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Fixed Black Smoke and Sound Effects in Land Fights

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
What is that black stuff that sprays out in every fight and which moron put it into POTC? :rumgone
More information, please? Land or sea fights? What does it look like?
I'm confused....
I'm not confused. I am angry and will soon delete this install.
We need to check what causing this too hylie, thats why pieter asked .... he is confused not you.

I did some sword fighting but couldn't see the black stuff you mentioned also..
You're angry, but you're not explaining why. That is not very helpful.
I honestly haven't the foggiest what you're going on about. Can't sort out problems if we don't know what they are. :no

So pretty please: More information, possibly screenshots and maybe a savegame to test from.
Hmm. Ok, I have no screenies because I am always trying to not die when it happens, but here is a save in the Speightstown dungeon in the Sea Hawk storyline. Lotsa fighting to do.


  • -=Playerms on an2Ûxwǐ=- Barbados.7z
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I hope to have some time to do playtesting after christmas :).
Wont be able to look at hylies problem in the next few days but it will be tackled before the public release.
I got a night time screenie. There is a HISSSS, the black cloud, then AAUUGH!
tester 2014-12-23 16-29-24-07.jpg
Hmm. Ok, I have no screenies because I am always trying to not die when it happens, but here is a save in the Speightstown dungeon in the Sea Hawk storyline. Lotsa fighting to do.
Thanks for that!

What happened with your profile name? "Playerms on an2ÛxwÇ"? :rofl
Also, that save was made with the previous modpack release, not the current one.

That being said, I have tracked down where the sounds and black smoke come from.
These appear to be only "special effects" added for the use of the Cauterization Kit.
Eye and ear candy for realism's sake, so to say. This should have no further impact on gameplay.

I did somehow take damage while playtesting with the godmode on. Haven't yet figured out why that is happening. o_O

What exactly do you object to? Just the sound and particle effect or do you have issues with your health dropping as well?
I got a night time screenie. There is a HISSSS, the black cloud, then AAUUGH!
See the fix attached here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/simplified-build-14-beta-3-3-wip-code.23064
This limits the particle and sound effects to the player character only.
Before it was shown for ALL characters in the scene, but at the player coordinates. So that indeed needed some improvement.
This means that you'll only see the effects if you use a Cauterization Kit yourself. That should set things right, I think.

Additionally, turned out the HP loss I noticed was unrelated to this.
It was because multidmg as used by the Grapeshot Pistol did not care about the godmode at all.
I have now done a global fix for that as well so that any call to LAi_ApplyCharacterDamage will be cancelled if godmode is on.

So two issues sorted for the price of one, eh? :cheeky
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Not entirely sure. Fairly recently in any case.
Please try the attachment on the opening post and let me know if that seems to make more sense.
We're trying to make the game BETTER, after all. Not worse. ;-)
What kind of solution is that? Especially since a more proper fix is already posted?
Would like to know if this has been addressed satisfactorily now. Or is more tweaking required?
Cheers Gentlemen,

I used you small patch Pieter and did never enbcounter the black smoke.

I have cauterization in my invenbtory, but I think I don't use them. If I need health, I usually press C, but I think this does not use a cauterizatioon kit.

So to test this, I need to use a cauterization kit during melee combat, yes?

Edit: Just did it. Cauterization kit makes black smoke, meakes me cry, but no further problems occured. No huge clouds of black smoke, no dying.
Cauterization Kits are potions like all other health items and are indeed used by the C-key if available.

Edit: Just did it. Cauterization kit makes black smoke, meakes me cry, but no further problems occured. No huge clouds of black smoke, no dying.
Yep, that's what is now intended to happen. The sounds for some other "potions" have been updated as well.
Reason is realism, since having a generic drinking sound when you apply a Bandage or Cauterization Kit makes very little sense. :facepalm

Any comments how this works from a gameplay perspective, though?
Does it add to the game or is it bothersome?
I am considering this issue "Fixed". For those people who do not like it, I added an extra USE_PARTICLES level that they can use to disable it.