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CoAS Combined Mod Version

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do you have to set the game to Tactical combat or Dynamic for the RBTL to work?

Cheers, :cheers

No, you install either the vanilla or rtbl version of the CM. I mentioned to Luke159 about finding out how the game differentiates between both modes but I don't think he was able to figure it out.

I meant the setting before starting the game Tactical Battles or Dynamic Battles witch one should I turn on, or it doesn't matter?

Cheers, :cheers
Oh, I don't know. I've never played tactical before.I would recommend against playing tactical using RTBL, the ships and forts take a major beating with those settings and I can only imagine it would be even more so in tactical mode.
Have you tried the ship_icons1 and 2 from the Battle Interface folder? If those are the ones, you'll have to find out where the game associates a ship with the picture. If it works similar to the items pictures, you may have to create a new ships_icons file and add the custom ship pictures there.

From what I remember the items pictures go by row and column. So say I created a new item, the cat, that would be row 1, column one, so it would like something like 1,1.

Also, if you want I can send you the Alpha version of COAS CM V3 and use that as your new base for your work since your helping us out with the pictures and what not. It's everything I have so far not including Luke's stuff that he's been working on. If you want to test it out, I'll upload it to the FTP with a password and I'll PM you the password.

I have tried the ship_icons1 and 2 from the Battle Interface folder but it is not it. I don't know where the file that tells it where the pic is because some new ships have the small pic and some don't. :shrug

Yes i would love to use the new files. :dance
What is the consensus on some NPC's talking in their native language? For example French and Spanish? :mm

@ Craiggo

While your working the ships, could you look into renaming some of the ship classes?

For example some ships have the names of a ship they are supposed to represent such as Crimson Blood, shouldn't it be listed as corvette instead? Another example, the Dutch Fleut is called Fleut4_50. Seems a bit odd in the game IMO, imagine looking through your scope and seeing NIGHTMARE "Kings Bounty" bearing down on you.

I'll let you decide. :will
I'm in total agreement with getting the ship class names squared away. Natives talking in their native language might be a little too realistic, unless we are adding the ship's translator as an officer class. I also wanted to go back to an earlier comment regarding tactical -vs- dynamic settings. I use tactical mode, but Officerpuppy recommends against using RTBL with this mode. I wonder if that has anything to do with my discouraging experiences with ship combat using RTBL. But out of curiosity, if RTBL is intended to give a more "realistic" ship battle experience, why wouldn't you want to use it with the setting that gives you the most realistic ship handling experience? :shrug I am currently playing both COAS CMv2 and POTC NH14Beta1 (alphabet soup anyone?)and having frustrations with each. In COAS I end up having to board everybody because the cannons do less damage than slingshots, and in POTC I have to use a sink or surrender policy because the sword fights have become so difficult that boarding is nearly impossible unless you have overwhelming odds on your side. I guess I can go back to the vanilla patch to solve my cannon issues, but I really want to like RTBL after all the hard work that has gone into it. I haven't tried battles with the big boats yet, so the experience may be entirely different on that level. I'm not really a big boat fan myself, but that is more a personal preference. My current ride is a Brigantine, with a XebecAS as a support/supply ship.
Officerpuppy, I have uploaded the fixed ship pic files to the FTP. :onya still cant figure out how the small pics are allocated. :shrug

I will work on changing the ships names because that is a good idea. :keith
Thanks Craiggo


The dialogue would remain in English, the only thing that would change would be the voice they greet you with. That's what I meant by NPC's talking in their language, sorry I didn't specify that ;)
I downloded the alpha v3 com mod and it looks good. You missed some of the item menu textures so i went through them and uploaded the correct ones to go in the game to the FTP titled "Items tx and Models corrected."

What did you mean in the readme about the new loading screens?

You are doing an awesome job dude. :onya Let me know if there is an easy way to check that all the ship pics work other then starting a new game with the start ship going through all 100 ships over and over again?
You'll see the new screens when you go into all residences that aren't Spanish. Pirate towns have new screens, a few Dutch locations have new screens, and Spanish churches have new screens.

Also are the deck and hold which have new loading screens as well. You'll notice after a boarding once you kill the crew on the deck you are shown briefly the deck or hold screen then taken to the cabin. Originally I wanted to split the fighting between two decks like in POTC, but so far I haven't figured it out.

Too bad the new voices I added came after I uploaded the file! I added a few voices from AOP and I changed Jack Sparrow's default voice to his real voice ;)

As for the ships, you should turn on dev mode! It's in the "_mod_on_off", turn on beta mode. When you start the game you'll get several cool options you can use for testing mods and such. All the stores have all the items and ships in the game, perfect for testing new ships/items or in this case, pictures.
I just d/l the ships file, there are three or four ships that need pictures, but other than that the rest look great :onya

As for the items I'll go through them and see what I can use. With the first set you sent me, virtually all the swords were in the wrong locations, took me forever to sort them out :shrug I had to compare the mod sword with vanilla and in some classes look up a picture of the sword it represents and compare them to that. A big "Lol" moment though is if you see someone with a Claymore, the mod claymore looks much better than vanilla, yet there are no two handed animations, imagine someone wielding that huge sword with one hand xD:

Some of the weapons in vanilla I left intact since the one's in the files looked a little more medieval than pirate, that might explain why you saw some weapons with the original picture and not one of the ones.
@Officerpuppy- Thought that might be what you meant, but I didn't dig far enough to see if there was a reference to voice acting. That would be a good addition in that case. The trick to that is getting the sound quality and volumes to match up with the originals. There were some wonderful mods for Oblivion that included new voice tracks that just ended up seeming grating because of the difference in quality and levels.

Any further thoughts on the tactical -vs- dynamic comments from above?
@ Rum Runner

Well, AOP has some French and Spanish voices I'd like to use, unfortunately no Dutch. Plus not everyone would use the new voices because of the way the game assigns voices. Essentially all civilian's and soldiers use the same voice and I don't know how to tell the game, if your in English colonies use this voice and if your in Spanish colonies, use that voice.The people who would use them would be the onces that are specific to a town or quest. I'm debating the idea at the moment.

In regards to tactics, unfortunately I'm not too savy on all that, Luke159 was the one who was more familiar with the in's and outs of cannons and ship damages but currently he is away on paternity leave. Personally I have only used RTBL once, I fought a pirate sloop under the protection of a friendly fort, maybe three or four hours later game time, the sloop had almost no crew left but the hull was virtually intact. After that I decided to go back to vanilla.
I had a similar experience to that last night. My brigantine against 3 heavy galleons, while I didn't expect my 12 lbers to sink them quickly, their 32 lbers weren't doing much more than messing up my paintwork. After about 2 hours real time, I gave up and started boarding them. Managed to capture all three by transferring crew from my supply ship when I would run low. I suspect they must have been running out of men if my 120 lads were able to take them down. :ixi
Ok I have installed my game again, will do some looking into the officer thing ;)

Try this one:
  if (GetNewMainCharacterParam(n) != GetNewMainCharacterParam(startHeroType)) // òîêî ìóæèêè
Ok I have installed my game again, will do some looking into the officer thing ;)

Try this one:
  if (GetNewMainCharacterParam(n) != GetNewMainCharacterParam(startHeroType)) // òîêî ìóæèêè

Doesn't appear to be working, none of the captains show up on the roster now :shrug
if (GetNewMainCharacterParam(n) && n != startHeroType) // òîêî ìóæèêè

This might not work either but give it a try :shrug
I just d/l the ships file, there are three or four ships that need pictures, but other than that the rest look great :onya

As for the items I'll go through them and see what I can use. With the first set you sent me, virtually all the swords were in the wrong locations, took me forever to sort them out :shrug I had to compare the mod sword with vanilla and in some classes look up a picture of the sword it represents and compare them to that. A big "Lol" moment though is if you see someone with a Claymore, the mod claymore looks much better than vanilla, yet there are no two handed animations, imagine someone wielding that huge sword with one hand xD:

Some of the weapons in vanilla I left intact since the one's in the files looked a little more medieval than pirate, that might explain why you saw some weapons with the original picture and not one of the ones.

Which three or four ships need pictures? or do you know? if you know it will save me the search.
Sure, it's the following ships:

Corvette SL
War Galleon


The models you sent me has an awesome matchlock musket which is totally different from the musketoon that's currently in the game. I'm going to see if I can add the matchlock as a new item, I already got an awesome sound effect to go with it! :dance I don't know if you've heard the musketoon fire yet but the sound effect that I got for the new gun (from a real matchlock) sounds like a mini hand cannon.

If I can get it working, the next task would be to figure out how to assign it.....ideally I'd like soldiers to carry the matchlock and pirates the musketoon.
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