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Fixed Captains dont keep their perks


@Levis you asked me to check the officer skills.

For now I have tested the Master @ arms officers.. I got 3 and they all have lvl 10 in melee and boarding...
Now when I board a ship and capture and I choose an officer to sail it.. most officers in my command show they have skill of lvl 10 in EACH skill..


But now after I took ship.. i opened passenger screen, and you can see his actual skills as a Master @ arms officer.


I also just captured a French captain and put him my officer.. he has lvl 10 sailing and the rest are average.. so I don't see any flaws there; except maybe if I assign him to the ship right after boarding it, he would appear all 10 as well as you saw on first picture.

As you can see on third pic.. this is what appears on Character screen when I scroll over his name.

On Passenger screen is the one you see melee & grappling 10 and the rest 0.

But I'm very sure I saw him before with normal skills and not all 0.

IF you guys remember previously we spoke about the hiring officers.. Bartholomew was one name that had the auto hire bug.. and Hugh ramson is the second name I told you. Perhaps this skill number issue is related to his name being one of those names linked to auto hiring at tavern.

In this case however, I hired him manually without the auto-hire problem.

EDIT: As you see in bottom pic.. one of my other Master @ arms has fair average skills.. when I assign him it's fine. It seems problem is only with Hugh Ramson, whose name is one of those that I had trouble hiring in tavern 2 days ago.
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@A.H I'm mostly interested in something other. If you hire a captured captain do you need to choose his role? And what perks does he have. If you don't have to choose his role please go to the abilities screen and see what it says there.
Salvator is the french captain i just captured.. I could swear his navigation skill was 10 and not 5.. when i took him, I manually assigned him as navigator from our chat on his deck.. then i saved game and reloaded; now i'm looking @ passenger screen he is First mate.. I had to change him to Navigator again and his skill numbers are different from what I saw when I captured him... im going to capture another ship now and see again

Perks = abilities not skills
Alrighty, I captured another frenchie and first screen you see is on the boarding ship deck.. I ask him: "and what can you do as an officer?" these traits show:


Second picture is after the boarding, I returned to normal.. saved game and reloaded.. and I saw his traits in the passenger screen:

The third screen is how you see him from Character screen:

Fourth screen is when you go to Ship --- Ship transfer --- Assign officer
That seems right to me. But please show screens of his abilities/perks. I'm interested in those.
The only thing I see weird is the difference in numbers between Passenger screen info, and the Character/Assign officer screen info..
On Passenger it shows most 0, while the character screen shows actual numbers, but i'll take a look @ perks
What is it exactly you are peeking for in the perks section? I looked at the officer's perks but can't see anything unusual.. however if you can be a bit more specific I can try pick out the ant from the grass :D
The passengers screen shows the officers effective skills, taking into account their officer type.
Oh that one, yes I always noticed weird stuff.. I'll post some screens when I find something out of the ordinary
What is it exactly you are peeking for in the perks section? I looked at the officer's perks but can't see anything unusual.. however if you can be a bit more specific I can try pick out the ant from the grass :D
What role a captured captain has when you hire him and which contributing perks he has.
The captain used to be a captain which gives him a certain set of perks. But when hired is this reassigned or not?
I just caught a frenchie and he's a surgeon.. when i first captured him I asked him what can he do as an officer, and this showed up (the perks @ the very end of the list):

then after hiring him; I saved & reloaded and I saw his abilities from the Character screen (perks at end of the list, after the Pro gunman skill):

would this be the thing you're looking out for?
Yes, thank you. Seems something still goes wrong there.
Np, I'll take a look also at other officers i capture and see if this is 100% case on all captured or just random