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[Build 15 Patch 11 06.JUL.23] CTD on Game start

The Rhythmosaur

Hello and thank you everybody!

I've been silently around this forum since Built 14 patch 8, thrilled about what you guys have done, and patch 8 runs as flawless on my system as it runs on everybody else's with the known bugs not getting in the way too much.

Installing patch 11 however resulted in the game simply refusing to load even the main menu. It DOES NOT provide any log (I'm new but I'm familiar with the procedure) to provide any answers. In full screen mode, the screen goes black as it normally would prior to the main menu arriving on screen, followed by a ctd ca. 1.5 seconds later.

Built 15 Patch11, 06.July 2023
Language: English (despite being German)
ENB: Not active
Reproducable: Always
Mods besides stated ones: None
Save game folder: Empty.
Log files: NONE CREATED ) Yeah, I know that, uuum, blows.
Main System
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500
Memory: 65331 MB
OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.5
Thread(s): 2
Audio System
Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI 5.1 Surround
Version: 2018.11
Frequency: 192000
Max. active sources: 256
Render System
Driver: Direct 3D 12
Card Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices
Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT
Version: 30.0.21017.1000 (17.5.2022)
Revision: 193
Hardware Feature Level : 12_1

What I did since:

1. Purged the installation
2. Freshly installed Build 15
3. Made a copy
4. Installed patch 8 in one copy and patch 11 in the other.
5. Started using the exe in each folder (no shortcut). Result: Patch 8 runs as usual, Patch 11 still refuses service.
6: Replaced .ini file in 11 by the one used in 8 (always backup your files) after noticing they are not identical. Result: Same difference.

I will provide any additional information if I can.

Coming into the forum as a newly registered user and trying to figure out what the rules are ( beside the common sense rules), especially after being prompted to read them multiple times was a confusing experience. Several links that lead to the same thread, links that lead to external sources and much talk about old and new rules plus a poll, but the old rules nowhere to be found. "Note the green highlighted parts of the text", no green to be seen. Maybe It's just me, I don't know.

The original game does no longer run on my system (as reported by other users) which is what eventually brought me to you guys when I needed you most (that was when patch 8 came out). Since then, beside the occassional hickups like the game crashing after a completed boarding - as reported by others - I am amazed about what you made out of the base game. I have played days on end since (2 1/2 years game time) and it doesn't get boring at all. Keep up the good work!

Oh, and if you guys have a paypal account, let me know :) )
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Unless anybody disagrees, I'd suggest to consider this problem [Fixed] by @Hammie

Thanks again!
