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Fixed Bartolomeu Storyline: Broken Side Quest - A Girl Won In A Card Game


The Jester
Quest Writer
Hearts of Oak Donator
There seems to be a problem with leaving the tavern after the confrontation. Can someone look into it?


  • -=Nysgh=- Martinique.rar
    626.8 KB · Views: 62
What happens? What doesn't happen? Which game version? Do you have any .log files?
We'll need more information.
Oh, sorry. I thought the save file was enough for everything.
Well, it's the latest release, 3.4. And Bartolomeu Storyline.
I don't have any .log files, but it's not a crash bug, i guess it's just a problem that can be fixed with just one line.
Everything's alright with the quest until i leave the tavern at Martinique. Then she asks me to accompany her to the Townhall, but doesn't move when i accept.
Leave her there and go to the townhall anyway. You'll still be able to talk to the governor and get your reward.

Meanwhile Virginie d'Espivant remains rooted to the spot, permanently. You can sail away, do things elsewhere in the Caribbean, return to Martinique and she'll still be standing there.
Sounds like there may be a quest case not executed.
.log files would be useful since it'll be probably be mentioned in there.
It wouldn't be a problem for me to see her at the same spot now and then, rooted.
But the quest is not ending. I'll try again but i can't talk to the Governor about her.

EDIT: Btw here are the log files, i don't really know if they'll be of any help.


  • log files.rar
    1 KB · Views: 66
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I tried that savegame and there is indeed a problem. I go into the tavern and the conversation with the boyfriend happens; I leave the tavern automatically and the conversation with Virginie happens; then she turns into a piece of scenery and never moves or talks again, which is what normally happens. Then I go to the governor, the first thing he does is offer me a ship-hunting quest, and whether I accept or reject it, he never has any dialog relating to Virginie.

I've completed this quest several times before, but there are a few differences here. For one thing, you're friendly to France, I'm not. Also, you appear to have the ammo mod disabled, whereas I have it enabled. But the significant factor is probably that this is the "Bartolomeu o Portugues" storyline, which I have never yet tried; I've completed the quest in "Tales of a Sea Hawk", "Assassin", and most recently in "Nelson's First Command", only the last of those being under Beta 3.4. The "Bartolomeu" storyline has its own version of "Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.c", which is the governor's dialog file, and I'd guess that's where the problem lies.
^ That could very well be. I was looking at that file yesterday and it is completely different from the regular one.
Once I get a bit further with the governor dialog files project I'm doing, I'll see if anything can be done to fix that.
Oh, actually i wasn't friends with the French at first @Grey Roger .
I became friends at my third try. At first i accepted and went to the Governor, there was a blank space for a conversation if i recall correctly but not a word about Virginie.
At second i could decline because i wasn't friends with the french but the quest still haven't ended.
And the third is after the save file above.

I'm glad if i pointed out a bug. I actually reloaded a new savegame of before and didn't took that side-quest in the first place.
@Bartolomeu o Portugues: Would you be willing to adapt the Assassin/Bartolomeu storyline copies of "Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog.c" to actually be based on the normal copy of that file?
Right now it looks like those are taken from a completely different governor, which messes up this sidequest. :facepalm

Alternatively, I'd have to figure out how to disable this sidequest specifically only in your storyline(s).
Now that the Bartolomeu storyline also has the Martinique governor dialog based on the default version, this one should be fixed.
This seemed to be working OK when I tried the opening post's savegame.

I made some changed though anyway so Virginie won't be left standing still in town for all eternity.