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Fixed Custom Quest Musket

One weird effect though: As soon as I equip it, I receive for free one "Gunpowder" and one "Pistol Bullet".
That is normal. I see it all the time in the gunsmith shop when giving up my musket for a pistol to get it repaired. The only oddity is that you should be getting a musket ball instead of a pistol ball.
Thanks for reporting that. Hopefully @Jack Rackham can have a look to see if he can figure out how or why that happens.
Doesn't do much harm, I think, but it's still odd. :shrug
Can't we add a perk like 'musket master' or so to the player for unlocking? So after you unlocked the perk, you can 'snipe' with every musket? Because I think this is a really nice and funny feature, and shouldn't be locked to only one quest^^
Can't we add a perk like 'musket master' or so to the player for unlocking? So after you unlocked the perk, you can 'snipe' with every musket? Because I think this is a really nice and funny feature, and shouldn't be locked to only one quest^^
It isn't locked to only one quest. In fact, it has been enabled for regular muskets since at least Beta 3.2 or so. ;)
With a musket, a Pump Shotgun or Jack Sparrow's Lucky Pistol equipped and your blade drawn, just press Tab to go into "first person shooter" mode.

I do like your idea of an Ability being available to unlock this instead of it being ALWAYS available, though.
For one thing, that would increase the historical accuracy. For another, it would make the option more visible!
Because even though it has actually been in the game for about a year or so, apparently nobody but me actually knows about it.
And that is just because I was the one who worked it in there.

@Levis: Any thoughts?
Shouldn't be any problem if you can point me in the direction where the sniper view is triggered I can add this perk. Think it could even be done before the 3.3 release.
Shouldn't be any problem if you can point me in the direction where the sniper view is triggered I can add this perk. Think it could even be done before the 3.3 release.
It is in PROGRAM\seadogs.c; just look for "pistol10" and you should find it easily enough. :doff
Will look at this once I'm home from work.
What do you say about it costint 2 points and being avaible form the start. But you need this perk for the professional gunman. This way people will take it sooner.
I don't think we should "force" the perk on anyone. Some people might not care about being able to do that at all.
Just having it show up in the perks menu at all will make people see that the option exists.

If we want to REALLY make it stand out, have it locked and unlockable through some way.
After all, a perk with a "lock" item applied is bound to make people curious about it.
Then once people know it is there, it is up to them whether they want it or not.

What player action might be required to unlock this perk?
And also, should it then remain limited to only certain weapons or be generally available for ALL of them?
None of the pistols that it works for are available in Early Explorers, for example, with the exception of the Pump Shotgun Easter Egg.
But it doesn't make much sense to have a very visible option in the game just to allow a special feature for something that is supposed to be hidden anyway.
hmmm...if we link it to a perk why not enable it for all guns? Or at least more? How hard is it to eneable it for a gun?
hmmm...if we link it to a perk why not enable it for all guns? Or at least more? How hard is it to eneable it for a gun?
Not hard at all. In fact, in PROGRAM\seadogs.c the if-statement that has "pistol10" in it PREVENTS it from working for all guns.
If that if-statement is removed or replaced with a "check for perk" one, it should work for all guns immediately.

That being said, there IS one other thing to think of: A long time ago, the great @CouchcaptainCharles added some code into the game to ensure that when shot at, characters will ALWAYS keep at least 5 HP.
This is to prevent enemies shooting at you or your officers and killing you without you ever getting the chance to strike back and/or even using a health item.
To keep this fair, the same applies to enemies so that you should not be able to ever kill anyone with a gun only.

Since that sort-of defeats the purpose of the Pump Shotgun fun, I added an exception to that code for "pistol10".
Yesterday I added an extra exception for the Quest Musket, because otherwise if you can't actually KILL the enemy from afar, you may get stuck in the quest.
Use WinMerge between the latest EXE installer and the ZIP I posted yesterday to find this.
Alternatively, search your Loc_ai folder for "pistol10".

How about instead of linking this exception to the weapon equipped, we relate it to the presence of the perk too?
So in the end, the "Expert Marksman" ability would then allow you to do TWO things:
1. Kill enemies by using only a pistol
2. Enables Tab to use First Person Shooter mode

That has the added bonus of also being useful for the more realistically inclined who don't care about first person shooting.
I agree of having those things set to the perk check.
But let me add an new "Sniper" Perk for this, I think that would be nicer. Especially cause theire aren't that many gun perks yet.

But for the quest you might need to give the person the perk or let him know he should really get it first.
Hmmm thiking about this some more I came up with this idea:
You can use the sniping ability on previous mentioned weapons always. But you can get a perk which allows you to go to the gunsmith and have him install a "scope" or whatever we call it so you can snipe with that pistol too.
But let me add an new "Sniper" Perk for this, I think that would be nicer. Especially cause theire aren't that many gun perks yet.
As @Grey Roger mentioned, actual sniping isn't actually historically accurate. That is why I suggested naming this perk "Expert Marksman" or something like that.

But for the quest you might need to give the person the perk or let him know he should really get it first.
Don't worry about the quest stuff we have been discussing here. That is handled by some different code, also in seadogs.c .
I had to make it different code because @Bartolomeu o Portugues wanted the "first person mode" engaged when you draw your sword, instead of requiring the player to switch to that mode manually.
So any changes you make to the "regular feature" should not affect the quest musket one way or another. :no

I don't find any "pistolqmket" using the latest installer.:confused:
It is in the ZIP attached to this post: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/simplified-build-14-beta-3-3-wip-code.23064/

You can use the sniping ability on previous mentioned weapons always. But you can get a perk which allows you to go to the gunsmith and have him install a "scope" or whatever we call it so you can snipe with that pistol too.
Does sound cool, but might also make things more complicated than needed.
Also, how would you store the "scope" for an item if you have multiple of them? Or would "buying the scope" basically just unlock this feature for that particular weapon.
Having a small pistol with a scope is probably not very historically accurate either, but manually aiming is. So I'm not sure if it is worth doing this.

The lastest install was corrupt in some way, coldn't use the console.
Any error.log entries to go with it? I've been using console quite happily yesterday. :confused:
Anyway, if you don't have it already, be sure to get that ZIP I mention above. That contains a different console.c file and hopefully might work better for you.
Does sound cool, but might also make things more complicated than needed.
Also, how would you store the "scope" for an item if you have multiple of them? Or would "buying the scope" basically just unlock this feature for that particular weapon.
Having a small pistol with a scope is probably not very historically accurate either, but manually aiming is. So I'm not sure if it is worth doing this.
Wikipedia has this to say about scopes:
The first experiments directed to give shooters optical aiming aids go back to the early 17th century. For centuries different optical aiming aids and primitive predecessors of telescopic sights were created that had practical or performance limitations.

The first documented telescopic rifle sight was invented between 1835 and 1840. In a book titled The Improved American Rifle, written in 1844, John R. Chapman documented the first telescopic sights made by Morgan James of Utica, NY
So you might get some sort of primitive experimental scope, perhaps suitable as a unique item for a specific quest. But probably not until later time periods and absolutely not during "Early Explorers".

There are other problems with fitting a scope to any firearm in the time periods we're looking at. The scope needs some sort of mount, and anyway the flint hammer is going to get in the way. Add this to the fact that any scope in the 17th, 18th or early 19th century is going to be very rare and very experimental, and basically you're looking at a unique weapon with the scope permanently attached. I'd suggest some sort of quest involving a gunsmith, the reward being a unique firearm with his own design of sight.

Another thought: the sight does not need to be a scope. There are other types of sights. Even a simple sight with a notch at the back of the gun and a blade on the barrel is better than what you find on most firearms of the time, which is nothing at all. Replace the notched back sight with an adjustable aperture and you get an early version of what is used on modern target rifles and pistols. Have a look at the article about iron sights.
Hmmm thiking about this some more I came up with this idea:
You can use the sniping ability on previous mentioned weapons always. But you can get a perk which allows you to go to the gunsmith and have him install a "scope" or whatever we call it so you can snipe with that pistol too.

Well you can't even shoot with a musket on distances where a scope would actually make sense.. so I think we can just leave it to the perk description that you learned how to aim down the sights or something like that.. more accurate and makes sense, since making a simple iron sight for a gun isnt that hard..

and I was questioning.. is it possible to change the crosshair? Maybe we could use an actual image of iron sights as crosshair?
One day I'll make this one a quest gun.


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