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Unconfirmed Bug Ardent Crash


Hi all, I have just started the Ardent storyline but every time I leave the prison at the beginning the game crashes to desktop. I have attached the error log from the game folder, is there someway I can fix this? Many thanks.


  • error.log
    193 bytes · Views: 188
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c; line: 531
missed attribute: pursuers
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c; line: 531
no rAP data
I don't think that should cause any crashes though...

@Grey Roger would be the main person to know; but he's temporarily unavailable.
That is certainly a bug but it should not crash the game. Missing attributes often show up in "error.log" without a crash.

I tried playing the escape myself. The missing attribute causes soldiers to attack you when you go to the jungle, which is not meant to happen, so I'll post a fix when I have full Internet connectivity. But the game did not crash. So something else must be crashing your game.

Could you play the escape again, then post "compile.log" and "system.log" after the crash?
Update: I've posted a collection of fixes to the "Ardent" storyline here:
A few fixes
That should put an end to the missing attribute error.