A rather extreme and highly technical installation not using the zip Archive file per instructions. You obviously are a wizard C programmer. with the duplicate installer files you are able to directly use the .tar file rather than the zipped archive... a workaround that I have nothing but admiration for your knowledge and skill. However, being a mere FORTRAN programmer and unequal to your knowledge of C, I must demure to the official use of the described zipped file... however, it is very important that you know the game will not work with the Intel chip set in my Lenovo Thinkpad T61, bummer! You've uncovered the bizarre circumstance that has made such a hash of this game on my notebook.
In as much as my notebook is incompatible I thank you for freeing me from this very frustrating attempt to make things work when they are incompatible. Looks like I'm not going to be playing v22, and probably not B15 since the developers seem to be using a specific chipset for their development.
Thanks for the release from bondage...
Appreciate the help,
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In as much as my notebook is incompatible I thank you for freeing me from this very frustrating attempt to make things work when they are incompatible. Looks like I'm not going to be playing v22, and probably not B15 since the developers seem to be using a specific chipset for their development.
Thanks for the release from bondage...
Appreciate the help,
Baste has informed me the Intel Chipset in my Lenovo Thinkpad T61 is not compatible with this build even though I've had no significant problem running older versions.... looks like I'm out of the game and can quit trying to make this game work on a machine that it doesn't like. I'll just have to accept this limitation and console myself with the earlier versions that are not as particular about the chipset... thanks for the concern and helpful suggestions,Yes I do not open the zipped contents archive file because directions say the installer does that... Look problem is not installation... duplicate the install yourself and see what happens with a total new download of the links offered... ok?
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