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WIP "Caribbean!" - Single and Multi-Player Game

That is unfortunate. Anyone download it before it was deleted?

The sea was a bit disappointing, but that was from back in April, they may have made some improvements by now. From what I understand however, the engine is realy rather limited in that aspect.
Hey guys. I just wanted to clear some things regarding the leaked video.

A lot has been changed since when the video was recorded back in April. What's going to be changed and added specifically:

1) The sea will be implemented with shaders meaning that there will also be waves.
2) New unit models.
3) Ships and buildings complete retexturing. They were temporary in the video and created only for their indication.
4) New fighting animations. I can't the specific ones right now but sword animation is most probably going to change.

And of course that video doesn't reflect the game current state in any way, sorry for any misconception :)
Good to hear Imperium! That sounds very promising indeed, thanks for the info mate!


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The boarding imagie of the 2 MOW's look so much like the MOW's from the mods POTC and GOF 1.2. I can't think off the top of my head right now but i know for sure that just like the MOW on the right we have one that has the walk way down the centre. The otherone looks like it could also be the same as on but with the rails replaced to cover the full ships width and staircases removed (i'm not to sure about the one on the left) but the one on the right i have seen before, in fact i'm sure there is a Lineship based on that model aswell. Now i will have to go and search for her.
gameplay video (posted by Shamble at TW):

Hmm.... that really IS first-class Arcade ship handling, isn't it? Again.
ha yeah, the yards dont even move with the wind. plus the ships move like they have motors. and the water is flat. and the characters seem a bit...wooden. some nice scenery though, and the hand to hand combat in the swampy area looked fun.
Oooh dear. Nice ship models ruined by overly-arcade-style gameplay. I had a feeling this would happen. :facepalm
Sure, many people out there won't give a damn that the ships handle like motor boats, but it's been that way in almost every game in the genre.

I guess this just gives us more of a reason to make Hearts of Oak a real game changer...
I wasn't really expecting much more. Developers don't realize that the player's proper handling of vessels can add to the fun.
While I generally don't have the time to invest in a proper realistic play of PotC, when I did find myself doing that, suddenly it is SO much more fun.
Because when you are bound by the rules of realism, suddenly you have to put your real mind into that situation and it is no longer just button-mashing and spectacle.
And rather than playing a Role Playing Game, you find yourself actually playing the role of a character out of another time and place.
But that is never going to happen in a thoroughly Arcade-type game.
Mates, I just can't be critical here.

Have you played M&B??? IT IS AWESOME!

This baby has been modded to the "nth" degree. There are Napoleanic mods for it. There are WWI mods for it. The uniforms, colors and weapons are exact and correct. Their are medieval and renaissance mods with correct armor, factions, etc.

It has the best mounted combat system I've ever seen and the sword options/handling is really neat. The game will really suck you in and its main fun points/selling points have always been about it's dynamic individual historic freeplay and combat system.

I don't think it was ever the intention of their modders/devs to build a sailing sim. They simply wanted to expand their great historical individual/small unit combat sim into a 17th century Caribbean environment just like they did by bringing it into 30 Years War Eastern Europe with Fire & Sword.

I personally am impressed with their improvements in water from the static form it was and the addition of sailing vessels. I think this will be a really fun game, especially for gamers that are already fans of the M&B series.

Last I will mention that what you see in this vid has been done extremely fast from a DEV standpoint, and I have no doubt that they will continue to improve what they have started. M&B has a very loyal, dedicated and talented group of modders that support it. I'm certain they will both listen to critiscm and add to the games details to make it constantly better as they have with other versions.

I think this is a Home Run and will be very popular.

Oh, I'm sure it'll be good fun. And who knows how final or not this video is? Or how much the ship handling can be modded?
The main thing that still irks me is that I don't see any real waves. But the ships rock back and forth, so that at least simulates them.
I love Mount and Blade. It's one of my favorite games ever. I still think we'll be able to do a far better job on HOOCOTS than they will with Caribbean!. After having sailed real square riggers, arcade style sailing just doesn't appeal to me any more. It takes the fun out of sailing the vessel (and it is fun in real life, even for the new guys who have no idea what they are doing) and focuses it on other areas, such as shooting stuff... Although I have nothing against shooting stuff. Explosions are fun.
Looking at the ship, you can see a wind indicator circle around the bottom of the ship, who knows, perhaps the game has realism settings and they are currently set low for the sake of the video or perhaps it wasn't implemented at the time, I sure hope there is crazy sea effects and more realism to the sailing, but with that aside I'm pretty impressed so far, ships damage well, cannons going off look stunning and to be honest the fact that you'll be able to fight a full crew during a boarding instead of a few characters representing x20 per unit makes me excited for the game.

I'm surprised they've done as much as they have using the mount and blade engine, as we know it's meant for ground battles not sea.
The possibility of riding a horse and aiming with a rifle is interesting.:) This is the kind of thing I'd like to see in POTC (maybe with the unreal engine?:rolleyes:).
Otherwise, the sailing and naval battles are too arcade.:(
I have a bit of bad news today mates, Snowbird has announced that they have delayed the release of their new Mount & Blade based Caribbean, the release date will now be changed from Q4 2012 to Q1 2013. The reason for the change according to the press release is they need more time to implement multiplayer properly. I was wondering why I hadn't heard any news lately, this would explain it. Anyway, here is the press release :

Moscow, Russia - October 9, 2012
Snowbird Game Studios reports today that the release dates for its 2 games currently in development, turn-based strategy Eador. Masters of the Broken World and action-RPG Caribbean! were changed from Q4 2012 to Q1 2013.

This additional time will let the developers to focus on making the multiplayer modes for both games available on the day One. Snowbird Games hopes that the long wait for these games will be offset by their outstanding quality and the tons of fun.

Eador. Masters of the Broken World official page: http://www.snowbirdgames.com/eador/

About Eador. Masters of the Broken World
Eador. Masters of the Broken World - is a turn-based strategy in the original fantasy setting, where the decisions you make affect the world even deeper than the battles you win. The game combines the unmatched strategic depth with boundless role-playing opportunities, granting the player the power of the immortal ruler of the magic world of Eador. The game is set for release in Q1 2013.

About Caribbean!
Caribbean! - is a naval action-RPG game based on Mount & Blade technology. The game lets player decide their own role and goals and to create their own pirate adventure. Filled with spectacular and brutal sea battles, boarding fights, duels, political intrigues and, of course, piracy, Caribbean! contains everything the gamers ever wanted to have in a videogame about the Golden Era of Piracy. The game is set for release in Q1 2013.

About Snowbird Game Studios
Snowbird Game Studios (aka Snowbird Games) is a small game development studio with offices in Moscow and Kiev. The studio employees were previously responsible for developing and launching such products as Combat Mission: Afghanistan and Mount & Blade™: With Fire & Sword.


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Bugger that's a shame considering I was not going to play the multiplayer anyway. If they only push it back once it shouldnt be so bad there are a few other games I need to get through anyways.
Shame, really. And I never play Multiplayer either.

When are they going to start any sort of promotion on this game anyway? No official trailer or anything and only a few screenshots and articles = CoAS-style promotion! :whipa