• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Correct me if I am wrong, but aren´t bombs mortar ammunition? I mean they are not supposed to be fired directly at a target but above it, besides that, mortars were carried by specially designed or modified vessels "bomb ketches" also, the firing method was quite curious too, the gunner had two matches, one on each hand so he could light the bomb´s fuze and then fire the cannon in a very short time!!.

It would be awesome if bomb ketches were added to the game (firing only bombs) that kind of ship would make a nice addition to a squadron trying to take a fort.

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Yes, bombs or shells were NOT used in real age of sail cannon. I think that's why they were removed from the "realistic" cannon mod in the first place.

Landside forts are for the time being in the new Oxbay and Greenford suburbs(Antigua is finished but not yet in the modpack). If you manage to sneak into the Armory you can force the armorer to give you handgrenades OR cannonbombs.
Actually the key figures that you can capture in the forts offer lots of things: money, sailors, officers, victuals , LOMs or even the surrender of the town. But only sometimes the surrender to you, so you need some fighting and luck to get anything.