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Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
Is it possible for (certain) white men to know what it feels like to be discriminated against?

Yes, it is.

In principle you can get discriminated against for anything, but that doesn't mean that every form of discrimination is equal (it feels sh!t regardless). Short men get discriminated against, but not to the degree that gay men get discriminated against. Getting discriminated against you based on the color of your skin or country of origin comes in different degrees as well. It ranges from confirmation bias to hate. And trust me it is very very real. But yes gay white men would definetly know what it feels like to be discriminated against.

Benito Graanoogst You make SO MANY perfect valid points there!!

There's just one thing that gives me pause.
If we start dividing discrimination into different levels of severity, we end up with "a sliding scale of discrimination".
And that means there is a certain limit *above* which discrimination becomes REALLY unacceptable.

Would that mean that low-level discrimination IS acceptable?
Who decides where that limit should lie then?
How do you quantify; or even measure it?

Seems there may be quite the complex philosophical debate to be had there...

Pieter Boelen You are correct there is a sliding scale of discrimination. Fact is we treat different people differently (pretty girl vs not so attractive girl).
I think the severity of the direct consequences of ones discrimination determines the level (imho). Multiplied by if you can prevent the discrimination.
A gay man does not have to let the world know that he is gay and can therefore prevent discrimination (not saying they should, bit they have the option). A handicapped, man in a wheelchair, cannot pretend that he can still walk.

It really isn't that complicated, but learning to deal with it is important.

Benito Graanoogst Wise interpretation there!
Thank you.

Would you permit me to share those words some time?
I believe they could be valuable in an open discussion in an attempt to raise awareness about this and, maybe hopefully possibly perhaps, reduce the negative effects of discrimination across the board.
That would be the dream, at least...

Pieter Boelen Go ahead. Having open discussions is good, but they very easily get out of hand.


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@The Nameless Pirate:
I would say so.
Race isn't the only factor that is in place.

Michael Michael Is race even a factor at all?

@The Nameless Pirate:
Pieter Boelen For some sure. There are racist people around after all.
This doesn't make it the only reason though.

Michael Michael So you're saying racism DOES have SOME basis in fact...?

@The Nameless Pirate:
No. Just saying that discrimination isn't necessarily race based.
Unfortunately though, race is used as an excuse by some.

At the end of the day people who discriminate will have something on you.
It's about having a scapegoat, that's the key. If you remember.

Michael Michael True words.
Even for (certain) white women!

Frances Johnson Women can ALWAYS be discriminated against.
I'm going to assume you never visited the middle east then Pieter

Egon Spaan "Clearly you've never been to Singapore"...?

But indeed, no I haven't.
I'm curious why you mention that.
Is there NO such discrimination there then?

Pieter Boelen ofc there's discrimination against white people.

We, are the only race you can be legally racist against...

Asian pride? OK!
Black pride? OK!
White pride??? Errr....

Egon Spaan
"Dutch=Racist by default. Fact."

^ Written by someone in a discussion about how racism isn't cool.

Can you guess the response to that statement from the other people in that discussion?

<i dont care lol bye | dolphin flipper gif>

Egon Spaan I DO like me some dolphins!

Pieter Boelen why dolphins? Why not sharks or stingrays? Why not squid?
<racist | gif>

Egon Spaan I said zero about NOT liking those too.

But it is true: Dolphins I like the best of the bunch.

Guess that does make me some sort of "racist".

Pieter Boelen rafish