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Unconfirmed Bug Cargo for Thomas O'Reily: Cannot get Mutton to take the cargo


Master Mariner
When you talk to Arnaud Matton to deliver the cargo, there is no option to get him to take the cargo. After the initial welcome message, then it goes directly to trade conversation. There is nothing about jobs.


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Hmnn..I'm not familiar with Ardent Storyline and that side quest but I tried your save and I can confirm what you said. You do have the appropriate amount and type of goods mentioned in the side quest but the info seems lacking and so for some reason, it's not triggering the dialogue for the merchant you're supposed to deliver that to. It should've updated when you bought those clothes and it didn't but I'm not sure. Someone here should be able to figure this out though.


  • error.log
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There's a check for part of the Sabine Matton quest which is blocking some of the code. It will take a little untangling to work out what the additional exception should be but in the meantime this rough hack to comment out the block will allow you to do business with Arnaud.

Rename the original dialogue file (it is in the main dialogue folder) , place this one, do the business and then I would suggest restoring the original for now.


  • Arnaud Matton_dialog.c
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The code in question is this:
                   if (characters[GetCharacterIndex("Sabine Matton")].quest.hire != "was_captured_done")
                       link.l3 = DLG_TEXT[10];
                       link.l3.go = "quests";

The only times Sabine's "quest.hire" is set to "was_captured_done" are at cases "ransom_money_1" and "daughter_done_1". Both of these appear to be the result of ransoming Sabine. Why hasn't it been changed to "enemy_forever"? That makes Arnaud refuse to do any further business with you except if you have Thomas O'Reily's cargo.

Also, that version of "Arnaud Matton_dialog.c" appears to be based on an outdated version. I've since made a few changes of my own, one of which is that there's also an exception for "enemy_forever" if you have a random delivery quest to Arnaud. (And some alternative dialog for "Cargo For Thomas O'Reily" if, for any reason, Port Royale and St. Pierre aren't on opposite sides of a war. There are several possible reasons for that!)
I did ransom Matton's daughter (sorry, was short on cash initially and was greedy :) ) But, I released her on the beach as the side-quest guide indicates. Btw, @Roger, could you share Arnaud Matton_dialog.c?
If you have the 2nd September update then my version of "Arnaud Matton_dialog.c" is included. If not, it might not work properly as it ties in with some other parts of the update.

Download this version of "PROGRAM\console.c", then press F12. That should make Arnaud Matton hate you for ransoming Sabine, but also make him more co-operative for cargo quests.

Then get yourself a big warship. (If you've played "Ardent" to the end, you should have a ship which is easily enough!) Sail into Martinique harbour with a hostile flag, blast the fort, fight your way through town, demand a nice fat ransom from the governor - and then go to the store, where Arnaud Matton will tremble in his boots and let you help yourself to anything you can carry - cargo and equipment.


  • console.c
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The code in question is this:
                   if (characters[GetCharacterIndex("Sabine Matton")].quest.hire != "was_captured_done")
                       link.l3 = DLG_TEXT[10];
                       link.l3.go = "quests";

The only times Sabine's "quest.hire" is set to "was_captured_done" are at cases "ransom_money_1" and "daughter_done_1". Both of these appear to be the result of ransoming Sabine. Why hasn't it been changed to "enemy_forever"? That makes Arnaud refuse to do any further business with you except if you have Thomas O'Reily's cargo.

Also, that version of "Arnaud Matton_dialog.c" appears to be based on an outdated version. I've since made a few changes of my own, one of which is that there's also an exception for "enemy_forever" if you have a random delivery quest to Arnaud. (And some alternative dialog for "Cargo For Thomas O'Reily" if, for any reason, Port Royale and St. Pierre aren't on opposite sides of a war. There are several possible reasons for that!)

Sorry for not getting back my internet has crashed out for the last six hours (and is fairly flaky still). I noticed you had made changes to the questbook stuff since I was missing names and countries on cargo delivery to Arnaud. I presumed it was dealing with nation relations (and possible name variations).

What I think it needs is the attribute check quest.hire == "was_captured_done" added into the one with
if ((characters[GetCharacterIndex("Sabine Matton")].quest.hire == "enemy_forever") && (Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Thomas O'Reily")].quest.first_job == "1") && (GetSquadronGoods(PChar,sti(Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Thomas O'Reily")].deliver_cargo) >= sti(Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Thomas O'Reily")].deliver_amount) )))
[Perhaps splitting it into two ifs one with or for the quest.hire cases followed by the Thomas O'Reily && cases]

in the exception for Thomas O'Reily - that way you can still have the trade with Arnaud situation (as per the WIKI) if you release Sabine on the beach rather than the hate you forever scenario forcing a town capture as the only way to reset the store. (If I remember the thinking was he got his daughter back and can't resist making a profit _ a little bit like why he will accept the cargo quests.)

EDIT but I will check out your amended dialogue since it might already have re-arranged how things work to your satisfaction (if you want Arnaud to always go to enemy mode) and just the quest.hire tweaking.
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That whole area probably needs to be tidied up because at present there are several different sections checking for "enemy_forever". That particular one is for when he refuses to talk to you because you kept Sabine, but you're trying to complete "Cargo for Thomas O'Reily". The only thing you can then say is "Before you start I've got your cargo from Thomas O'Reily in my hold." He then replies "Really? I didn't think I would ever see it!" The options for trade and asking for quests are disabled.

I didn't think much about it, I just tried to fit my new stuff into what was there as best I could. If I had to guess Arnaud's motive, it would be that he hates you so does not want to do business with you; but he does not want to annoy other clients, so he'll accept deliveries even if it's you doing the delivering. But he still won't trade with you and he won't offer you cargo quests. (At least until you've flattened the fort, kicked in his door, and scared him into compliance now and for the future!) Names have to be variable in the questbook because in "Early Explorers", Martinique is now Spanish, and Arnaud gets a random Spanish name. Sabine becomes Sabina so that she keeps the nickname (though it becomes "Sabi"), and her surname is matched to whatever Arnaud got. That's also why nation names are variable (though it also has the nice side-effect that if you capture Port Royale or St. Pierre for another nation, the dialog and questbook will match).