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Planned Feature Correctly Assign Weapons for Character Type

Just let me know some period-appropriate and nation-appropriate soldier boarding weapons and it should be possible to tweak the code to make them use those in boardings.
"initItems.c" shows nation and period for weapons. I've no idea if any of it is accurate, but at least if you use that it will be consistent with where and when weapons appear for other reasons in the game.

So basically the muskets are a disadvantage to the soldier? Hmm.... Interesting.
Leaving as-is should be OK then. :doff
They are when everyone is carrying the likes of swept-hilt rapiers, back-bladed swords and the occasional Knights Templar sword. Earlier on, they're fine. Which is why early in "Ardent" I hand out the muskets taken during the prison break and let the officers keep them, then later on I remove them so the officers can use the nice swords I've, er, "acquired". :rpirate

Possible? Of course!

Dutch and Portuguese soldiers actually showed armour in the original game and in one of the early mods, they actually got armour items too so that actually worked.
The code for that is still in the game, but I don't think it quite works anymore. And certainly not for any character models that don't have separate armour defined in initItems.c .

Have you go any idea in which period and for which nation what types of armour might be appropriate?
Or would it be worth to stick to the original feature where each model that has armour embedded in the model to actually have its own type of armour?
No idea off-hand. Linking armour type to specific models has some merit because then I know who's carrying battle armour, he then becomes prime target because I want to steal it. :D Beyond that, it means soldiers who have a certain type of armour all have the same face, so perhaps not such a good idea...

I'd imagine that armour would not be nation dependent. For gameplay purposes it certainly shouldn't be, because if Portuguese soldiers and crews use armour while Spanish don't, it's a big incentive for players to go after Spanish ships in preference to Portuguese.

I remember a similar issue when players had Nigel Blythe with them as officer, enabled Godmode on him and then had to fight him.
That did not end well! :razz
I haven't gone quite that far, but remembering this from last time, that's why Chico Cois never got the gold armour this time. Now that was an epic duel! (It's also why Dark Teacher, the big bad boss you face near the end of "Strange Things Going On", has battle armour. And Melee 10. And some melee perks. People are probably used to him by now, but anyone who had played the quest in earlier versions of Beta 3 and was used to him being a weakling was in for a nasty surprise. xD)
"initItems.c" shows nation and period for weapons. I've no idea if any of it is accurate, but at least if you use that it will be consistent with where and when weapons appear for other reasons in the game.
Nicest would be to dynamically have the game look at those values and use them properly.
But that requires more development time, so I won't be doing that yet.

All I envision to do for now is to edit the bottom of PROGRAM\Periods.c and add an if (boarding) do something else part to the soldier weapons function.

They are when everyone is carrying the likes of swept-hilt rapiers, back-bladed swords and the occasional Knights Templar sword. Earlier on, they're fine. Which is why early in "Ardent" I hand out the muskets taken during the prison break and let the officers keep them, then later on I remove them so the officers can use the nice swords I've, er, "acquired". :rpirate
Sounds good to me! :onya

No idea off-hand. Linking armour type to specific models has some merit because then I know who's carrying battle armour, he then becomes prime target because I want to steal it. :D Beyond that, it means soldiers who have a certain type of armour all have the same face, so perhaps not such a good idea...
At the moment, the way it is set up (and probably doesn't work) is that there are 7 separate types of armour defined for Dutch soldiers, for example.
Not sure how that would work with looting.... Replace those items with the "generic armour types" that the player and officers use?
Seems a bit silly.... maybe better to just give regular armour to soldiers.

I'd imagine that armour would not be nation dependent. For gameplay purposes it certainly shouldn't be, because if Portuguese soldiers and crews use armour while Spanish don't, it's a big incentive for players to go after Spanish ships in preference to Portuguese.
That is indeed a bit of a difficulty and I'm not sure what to do about that.
Historically, armour was common in the early days, which is reflected by the soldier models in use for Early Explorers.
Then different nations apparently stopped supplying their soldiers with armour at different times.

If we replicate that as per the soldier models, then there may indeed be a situation where Portuguese soldiers are much tougher than Spanish ones.
That seems quite unrealistic though, but is an effect of armour in general being a BONUS and it basically having no disadvantages.
With the exception being "Cheap Armour" which at least has a Fencing -1 penalty.

But how to handle that properly? There must have been a very valid historical reasons for soldiers to stop using armour.
Ideally that same reason should be replicated in the game, otherwise we can't follow the logic of the historical models. :facepalm

Maybe some of the "lighter armour types" could be supplied to soldiers in the later time periods?
Those ones could be imagined to be worn under their clothes. The heavy armours can't really do that.

What would happen if we supply all soldiers with lootable armour all the time though?
Won't players get a STUPID amount of armour as loot then? Could become a crazy exploit!
But then that is partly offset by those soldiers being stronger and more difficult to win from....

Lots of potential here, but I'm not quite clear yet on the best and most sensible way of implementing this....

I haven't gone quite that far, but remembering this from last time, that's why Chico Cois never got the gold armour this time. Now that was an epic duel! (It's also why Dark Teacher, the big bad boss you face near the end of "Strange Things Going On", has battle armour. And Melee 10. And some melee perks. People are probably used to him by now, but anyone who had played the quest in earlier versions of Beta 3 and was used to him being a weakling was in for a nasty surprise. xD)
It makes a lot of sense for quest enemies to not actually be so weak.
I "duelled" the captain of the Vogelstruijs the other day and that was pretty much a non-battle.
It was more dangerous to GET to him through his crew than to actually fight him.
And because he was an "actor enemy", the "auto aim function" of my sword didn't work on him, so I kept turning around to face his crew instead.
All in all: Very silly. :facepalm
But how to handle that properly? There must have been a very valid historical reasons for soldiers to stop using armour.
Ideally that same reason should be replicated in the game, otherwise we can't follow the logic of the historical models. :facepalm
Armour didn't work very well against firearms. As long as firearms were themselves of limited use and fighting was still mainly with swords, it was worth using armour. As firearms improved and fighting was mostly with guns, armour became next to useless and was simply a burden. And that's why you won't see Sharpe or Hornblower wearing it in either of their respective TV series. Some cavalry continued to use it, partly because cavalry were still primarily melee units using sword or lance, and partly because the weight of the armour is less significant when you're being carried by a horse.

As for implementing this, it's yet another example of where strict historical accuracy has to take second place to fun gameplay. If you really want strict historical accuracy, you can take armour out of later periods, as well as all the ships which never operated in the Caribbean, starting with the xebecs (they sailed the Mediterranean) and finishing with the Black Pearl (which never sailed at all). Like armour, removing these would make the game more accurate but considerably less fun. On the other hand, allowing enemies the same armour as players routinely use would make things more challenging and no less realistic. At the very least, the captain you face at the end of the boarding ought to have a chance of wearing armour.

I "duelled" the captain of the Vogelstruijs the other day and that was pretty much a non-battle.
The captain of the Vogelstruijs is "Skipper1", alias Barend Hesselink, defined in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c". At the moment he has Melee 5, a basic sabre and a short pistol, both standard quality. It shouldn't be too hard to make him a bit tougher. Or a lot tougher. ;)
On the subject of armour for NPCs, I wonder if there is any way to not technically disable armour in later periods, but to make it notably less effective just like in real history.
One way of doing that could be to add a skill penalty of Fencing and/or Accuracy to basically all armour types and not just the Cheap one.

Alternatively, find where the damage from guns is calculated and directly increase that number on the period.
That would be a bit of a "hack" though.

Or how about having min and max damage for guns be increased for later period guns?
At the moment though, almost all guns are available in all periods....

For reference, this section from initItems.c deals with the armour for soldiers:
  //  scheffnow - tailorsmod -->
  // ARMOR:  ItemIndex  picIndex  bladefrac  minlevel
  //  |  armorID  | coverage  |  gunstop |
  //  |  |  picTexture  |  | bladestop | gunfrac
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol",  7, 14, 50, 40, 50, 10, 70, 2); // Frac values are inverse.
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol2",  7, 14, 50, 40, 50, 15, 70, 3); // Lower is better!
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol3",  7, 14, 50, 40, 50, 15, 65, 5);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol4",  7, 14, 50, 50, 50, 20, 60, 7);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol5",  7, 14, 50, 50, 50, 20, 55, 9);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol6",  7, 14, 50, 50, 50, 25, 55, 11);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por",  7, 14, 60, 35, 50, 15, 60, 2);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por2",  7, 14, 60, 35, 50, 20, 60, 4);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por3",  7, 14, 60, 35, 50, 20, 55, 6);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por4",  7, 14, 60, 45, 50, 25, 50, 8);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por5",  7, 14, 60, 45, 50, 25, 50, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por6",  7, 14, 60, 45, 50, 30, 50, 12);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa",  7, 14, 55, 40, 50, 15, 60, 2);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa2",  7, 14, 55, 40, 50, 20, 60, 3);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa3",  7, 14, 55, 40, 50, 20, 55, 5);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa4",  7, 14, 55, 50, 50, 25, 50, 7);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa5",  7, 14, 55, 50, 50, 25, 50, 9);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa6",  7, 14, 55, 50, 50, 30, 50, 11);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Offic_hol",  7, 14, 70, 75, 40, 30, 40, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Offic_por",  7, 14, 70, 70, 40, 35, 40, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Offic_spa",  7, 14, 70, 65, 40, 40, 40, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Lucas",  7, 14, 75, 80, 30, 45, 35, 12);
Assuming that actually works, those IDs should be updated to reflect all the new soldier outfits.
Not sure if that is the best approach though....

If you really want strict historical accuracy, you can take armour out of later periods, as well as all the ships which never operated in the Caribbean, starting with the xebecs (they sailed the Mediterranean) and finishing with the Black Pearl (which never sailed at all). Like armour, removing these would make the game more accurate but considerably less fun.
Indeed, let's not do that....

On the other hand, allowing enemies the same armour as players routinely use would make things more challenging and no less realistic. At the very least, the captain you face at the end of the boarding ought to have a chance of wearing armour.
At the moment the "random weapon assignment" for NPCs doesn't include armour. Not sure how easy it is to add that; would probably require some substantial investigating.
The GiveSoldierWeapon function at the bottom of PROGRAM\Periods.c is technically a bit of a hack, but is at least easily edited.

The captain of the Vogelstruijs is "Skipper1", alias Barend Hesselink, defined in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c". At the moment he has Melee 5, a basic sabre and a short pistol, both standard quality. It shouldn't be too hard to make him a bit tougher. Or a lot tougher. ;)
I wouldn't mind if that were done. Not going to myself though; when I do get to modding, I tend to have bigger fish to fry. :facepalm
On the subject of armour for NPCs, I wonder if there is any way to not technically disable armour in later periods, but to make it notably less effective just like in real history.
One way of doing that could be to add a skill penalty of Fencing and/or Accuracy to basically all armour types and not just the Cheap one.

Alternatively, find where the damage from guns is calculated and directly increase that number on the period.
That would be a bit of a "hack" though.

Or how about having min and max damage for guns be increased for later period guns?
At the moment though, almost all guns are available in all periods....
I wouldn't mess with the damage from guns, with the exception perhaps of changing the values for rifles and muskets. Rifles should be significantly more accurate than muskets, that was the whole point of rifling the barrel. Muskets should not be accuracy 80! For armour, the obvious fix would be to reduce the percentage chance for each armour type to stop gun damage, and also increase the amount of damage which gets through if not stopped. This could easily be done by editing "initItems.c".
For reference, this section from initItems.c deals with the armour for soldiers:
  //  scheffnow - tailorsmod -->
  // ARMOR:  ItemIndex  picIndex  bladefrac  minlevel
  //  |  armorID  | coverage  |  gunstop |
  //  |  |  picTexture  |  | bladestop | gunfrac
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol",  7, 14, 50, 40, 50, 10, 70, 2); // Frac values are inverse.
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol2",  7, 14, 50, 40, 50, 15, 70, 3); // Lower is better!
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol3",  7, 14, 50, 40, 50, 15, 65, 5);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol4",  7, 14, 50, 50, 50, 20, 60, 7);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol5",  7, 14, 50, 50, 50, 20, 55, 9);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Hol6",  7, 14, 50, 50, 50, 25, 55, 11);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por",  7, 14, 60, 35, 50, 15, 60, 2);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por2",  7, 14, 60, 35, 50, 20, 60, 4);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por3",  7, 14, 60, 35, 50, 20, 55, 6);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por4",  7, 14, 60, 45, 50, 25, 50, 8);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por5",  7, 14, 60, 45, 50, 25, 50, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Por6",  7, 14, 60, 45, 50, 30, 50, 12);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa",  7, 14, 55, 40, 50, 15, 60, 2);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa2",  7, 14, 55, 40, 50, 20, 60, 3);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa3",  7, 14, 55, 40, 50, 20, 55, 5);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa4",  7, 14, 55, 50, 50, 25, 50, 7);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa5",  7, 14, 55, 50, 50, 25, 50, 9);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Soldier_Spa6",  7, 14, 55, 50, 50, 30, 50, 11);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Offic_hol",  7, 14, 70, 75, 40, 30, 40, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Offic_por",  7, 14, 70, 70, 40, 35, 40, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Offic_spa",  7, 14, 70, 65, 40, 40, 40, 10);
  n = InitArmor(n, "Lucas",  7, 14, 75, 80, 30, 45, 35, 12);
Assuming that actually works, those IDs should be updated to reflect all the new soldier outfits.
Not sure if that is the best approach though....
If it does work, perhaps add some lines for other nationalities.

I wouldn't mind if that were done. Not going to myself though; when I do get to modding, I tend to have bigger fish to fry. :facepalm
Tell me what skill, perks and armour you'd like "Skipper1" to have and I'll do the edit within about 5 minutes of seeing the spec. :D

Incidentally, having done a fresh install with the new update, I've been replaying "Ardent" to check that moving dialog files from the storyline folder to the main folder works, as well as to get into place to check the latest stuff. So during the last play session I got as far as taking the payroll ship, in which all the opposing crew had muskets. As well as seeming a bit easier than last time when they didn't, it also meant I looted a great many muskets. And they're expensive. This means next time I visit a store or street merchant, I'm going to be rich. xD
Tell me what skill, perks and armour you'd like "Skipper1" to have and I'll do the edit within about 5 minutes of seeing the spec. :D
I'm not too fussed one way or another. He's a captain of a smuggler boat, so he wouldn't need to be a "superhero".
But a one-hit kill also seemed a bit too easy.

Incidentally, having done a fresh install with the new update, I've been replaying "Ardent" to check that moving dialog files from the storyline folder to the main folder works, as well as to get into place to check the latest stuff. So during the last play session I got as far as taking the payroll ship, in which all the opposing crew had muskets. As well as seeming a bit easier than last time when they didn't, it also meant I looted a great many muskets. And they're expensive. This means next time I visit a store or street merchant, I'm going to be rich. xD
Hmm... does sound like we've got a bit of a balancing issue to work out there then.

Maybe.... reduce the price of muskets? Reduce their accuracy as you suggest.
Give soldiers in boardings different weapons as per your earlier suggestions?
Indeed have armour get a relatively low stop chance against guns.
I'm not too fussed one way or another. He's a captain of a smuggler boat, so he wouldn't need to be a "superhero".
But a one-hit kill also seemed a bit too easy.
OK, how about giving him some of the Melee perks, raise his skill to 7, and give him a Dutch Admiralty Sword? (I've no idea where he got it, but he's a smuggler so he probably has his ways. :g2 It's Dutch, it exists in all periods, and it's a lot better than the basic sabre he has now.) Maybe at least leather cuirass, at most battle armour. Or raise his skill to 8 and give him cheap armour, bringing his effective skill back to 7. Bump up his HP from 80 to 180, though levelling will probably override that and give him something else anyway, hopefully something better when he has the improved skill and perks.

Maybe.... reduce the price of muskets? Reduce their accuracy as you suggest.
Give soldiers in boardings different weapons as per your earlier suggestions?
Indeed have armour get a relatively low stop chance against guns.
Any or all of those. :onya But don't degrade armour entirely. You need it to be effective, at least against blades, if you're going to successfully board a ship with significantly larger crew, e.g. Sovereign of the Seas near the end of "Tales of a Sea Hawk" or La Couronne part way through "Assassin".
OK, how about giving him some of the Melee perks, raise his skill to 7, and give him a Dutch Admiralty Sword? (I've no idea where he got it, but he's a smuggler so he probably has his ways. :g2 It's Dutch, it exists in all periods, and it's a lot better than the basic sabre he has now.) Maybe at least leather cuirass, at most battle armour. Or raise his skill to 8 and give him cheap armour, bringing his effective skill back to 7. Bump up his HP from 80 to 180, though levelling will probably override that and give him something else anyway, hopefully something better when he has the improved skill and perks.
As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to be creative and set it as you reckon is good.
Your suggestions sound good to me. :yes

Any or all of those. :onya But don't degrade armour entirely. You need it to be effective, at least against blades, if you're going to successfully board a ship with significantly larger crew, e.g. Sovereign of the Seas near the end of "Tales of a Sea Hawk" or La Couronne part way through "Assassin".
These sort of "balancing" things are things that are technically quite easy to do, but do also take time.
I would quite welcome you, @Jack Rackham or someone else to play around with the numbers to get it the way you'd want.
That way I can focus the time that I do have on fixing what is broken and/or facilitating modpack development on more complex things.
As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to be creative and set it as you reckon is good.
Your suggestions sound good to me. :yes
Try the attached, then. In fact there seem to be two definitions for him, "Skipper" and "Skipper1". As far as I can tell from the side quest code, "Skipper1" is him in command of his ship (and has the ship in his character definition), while "Skipper" is who you meet in the boarding fight. Anyway, I've taken no chances and upgraded both of them. Here's "Skipper" now:
   ch.old.name = "Barend";
   ch.old.lastname = "Hesselink";
   ch.name = TranslateString("","Barend");
   ch.lastname = TranslateString("","Hesselink");
   ch.id     = "Skipper";
   ch.model   = "man8";
   ch.sex = "man";
   ch.sound_type = "sailor";
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade23+2");
   ch.equip.blade = "blade23";
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "cheaparmor");
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol2");
   ch.equip.gun = "pistol2";
   //JRH ammo mod -->
   TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
   TakenItems(ch, "pistolbullets", 6);
   //JRH ammo mod <--
   ch.location   = "none";
   ch.location.group = "";
   ch.location.locator = "";
   ch.Dialog.Filename = "Watch_dialog.c";
   ch.greeting = "Gr_Pieter Boelen";
   ch.rank    = 3;
   ch.nation = HOLLAND;
   ch.reputation = "None";
   ch.experience = "0";
   ch.skill.Leadership = "4";
   ch.skill.Fencing = "8";
   ch.skill.Sailing = "8";
   ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
   ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
   ch.skill.Grappling = "5";
   ch.skill.Repair = "1";
   ch.skill.Defence = "1";
   ch.skill.Commerce = "8";
   ch.skill.Sneak = "4";
   ch.perks.list.BasicDefence = true;
   ch.perks.list.AdvancedDefence = true;
   ch.perks.list.SwordplayProfessional = true;
   ch.perks.list.CriticalHit = true;
   Ch.Perks.list.Toughness = true;
   ch.money = "1000";
   LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0);
   LAi_SetHP(ch, 150.0, 150.0);
   AddGameCharacter(n, ch);

These sort of "balancing" things are things that are technically quite easy to do, but do also take time.
I would quite welcome you, @Jack Rackham or someone else to play around with the numbers to get it the way you'd want.
That way I can focus the time that I do have on fixing what is broken and/or facilitating modpack development on more complex things.
How do I put boarding soldiers back to using swords and pistols?

Suggestion for muskets, if @Jack Rackham agrees, since muskets were his addition:
Arquebus accuracy to drop to 40%, other muskets to drop to 60%. (The later musket may have been more accurate than the earlier one but the extra weight of the bayonet, which is permanently fixed in the game, made it harder to keep the weapon level.) Prices can stay as they are; if boarders revert to swords and pistols then the only way to get a musket for free is from a dead town soldier, and attacking those brings consequences! Most pistols are accuracy around 50 and rifles are accuracy 80, so muskets should be somewhere in between, and the primitive arquebus should be worse than even the early musket.

For armour, I suggest simply halving all the existing "gunstop" percentages, so even gold armour only stops guns 25% of the time. And halve the difference between existing "gunfrac" values and 100, so gorget goes from 90 to 95 and gold armour goes from 40 to 70. They still have some limited effect but considerably less. Similar calculations to apply to national armour values built into soldiers, and Lucas to get the same values as normal gold armour as that's what he seems to be wearing.


  • SideQuest.c
    157.4 KB · Views: 138
Last edited:
How do I put boarding soldiers back to using swords and pistols?
The responsible function is the GiveSoldierWeapons one; since I'm writing from memory, you should check its correct name at the bottom of PROGRAM\Periods.c .
Then in PROGRAM\Loc_ai\LAi_boarding.c find the single-line reference to that same function and comment it out.
That sets it back to normal.

Alternate would be to edit GiveSoldierWeapons itself to still give soldiers in boardings unique weapons, but have that be different weapons to when they're ashore.
That second one sounds to me like a more interesting solution which at least moves us forward a bit.

Suggestion for muskets, if @Jack Rackham agrees, since muskets were his addition:
Arquebus accuracy to drop to 40%, other muskets to drop to 60%. (The later musket may have been more accurate than the earlier one but the extra weight of the bayonet, which is permanently fixed in the game, made it harder to keep the weapon level.) Prices can stay as they are; if boarders revert to swords and pistols then the only way to get a musket for free is from a dead town soldier, and attacking those brings consequences! Most pistols are accuracy around 50 and rifles are accuracy 80, so muskets should be somewhere in between, and the primitive arquebus should be worse than even the early musket.

For armour, I suggest simply halving all the existing "gunstop" percentages, so even gold armour only stops guns 25% of the time. And halve the difference between existing "gunfrac" values and 100, so gorget goes from 90 to 95 and gold armour goes from 40 to 70. They still have some limited effect but considerably less. Similar calculations to apply to national armour values built into soldiers, and Lucas to get the same values as normal gold armour as that's what he seems to be wearing.
If you two are agreed on it, might I ask you to make the related changes to initItems.c?
Maybe together with the changes for those Indian Weapons?
Here's my version of "initItems.c" with the proposed armour and musket accuracy changes. I've no idea what prices to assign to Indian weapons, though I'd suggest arrows be extremely cheap because you can get them for free just by letting a hostile Indian shoot at you for a while. xD


  • initItems.c
    309.1 KB · Views: 119