• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Solved Build 14 Beta 2.3 upgrade to beta 3


Hey guys

I might be double posting this , hence the official first forum has over 85 pages , now I did not want to go threw all of them since this question might not have been asked in the first place

So as the title say's will you release a update that will upgrade beta 2.3 or must I re-download the whole 2 Gig over again and get part 1 and 2 ?

Please advise , cause it would be cool if there was like a smaller version or that I could download instead

Thanks for the help , and keep up the great work , I really am impressed with the new build !
You have to re-download, I'm afraid. Making a "light" installer is easier said than done.
No I understand no worries , Just wanted to know if you guys were intending to make one .

Thank you for the Swift reply ! and personally I cant wait to get my hand on the new build !

Keep up the great work and great community !
I thought about making one, but decided against it. More version would cause even more confusion and installation issues.
So I decided to just make one version only and even that is apparently already confusing. :facepalm

BTW: Thread moved to the Build forum.