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Solved Can't go sail

YEdit:I have been trying to make captures of the game wich is not working , its showing my desktop instead lol
Press F8. That should take a screenshot from within the game, saving the result as a .tga file into the game installation folder. For best results, press F9 first - that makes all the information displays such as compass and status icons disappear so they don't spoil the view.

Thanks to everyone! i'm gona play a bit since i haven't had the time yet and i can't wait to sail with all those awesome frigates (the ones that are attacking me while i'm trying to test all this x'D)
For test purposes, all you need to do is start a new game as a corsair, tell Malcolm Hatcher to get lost, go to the port, turn round, go straight back to the ship, and off to sea. That's all I did to get my screenshots.
I actually avoid sea battles as the evil winds almost always puts the opponent upwind. If I sail to get a better position the wind shifts so they are once again upwind. If i try to sail away upwind, then the wind shifts so that they are still upwind. It's just too frustrating.

Either I never worked on the Volage or someone changed her after I did. I always set the waterline with full holds so the ship rises out of the water with empty holds and with full holds she sits right at the waterline marked on the hull. The pic showing the Volage riding right at the waterline is how she should sit with full holds.
Also, merchant ships should rise out of the water with empty holds much more than warships as a greater percentage of their total weight is cargo. A fluyt should rise out of the water more than a frigate. I used to know how to do that but have forgotten. Look at the stats for the galleons. I gave the Fast galleon, the English galleon, and the Spanish treasure galleon their own personalities. The Spanish galleon settles into the water the least so with full holds it doesn't lose so much speed and is actually faster than one might think.
Thanks for bringing in your AoP/AoP2 expertise!
Sounds like we've got something to learn from you too. :cheers

I thought that you guys played all the "sea dogs" games, but now that i see the sailing mechanics on PoC I know why you didn't... no point on playing aop I guess, having no mechanics /realistic sailing

Edit: Feels sad, i actually did the oposite x'D
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Hmm... looking at a couple of similar ships ("HMS_Greyhound", "RN_Postillionen"), they do indeed seem to have lower "SubSeaDependWeight" (0.55 and 0.6 respectively). I'll change my "Ships_init.c" so that all the "Volage" types have 0.6 as well.

Yeah... by now i have changed one or two more ships from 1.0 to 0.6, i even saw one with 1.3 (a galleon i think) but since i hate galleons and i'm never sailing one i don't think i'm going to touch it x'D (well havent tested it anyway it could be his right value)
I actually avoid sea battles as the evil winds almost always puts the opponent upwind. If I sail to get a better position the wind shifts so they are once again upwind. If i try to sail away upwind, then the wind shifts so that they are still upwind. It's just too frustrating.

Well, that is weird, i don't have enough experience in this game, but i don't remember that happening to me on aop/etc at least not that much to remember it as frustrating

Either I never worked on the Volage or someone changed her after I did. I always set the waterline with full holds so the ship rises out of the water with empty holds and with full holds she sits right at the waterline marked on the hull. The pic showing the Volage riding right at the waterline is how she should sit with full holds.
Also, merchant ships should rise out of the water with empty holds much more than warships as a greater percentage of their total weight is cargo. A fluyt should rise out of the water more than a frigate. I used to know how to do that but have forgotten. Look at the stats for the galleons. I gave the Fast galleon, the English galleon, and the Spanish treasure galleon their own personalities. The Spanish galleon settles into the water the least so with full holds it doesn't lose so much speed and is actually faster than one might think.

That's interesting, i'll keep that in mind for editing, thanks for sharing
Press F8. That should take a screenshot from within the game, saving the result as a .tga file into the game installation folder. For best results, press F9 first - that makes all the information displays such as compass and status icons disappear so they don't spoil the view.

Thank you!
I was playing today with iron man mode (for the first time), saling with HMS surprise from jamaica to hispaniola (looking to fight some french ships),
it was really fun i had a few(2) encounters with floating shipwrecks / desmasted ship i think it said the notification, a slop, and nothing else, it was fun tho,
having to be in alert mode in case of bigger ships, (i noticed how fast you get dismasted in this game (i like it tho), in aop/etc it takes ages, so it feels more dangerous having an encounter now) I had more fun in this time that in hours of other naval games.

How do the encounters work in "direct sailing"?are they random?, or do they have anything to do with your current LvL?... (can you edit how often you encounter ships?)

Edit: Can i ask what are the two bars on the "radar" the blue one, and the yellow /orange one I see them moving all the time but got no idea what they refer to

Also, i'm having a texture bug or something with black squares poping around in some naval battles,

Uploaded two photos with the glitch, black squares ain't showing but in game they do (it switchs white/black squares)


  • seadogs2_0000.tga
    4 MB · Views: 78
  • seadogs2_0009.tga
    4 MB · Views: 74
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How do the encounters work in "direct sailing"?are they random?, or do they have anything to do with your current LvL?... (can you edit how often you encounter ships?)
They're basically just as random as the world map ones.
There is a setting to make them link to your player level, but I don't know if anyone even uses that anymore.

Can i ask what are the two bars on the "radar" the blue one, and the yellow /orange one I see them moving all the time but got no idea what they refer to
I can't quite remember now. Could they be wind and ship speed?
Either I never worked on the Volage or someone changed her after I did. I always set the waterline with full holds so the ship rises out of the water with empty holds and with full holds she sits right at the waterline marked on the hull. The pic showing the Volage riding right at the waterline is how she should sit with full holds.
The waterline may be incorrectly marked, then. The bars on the side of the ship look like a ladder, possibly for someone to climb aboard from a boat moored alongside. Good luck getting onto that ladder if the ship is riding too high in the water! Perhaps the "Volage" models were designed so that the waterline would be at water level with empty holds. In any case, setting 'refShip.WaterLine = 0.0;' and refShip.SubSeaDependWeight = 0.6;' does make the ship look better. I'll maybe try to make a new texture file for it to raise the waterline a bit.

Also, merchant ships should rise out of the water with empty holds much more than warships as a greater percentage of their total weight is cargo. A fluyt should rise out of the water more than a frigate. I used to know how to do that but have forgotten. Look at the stats for the galleons. I gave the Fast galleon, the English galleon, and the Spanish treasure galleon their own personalities. The Spanish galleon settles into the water the least so with full holds it doesn't lose so much speed and is actually faster than one might think.
That's odd. I'd have thought that a dual-purpose ship like the treasure galleon ("SP_ApostolFelipe") should settle more, while a warship, especially one designed for speed (all fast galleons, especially "RN_RevengeF" which is a fast version of a fast galleon) should settle less. It may be worth correcting that, and perhaps give the different "Revenge" types different characteristics - one is supposed to be fast, one is supposed to be a heavier warship, and one is supposed to be a merchant.
I was playing today with iron man mode (for the first time), saling with HMS surprise from jamaica to hispaniola (looking to fight some french ships),
it was really fun i had a few(2) encounters with floating shipwrecks / desmasted ship i think it said the notification, a slop, and nothing else, it was fun tho,
having to be in alert mode in case of bigger ships, (i noticed how fast you get dismasted in this game (i like it tho), in aop/etc it takes ages, so it feels more dangerous having an encounter now) I had more fun in this time that in hours of other naval games.
When that happens, press 0 - on the top row of the keyboard, not the numeric pad. That should disable DirectSail. Otherwise you may be sailing towards that dismasted ship, you're almost there, and then you get a "Land Ho" or "Sail Ho" and the ship disappears. When you've dealt with the ship, press 0 again to re-enable DirectSail.

Also, i'm having a texture bug or something with black squares poping around in some naval battles
That probably means a ship has lost a mast. This does cause graphics glitches similar to what you describe.
When that happens, press 0 - on the top row of the keyboard, not the numeric pad. That should disable DirectSail. Otherwise you may be sailing towards that dismasted ship, you're almost there, and then you get a "Land Ho" or "Sail Ho" and the ship disappears. When you've dealt with the ship, press 0 again to re-enable DirectSail.

Oh i didn't know you could interact with that stuff, i just kept going

That probably means a ship has lost a mast. This does cause graphics glitches similar to what you describe.

Damn, its really annoying, ye since u said that i noticed happens every time a ship loses a mast... wich is every single naval battle x'd thats sad since it's the only thing i do i guess there is no fix for that
The Spanish ships of that time were very solidly built. The English considered the warships of the Spanish Armada to be unsinkable although they did sink 3 in the battle of Gravelines when their whole fleet went up against 4 picket ships. The Revenge was the English flagship while the San Martin was the Spanish flagship that they could not sink.
Earlier the Spanish built 2 huge galleons that they considered to be impregnable, so sailed solo. The English attacked them both in separate incidents. One caught on fire and burned while the other was captured. The English were so impressed by its impossible size that they brought her back to London and put her on display at a wharf on the Thames.

I tried to model that solidity by making the treasure galleon settle less than the others as cargo was less of her total weight. The other 2 being more lightly built settle more.
The way to make them solid and near unsinkable is to give them lots of HP. Our "SP_BattleGalleon" has 7000 HP, while the "Revenge" types have 5000, and a fast war galleon has 4500.

About cargo vs. weight, using the figures from the game:
SP_Apostol_Felipe: weight 1100, capacity 4650
Fast Galleon: weight 1750, capacity 5000
Fast War Galleon: weight 1650, capacity 4000
RevengeM: weight 1800, capacity 4800 (merchant version)
RevengeF: weight 1600, capacity 3500 (fast version)
So the treasure galleon's cargo is a higher proportion compared to its total weight. Capacity and weight are different units, but that doesn't affect the basic point that "SP_Apostol_Felipe" has a higher proportion of cargo to weight than any of the others. Both "FastGalleon2" (fast war galleon) and "RevengeF" have lower capacity and higher weight than "SP_Apostol_Felipe".
About the "Volage" types:
If they generally look right with 'refShip.WaterLine = 0.0;' and 'refShip.SubSeaDependWeight = 0.6;' but the ship isn't settling properly relative to its waterline, there are two choices - change the ship to fit the waterline, or change the waterline to fit the ship.

I chose the latter. :D The waterline is now just below the level of the ladder on the side.
rn_volage_light_load4.jpg rn_volage_full_load4.jpg rn_volage_full_load4_2.jpg

By the time I'd refilled the cargo hold (and waited in the tavern until the weather was decent enough for a screen shot), the wind had increased and the waves were stronger. So the first picture is the ship with a near empty hold, the second is it with a full hold and settling, and the third shot is with a full load and bobbing up on the waves.