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Mod Release CannonFX 3.0

I like this new layout. It is clearly explained and easy to use once I find that section. The only setting I can use supersampling on is the stock POTC setting. With the others I have to notch back to multisampling and 24X AA & AF.

I have not gone down into the Abbey, but while killing the monks wandering around I can't see any difference in their particle effects. They make no difference to frame rate either.
Ok i just found something horribly wrong here.
Appearantly the save game ive been using has affected my testing results.
Ive found that when existing the instance at sea and then going back to se from the map or starting a new game, that the particles seem to be cycling at around half the speed i thought they were.

Thing is, I have no idea how or why, or how to get the "accelerated" effect outside a dodgy save like recorded in the videos. >.<
And the game was definitely running at normal speed. *sigh*
The effects themselves are behaving like they should, its just the speed of how quickly it cycles that is off.

I mean it still all looks good, just not what I was expecting...

Ok I see whats happening.
Whenever I load a save game at sea, even a brand new one I just made, the cannon effects seem to cycle through at a faster rate until I return to the Map.
Why this is I don't know, but somehow I want to replicate that effect.
Because as is there is nothing I can do with the particle speed settings, as anything higher than what they are will cause the smoke particles to scatter in an erratic pattern.
I guess I need to fire my cannons more often as I did not notice this speed difference. I have started from a save at sea too.
For some reason the camera just does not like being smack dab in the middle of the smoke. =/
Which is why the #Low# setting now uses the stock PotC smoke parameters instead.

the new "Low" setting has another advantage, your view in first person no longer gets blocked by the heavy smoke clouds, so you can focus on the enemy ship lol :p
Nope. Never had any reason to do that.

EDIT: I made two videos, one from a save leaving port and another save at sea, and the speed difference is easy to see when they are played back to back. The fast one looks livelier and dissipates faster.
Nope. Never had any reason to do that.

EDIT: I made two videos, one from a save leaving port and another save at sea, and the speed difference is easy to see when they are played back to back. The fast one looks livelier and dissipates faster.
Yep thats exactly how I experience it.

For whatever reason, when you load into a sea save it renders the effects at an accelerated rate, though the particles still behave exactly the same.
Sadly there does not seem to be a way to make it do that all the time. =/
Just a miniscule tweak to the embers.
I had reworked them a bit originally because I thought I had messed up before I realised that this bug was speeding up the presentation lol.
But now they are back to how I originally envisioned them.
Still wish I could figure out how to speed up the particle animation itself like the bug does.


  • Merciless's_cannonFx-3.2.zip
    141.1 KB · Views: 143
I wished I could help you, but I'm very much unfamiliar with the Save At Sea mod. Not quite surprised that it has some unexpected side-effects though;
after all, the game engine never support it in the first place.
Gotit. Someday I'm gonna catch those embers in a screenie.
The only other side effect of the save at sea mod That I know of is that the other ships in your fleet will not follow you until you order them to.
This is great. Any way to have it in separate from the Build modpack ? Which one can copypaste upon an older version of the game ?
Actually, that's what Merciless Mark's attachment above is for.
You just have to use WinMerge to ensure it is compatible. Impossible to make one version that works on all modpack versions.