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Spoiler Better Tichingitu + Mayor Hack-ish (A little cheat)


Pirate Queen
Staff member
Storm Modder
Okay, so I got bored last night and started messing with Tichingitu's file. xD This is purely for cheaters.

  • So what I did was I added a few cases for Tichingitu so he can go and sell your contraband anytime anywhere instead of risking your neck with the smugglers and going to those special buyers who pay contraband in gold doubloons. Just talk to him and you'll figure it out. Make sure to have any of the top 5 contraband in the game for the lines to even show up when talking to him. You'll see.
  • Also, he can get you money upon request. Yes, money. So basically, you're set for life with him at your side.
So, I mean you can still get the file and just use it when you 'really' need his 'extra' services if you're not that of a so-called cheater. lol
(01 OCT 2019)
  1. You now need a good reputation with the smugglers and a minimum number of said goods for you to even send Tichingitu to talk with his unscrupulous clienteles. And a very high reputation with them is required to get the full price he will mention. Your actions or decisions will affect your reputation with your regulars as well.
  2. You now need a high "Authority" to ask Tichingitu for money also if you have enough money, he will not get you more but you probably already have, know, and or thinking a lot of loopholes regarding this option so go ahead and make it worthwhile because your "Authority" will decrease a little every time you'll ask Tichingitu for this favor. It should be quite proper if I say so myself since you are kind of abusing your power a little by asking him this favor. (He does get you quite a heavy sum though.) :p
  3. I added more lines to be randomly spoken during your conversation with Tichingitu to make it more realistic and not make you feel as you are talking to a one-response robot and vice versa.
  4. I've updated the slides for you to know how long each trip Tichingitu takes when meeting with your murky patrons.
(26 OCT 2019)
  1. Tichingitu can now sell your gold and silver goods for a much better deal than any in the Caribbean BUT would require a VERY HIGH reputation with the smugglers for the option to be available.
  2. You can now ask Tichingitu to bribe some people to increase your reputation with the smugglers if it's not high enough to where you can get the full prices. The dialogue will NOT appear if you already have a high enough reputation with them.
  3. You can now talk to any Mayor if you want to increase your overall "Authority" in The New World. This also helps-ish in the FTJR bug because as I understand, your Authority drops a few points every day after completing that quest and that the current fix is not properly working. The dialogue will NOT appear if you already have a high enough "Authority".
(20 SEPT 2020)
  1. I've added a new function for Tichingitu where he can fix your reputation with every nation. He does not require money but it will cost you a bit of your Authority which is fine because you can just gain it back by talking to any Mayor provided you have the coin.
  2. I've attached a separate file for this where Tichingitu is still OP.
There are three files of your choice.
  • One is my personal which Tichingitu is a bit OP upon recruiting (all necessary perks enabled plus all personal/ship skills and SPECIAL are maxed out upon recruiting xD)
  • A normal one with just the extra modifications I added.
  • And lastly is the most recent one where it's the same as the OP one but with added functions. (Check changelog)
INSTALLATION: Just extract the file to your main game directory and overwrite. No new game or new load is required after installing. So, yes, you can overwrite the file while the game is currently active and the changes will take effect immediately.

EDIT1: I only made this because I was bored so it's not perfect the way I want it to be.
EDIT2: If you like modding as well and want to make a similar mod like this or has the functions you want, feel free to try this out and look at my changes in the file. I've taken a lot of codes from different files to make the checks & effects work properly and to make this mod work closer to the way I wanted to and so it's now compiled for you. There are more things I wanted to look at and implement with this mod but I just don't have the time to do it right now.

EDIT3: Files Updated (20191001).
EDIT4: Files Updated (20191026).
Added a third file (20200920).


  • OP Tichingitu.7z
    46.2 KB · Views: 662
  • Normal Tichingitu.7z
    45.6 KB · Views: 553
  • OP Tichingitu Plus.7z
    47.9 KB · Views: 548
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Looks awesome! I will try but for sure, I just have a quick question. Will this take effect on an existing save or would you have to start a new game?

If it is just dialog files I would assume it should just work when dropped in.

EDIT: I started using the mod, it is pretty awesome!
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Well, it's a boring Monday and I find myself an unexpectedly enough time to spare so I decided to tweak more on Tichingitu's file to make it more of what I was thinking the first time I decided to mod it. Files are updated and changes can be found on my first post. Happy Sailing! :sail
very interesting code, I consider it with pleasure , but unfortunately I do not understand English very well in dialogues.
very interesting code, I consider it with pleasure, but unfortunately I do not understand English very well in dialogues.
Hi! Sorry about that. Here is a paraphrased version of "OP Tichingitu". I've removed a lot of idiomatic expressions, old terms and big words. It should be fairly universally understandable by now. :)
Oh, and yes, the mayor tweak is also included here.

**Plus I've included a third file in the opening post for the regular OP Tichingitu, (check Changelog) but that extra tweak is also included on the attached file.


  • Simplified OP Tichingitu.7z
    45.9 KB · Views: 410
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This also helps-ish in the FTJR bug because as I understand, your Authority drops a few points every day after completing that quest and that the current fix is not properly working.

As I know (& played) it is not bug. Story made. Hero have to talk to Merabel.
It's supposed to stop once you finish the DLC, in the Russian version it works like this.

I had fixed it a while ago, but unfortunately I lost my files.
I am planning to redo the fix, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
For some reason the line of code that stops it is missing from the English version.
If you want to fix it after you finished the DLC you need to use the console, but there have been some problems with it as far as I know. :unsure
As I know (& played) it is not bug. Story made. Hero have to talk to Merabel.
This is interesting. So after talking to Merabel, that effect stops?
For some reason the line of code that stops it is missing from the English version.
If you want to fix it after you finished the DLC you need to use the console, but there have been some problems with it as far as I know. :unsure
@Pieter Boelen suggested adding this line with the fix.
    int i;
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
So it should look something like this in console:
void ExecuteConsole()
    int i;
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
DeleteAttribute(pchar, "questTemp.Mtraxx.CharleePrince");
This is interesting. So after talking to Merabel, that effect stops?

As I said it worked for me. But can take little time & hero's effort to increase his reputation again.
As well as have to make good relation with Spanish & Dutch.
Have to finish last mission of FTJR - "Hand of Nemesis".

Below is the translation from Russian walk through. I have no credit (only translation).

"" ... Once you are on the surface, return to the bay of the lagoon of Karatask. These places will be well known to Charles. On the coast, Charles forever says goodbye to his pirate past and will vow never to embark on such a path. In addition, he will remember a girl named Mirabel. It's funny, but she tried to stand up for Charles during his nightmares in the old chapel. So, it is necessary to visit her.

Important! Charles's health and morale will naturally deteriorate until you visit Isla Monet and visit Mirabel. Only then can you forget forever the nightmares of the last days and gradually begin to return Charles to his former life. Including - and return to Saint-Pierre to Michel de Montpe ... ""

"" Spanish & dutch will hate your guts, don't want hordes of bounty hunters on your?????- improve your relations with spain and holland beforehand. ""

Note: I played almost 2 years back before Hero of the nation & Happily ever after.
Thank you for that, I didn't remember which file I had to check, now you gave a lead! :cheers

EDIT: Okay, so I took a look at the code.
And the bug must have been fixed in some update.

Take a look at "PROGRAM\dialogs\russian\Quest\Sharlie\Mishelle.c".
At line 813 you can find "DeleteAttribute(pchar, "questTemp.Mtraxx.CharleePrince");".

Just like in the Russian version according to this post in the Steam forums.

However, I suppose that if you did the quest before this was fixed you don't get the reputation drop to stop.

To be precise the attribute "questTemp.Mtraxx.CharleePrince" get's deleted when you speak to your brother when the DLC ends.
Progressed past that point before the devs fixed it?
Bad luck, the console would be your only hope, but for some reason people can't get it to work.
I will reinstall TEHO and the Hookmod, and try to run the console myself later.

Now about Charles health, it is indeed like in the Russian guide as far as I remember.
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However, I suppose that if you did the quest before this was fixed you don't get the reputation drop to stop.

I figure out that I played it from the end of 2017 to mid of 2018.
I don't have the game installed now.
So I cant confirm about that line of code missing in the English version.
As I played the hole game (as of walk through) and did not find any major problem like this.