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Fixed Boarding: Inconsistent Crashes Related to Looting


Sailor Apprentice
Well guys my internet was kind of sucking this last days so today I was playing with Norrington and was fighting one pirate and one portuguese ship, the boarding in pirate was succesfull but after boarding the another one and capturing it a error appeared and all my effort went right to the sewers :ko


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Those random crashes on boarding are a typical thing in the game. You have to take note that because the game is so heavily modded, it turns out to be less stable. Although sometimes some problems can be fixed in order to improve the game and reduce the amount of crashes you have.

I also have those random crashes when boarding, and I feel also very frustrated when THAT happens :modding But meh, It's what you have. I get used to it.
This error does look interesting:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 90
invalid index 3 [size:3]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 90
function 'CreateFlagEnvironment' stack error
This error does look interesting:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 90
invalid index 3 [size:3]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 90
function 'CreateFlagEnvironment' stack error
That one again? I have seen it before and I don't think it causes a crash.
But I don't like it anyway.
In my experience, the crashes happen if you've looted a chest or body, or exchanged equipment with one of your officers. Save game before going into the battle, try looting chests and/or bodies, if the game crashes then reload and try again and this time keep your hands out of other people's pockets. It doesn't always happen, which is why I never buy weapons or medicaments. :rpirate
In my experience, the crashes happen if you've looted a chest or body, or exchanged equipment with one of your officers. Save game before going into the battle, try looting chests and/or bodies, if the game crashes then reload and try again and this time keep your hands out of other people's pockets. It doesn't always happen, which is why I never buy weapons or medicaments. :rpirate
This is also my experience...I wonder why looting could cause this tough...
I can confirm also when I asked the captain to be my officer the game crashed (CTD) without and error log.
I am really glad the game works properly :), I just encountered a random crash on a boarding deck for the first time no big deal I guess first crash out of 15 boarding party's so nothing serieus.
Guess crashes sometimes happens..
Hope Im not annoying you everytime I complain about a crash haha :unsure


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I am really glad the game works properly
Your error.log file suggests that your game does NOT work properly yet. PLENTY errors about missed ranks.

Do you use the game in windowed mode? If so, can you occasionally Alt+Tab out of the game and see in which situation this occurs?
Probably some incorrectly initialized characters. But are do those occur ashore, at sea or in boardings?
No I dont use windowed mode, I never use it actually.
But this error only occured once when boarding and I boarded like 15 times before with no error, and im not trying to reproduce it because I think I'll have to be lucky when it happens.
No I dont use windowed mode, I never use it actually.
Windowed mode is awesome! You can make it LOOK like fullscreen, but drop in and out of the game without closing it down.
Also convenient when combined with console and checking log files during testing.

But this error only occured once when boarding and I boarded like 15 times before with no error, and im not trying to reproduce it because I think I'll have to be lucky when it happens.
So it WAS during boarding then? May require a similar "solution" as the one for the sea CTDs.
@niels did you ask the captain to be your officer?
@niels: Did you loot any chests or corpses, or exchange equipment with any of your officers, during the boarding? That's what sometimes causes a crash during boarding for me.
Second test, boarding worked fine for me.

It did crash while I was looting, but that is an old issue.

These are the only error logs I got, which I believe are unrelated:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
missed attribute: sex
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
missed attribute: deathx
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
missed attribute: deathy
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
no rAP data
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
missed attribute: deathz
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 3205
no rAP data
Now the game crash when I was looting the bodies and there is error logs again.
1 boarding out of three without a crash, is better than before, but not good enough.


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Boarding ship near Jamaica CTD when I tried to loot the first corpse.


  • error.log
    571 bytes · Views: 218
It appears that we have three individual issues related to boarding and it is MASSIVELY confusing to discuss all of them interchangeably in three threads.
So I have now renamed the threads we've got and I would kindly request everyone to use the appropriate ones as much as possible:
Confirmed Bug - Boarding: Inconsistent Crashes Related to Looting | PiratesAhoy!
Cannot Confirm - Boarding: Crash Due to Not Correctly Initialized Enemy Captain | PiratesAhoy!
Fix in Progress - Boarding: Stuck, but No Crash | PiratesAhoy!

THIS thread relates to CTDs during boarding that occur only SOMETIMES, so not always.
It is a confirmed long-standing problem that seems to be related to looting. Unfortunately this generates NO error.log file, so we still have no clue on why this even happens.
If you don't do any manual looting during boarding, it seems this problem does not occur either.