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Combined mod Feedback

Da Fonte

Powder Monkey
Storm Modder
There's a feedback topic for the potc build mod (i didn't write anything in it but just because the build mod is pretty good), but none for the combined mod (or i didn't find it)... that's strange so i launch a topic for feedback. In fact i need to say some little thing :)

globally, after playing the potc stock game various potc build mod and the last one, the coas stock game and the last combined mod, i think i don't really like "combined" mod. The potc build mod is well done because we can choose, in the advance option, tyo remove a lot of thing. It's not possible in the coas combined mod and it's suck :(

There's for real a lot of thing i hate in this combined mod. First, the protagonist. To much English player, and a lot useless. Not enough Dutch one and so few French one (and didn't really want to play with them. The Chetif merchant, the carpenter or the woman.... where are the corsair and the adventurer ?????? ). There's so much english protagonist that we find them in the tavern of other country... That's not pretty cool and realistic.

I don't like, but that's the same in the potc build mod, the most part of the new ship.

I not convince by all these canon... to much canon type for real.

I hate the katana (it's impossible to have this kind of sword in the carribean during this period) and i love the haudegen.
To change the rapier of morgan (who exist in two exemplary so it's more a kind of sword than the rapier own by morgan, or maybe morgan gone in the coas and loose his sword ??? ) will be better i think.

Globally i preferred "minimod". We have a list of mod and we take these which we want to play with. The new looks of the soldiers is great and some heroes skins is great too (I really like the look of willam kidd), and there"s good things to in the combined mod. But so much who aren't cool (all these British officer, the katana and some vessels bored me for real).

I just need to said it :)
"Too much English" and "not enough other nationality stuff" is something that's plaguing PotC as well.
Modders just like making English stuff and other nation stuff not so much.
Personally I'd prefer a more balanced situation, but we're dependent of what the Modders want to do.

In CoAS, you can override the default nationality and player type, before starting a new game.
Of course we can change the nationality and the status of the heroes but not the name....

but after a lot of search i find the way to edit the name and the story introduction of the heros. So maybe i will purpose french hero soon.
the first will be for sure this one :

Charles François d' Angennes :

marquess of Maintenon, (in December, 1648 - April, 1691) is one of the characters the most important, the most controversial and most underestimated by the history of the Antilles. Privateer during two years, he quickly becomes the richest planter of Martinique in 1685 having disarmed numerous pirates for Louis XIV, whose mistress bought her castle.

The family of Angennes was a noble house of France, so named by the earth of Angennes in Thymerais.
Elder son of Louis d' Angennes of Rochefort of Salvert, Marquis de Maintenon and Meslay and Marie Le Clerc du Tremblay, he inherited the castle and marquess's title of Maintenon, not far from Chartres, in Beauce, in the South of Paris.
Catholic, he became corsair at the age of 25 in the Caribbean Sea having sold in 1674 his castle, and his title to Françoise d' Aubigné, alias Madam de Maintenon, become the same chief year then wife of king Louis XIV. Four years later, Charles settles down as planter in Martinique in Him Moralizer, the village where Françoise d' Aubigné spent the first ten years of his life.
It undertook as ensign in the royal navy in 1669 in Toulon, five years before the sale of the family castle to Françoise d' Aubigné and left that in 1670 on the ship The Sybille, whose command he takes in 1672 after the death of the captain.

François d' Angennes participated in an expedition against the Dutch pirates of Curaçao then attacked the English boats casting anchor in Santo Domingo.

In October, 1675 as commanding of the Golden fountain, ( 24 artillery) accompanied with a famous privateer Bernard Lemoigne, he gathers a fleet of 10 ships and 800 pirates to attack Isla Margarita Trinidad and Cumaná, in a raid the narrative of which however aroused the curiosity and the scepticism of the observers .
During this operation, the pirate John Coxon separated from the fleet of the marquess, then plundered in July, 1677 the port of Santa Marta, and returned with his partners in Jamaica where he made his submission to governor Vaughan, to whom he delivered even the bishop of Santa Marta whom his partners and had arrested him to obtain a ransom. In exchange John Coxon received an amnesty.
In June, 1682, Coxon gives its submission to Sir Thomas Lynch, the governor of Jamaica, who gave to him as mission to hunt the pirates, so English as French, who disturbed then the maritime business of the colony.
Thomas Lynch is a governor of Jamaica since 1671 and his first decision is to make Thomas Modyford arrest its prédecesseur, to have authorized the raid on Panama, as well as Henry Morgan, who organized the attack. Both are imprisoned in London, but Morgan is released on decision of king.

The marquess of Maintenon was made a name at the pirates by terrible narratives where he tells to have been a victim of the Caribbean Indians. It is the year when Henry Morgan and his brother-in-law Byndloss are questioned in front of the Council of the colony of Jamaica by lord Vaughan for their links with the pirates of seas , while Morgan had been named lieutenant governor in 1672. On the English island of Nevis, governor Stapleton, of a big family of jacobite Irish who will invest in the sugar, watches the French operations.

As Henry Morgan in Jamaica, the marquess of Maintenon becomes then rich planter of sugar and a governor, with for mission to eliminate the small planters of tobacco who tampered with the pirates.

I hope i will succeed to create this new hero :) maybe not :/
I try to add a new hero, but look like i'm not enough god.
I have to erase Christofer Syn to create a first version of Charles François d' Angennes. I would like to find a new portrait (the portrait of Jean de la Croix in potc build mod will be great).

It's a first try, for the ones who wants to play with him (put this file in : RESOURCE / INI / texts / russian )


  • HeroDescribe.txt
    25.3 KB · Views: 98
Id like to see new heros too, currently only Peter Blood has a quest, albiet short. But we need people who are good with code and understand how CoAS works before we can implement such a thing.

Currently, the best we can do is either add a new hero or edit one of the existing heroes but they wouldn't have any special quests.