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Death Sounds fx not hearing, how to fix and how to add more?

Are you sure? The natives have some (although they're those of skeletons) and i'm sure i heard it really softly somewhere else too. Perhaps the volume's just way too low somehow.
I'm sure of my restatement. This wasn't the same in vanilla, now it is completely jacked up. There isn't even any of the vanilla ones you would hear anywhere. I don't care about skeletons. I just hear the sound when they hit the ground with their gluteal when they peg out. But thats not the point
It might be worth a shot to switch back to the stock game's sound effect names and sound effect triggering file (unless the stock game didn't have this feature. i don't remember.) One problem i've seen when editing music is when you change the names of the sound effects the game is supposed to trigger in code, accurately or not, the code won't stick. It still tries to play files with the old names, despite the file controlling this being modified. This might count for death sounds as well, especially if the natives are the same group that the skeletons in the jungles used to be.
I don't know anymore. This game is such a pile of unnoticed or ignored bugs that pile on top of each other that i can't tell when or how something broke, or if it's even broken at all. It would be easy if the sound effect names were to blame, but i don't think it'll be that easy. Maybe the entire sound triggering file has a section that's been accidentally commented out?
I may have just found the problem. I'm working on it now, but you should soon have something that's worth testing with. No actually proper functionality guaranteed though, this is highly experimental. There's three things i can try. Here's the first one:


  • Death sounds experiment 1.zip
    10.8 KB · Views: 66
didn't work, I changed sound.alias.ini myself before. I edited max.Distance and min.Distance but as a result, nothing changed.
I still have build 13 installed. Are there any files you might want to compare?
Not at the moment. Little busy right now, but i'll see if i can try the second attempt tomorrow. First attempt was simply changing 0.80 to 0.8 in a few instances. It shouldn't matter, but i've seen weirder things. Next up is increasing the volume just for the hell of it, to rule out the stupid solution. Third attempt will be something i noticed that is presumably because there were too many sounds at one point, but still caught my eye; there's more entries for death sounds in sound_alias than there are in sounds_common. It may be causing problems.
Okay, try this. As it turns out, i ended up only increasing the volume slightly, but something rather more interesting that i noticed was that the line indicating volume was missing in places. That might have been the issue, but the presence of the volume line seems to be highly inconsistent throughout the whole file, for anything. Also, the sounds might be a bit too loud right now. At least you won't miss them.


  • Death sounds experiment 2.zip
    10.8 KB · Views: 64
Okay, i've got something. This could actually be progress. I cannot test this myself since i lack the time, but i strongly suggest you make a backup of at least sounds_common before you try this one. Either this works, or it crashes the game. If it does crash, that would actually be a good thing, since that means you've found the source of the problem. What i want you to try after installing this file is this:

-kill a female character, anywhere.
-kill a male character either in a boarding fight or a jungle (preferably a boarding fight, especially with pirates. It might also work with your own crew dying, maybe even especially that)
-kill a male character in a town of any nationality.

Check if any of these things causes a crash, or doesn't cause a crash if one of the other two actions does. The female characters should be at the least risk of causing crashes. What i suspect is that in the reduction of the amount of used sound effects, the existing code for dying sounds was improperly removed. I finished the job, but this may cause a crash if the game's still looking for the old code. If it is, i'd like to find out which part of the game is actually looking for it.

Actually, i just had a thought here. Women still have their death sounds. I've been hearing them in dungeons. This might confirm my suspicions.


  • Death sounds experiment 3.zip
    10.7 KB · Views: 69
I tried all three objectives, but still no changes, no crashes.
Did you press F11 in your game to make the changes take effect? Or start a new game if that didn't change anything?