current game.

Just to be on the safe side, you may want to backup your SAVE, PROGRAM and RESOURCE\INI folders first.
It would be a nice touch for the "original navy colors" mod to spawn ships with their original colors as it is, but if you want, to manually change it in any of the 4 skins in the shipyards once its yours
It would be a nice touch for the "original navy colors" mod to spawn ships with their original colors as it is, but if you want, to manually change it in any of the 4 skins in the shipyards once its yours
Technically possible.
Would require the ship model files to be copied, HEX-edited and new ships_init.c entries to be added for them.