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Unconfirmed Bug Dauntless deck crew bug


Storm Modder
Something odd i encoutered, maybe i happens with other rate 1 ship's decks, can't confirm,

The whole crew seems to gather in two groups, and don't move from there after.

Maybe it's a known bug, sorry if it is.


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Possibly due to locators? Edit "InternalSettings.h" to enable visible locators, then go onto the deck and see if locators are clustered where the crew are gathering.

NPC's sometimes meet up to have a simulated dialog - you'll sometimes see characters stop and face each other while you're wandering around town as well. Maybe the crew are having big group chats.
Possibly due to locators? Edit "InternalSettings.h" to enable visible locators, then go onto the deck and see if locators are clustered where the crew are gathering.

NPC's sometimes meet up to have a simulated dialog - you'll sometimes see characters stop and face each other while you're wandering around town as well. Maybe the crew are having big group chats.

I already have visible locators in those screenshots mate ;) The npcs seem to gather around goto3 and loc8.

They must be in a real chatty mood then as they don't move from there after, regardless how long they are standing there, but jokes aside they do not engage with each other either, most of them are just idling.
I'll take a look when I have time. Last time I saw a problem like that was in the Satanists' cave on the island near Puerto Rico, and that was because someone had set up a special FreePlay in which you play the Dark Teacher and the guys in the cave are your minions. So they didn't attack, they tried to wander around and got in each others' way. When a character tries to wander around and can't move because others are in the way, he switches to standing still. Possibly the crew of Dauntless have the same problem because there are so many of them and not many locators on which they can spawn.
I'll take a look when I have time. Last time I saw a problem like that was in the Satanists' cave on the island near Puerto Rico, and that was because someone had set up a special FreePlay in which you play the Dark Teacher and the guys in the cave are your minions. So they didn't attack, they tried to wander around and got in each others' way. When a character tries to wander around and can't move because others are in the way, he switches to standing still. Possibly the crew of Dauntless have the same problem because there are so many of them and not many locators on which they can spawn.

Tested with another rate 1 ship, just a freeplay, same outcome.


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Tested with another rate 1 ship, just a freeplay, same outcome.

An update, this bug appears in any first rate ship with a similar deck, maybe i could help figure this out if you are too busy ? Any ideas where to start ? In which file the crew get's spawned for each deck type ?
I recognize the model used for Angus Calhoun - because I made it to look like my brother! :onya
I recognize the model used for Angus Calhoun - because I made it to look like my brother! :onya

That's really cool!

Regarding the bug, after some testing, it seems to fix itself after you enter the sea map and get on deck again, how to replicate it - start any freeplay - choose 3rd option which leaves you at a random shore - fast travel to ship deck.
I've been doing a bit of checking on this and it does seem to be caused by the crew getting in each others' way. When I first go to the deck, the crew are suitably scattered, probably by the locators. As they wander around, they bump into each other and stop, at which point the two who did it are now a double-size block to others. It doesn't take long for the whole lot to be stuck in one of the big groups. Going to another location - shore, sea, your cabin or anywhere else - and then back to deck puts the crew back to their starting positions, they are free to move, and the whole process begins again.